Ready to throw in the!

Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
My husband and I started the P90 program (not the p90x), and I've been tracking my eating/calories on this site. I've passed the 30 day mark and have not lost any weight, and probably have only lost about an inch on my waist and hips. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it's a bit frustrating to have put all of this effort into something for over a month, and then not see any major results.

I am eating better, and I feel better, so it's not a complete loss. However, it's defeating to see the major change in his pictures from the beginning to 30 days, and really not see any change in mine. I'm happy for him, but not so much for me. It's difficult to be motivated to keep this up.

I'm about 5'5" and my weight currently is at 140. I don't think I have a ton of weight to lose, but 10 more pounds was my goal. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! I need some words of!!
Thanks, in advance!!


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Fact: the less you have to lose, the longer it takes to come off... Be patient!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Don't quit! And you are right, you don;t have a lot to lose so your body is fighting hard to hold onto those last 10 pounds. Maybe take a break from that exercise routine for a week and do something else. Maybe focus on more strength training.
  • glenna221
    glenna221 Posts: 46
    Since you are pretty close to your goal weight, it will get harder (and take longer to lose). Have you invested in a heart rate monitor so you really know how much you are burning. AND are you tracking everything you eat? It's easy to nibble and add 50 cals here or there...which can sabotage.

    Also, are you eating balanced - getting enough protein? You might switch up your diet a bit and see what happens. I find I do better if I have a slightly higher protein intake (love fat free, low sugar, greek yogurt). If you are still stumped, I suggest talking to a dietician. 95% of the last few lbs is in the kitchen!

    Don't quit!
  • Not sure what your getting in your daily diet but what has worked for me is High protein, high fiber, high water. So your looking at least 90-100 gms of Protein a day, 30-35gms of fiber a day, and 1/2 your body weight in oz of water a day. You still want to eat all the other foods as well. Keep it up!!! :happy:
  • Dont give up...I know it may look like your not going to loose the weight, but just keep doing what you have been doing and everything will come together like it should. I know how you feel, I am the same height, but extremely overweight and I am trying to loose weight and it is getting hard for me too. You dont wanna give up...If you need some one to talk to, drop me a line! Emily
  • Uncle Ted here is in month 9 of P90X so I can say from experience that, if you're doing everything you say you're doing, things are going to change for you very shortly. If you've never combined a rigorous diet and exercise program together, the first time around your body is kind of saying, "Hey...what the ???" Somewhere between week 8-10, your metabolism is going to start a pretty rapid shift in the way it addresses both your exercise and calorie intake. I'm 47, my brother is 49 and we've both experienced the same thing with MFP and the P90X series.

    Stick with it. Marathon...not sprint mentality will keep you on track. You'll get there.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Make sure you are taking in enough calories with your regular exercising. If your body isn't getting enough calories, it thinks it is in starvation mode and holds on to those fat cells for dear life to protect you from starving. Many years ago I was exercising 6 days a week, and eating very healthy... and the scale wouldn't budge!! I remember asking my doctor why I wasns't losing, he said just to keep up what I was doing as I was very healthy... I said " I don't wanna be healthy, I wanna be thin" lol (Yeah' healthy is most important of course, but I was sooo frustrated that I was losing a thing!! So I upped my caloric intake to 1500 cut back my exercise to 3days a week, and the scale finally began to move. (Unfortunately I didn't keep op the healthy eating and weight came on again in a few years, so now I'm back at it, the right way. lol ) Hope this helps!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Men always lose so much faster than women. It is the same with me and my husband, In the time it has taken me to lose 21 pounds, he has lost 42--exactly DOUBLE what I have and he is not even exercising most days. :grumble: Just keep on doing what you are doing. It will work. It has to. It just might take a little longer than you had hoped. Hang in there! :smile:
  • bford64
    bford64 Posts: 2 Member
    As hard as it sounds don't let the scales be the determining factor of success or failure. You're healthier because of the exercise and good nutrition. Hang in there.
  • bornic
    bornic Posts: 8 Member
    I hope this helps. One year from now you can be at your goal or moving to it or you can be where you are now. No matter how you look at it you will still be a year older. Give it more time. This isn't a month long thing this is a life time thing. I hope you choose to stick with it and keep going in the direction you want. you will get the results you want sometime just not as fast as you want. Best wishes.
  • deetra
    deetra Posts: 35 Member
    Keep it up chica !! They always say the last 10 -15 pounds are the hardest and Im talking from experience when I say that it is so true !! I only have 6 pounds to go and what a nightmare !! I have been stalled for about 3 months and cannot loose the last stubborn pounds. I have days the same where I want to give up, but dont the results will be worth it for the both of us !!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I know it can be discouraging, all that work and no pounds gone. The fact that you said you feel better and you lost an inch in measurements is very important. Fat weighs less than muscle. You have probably gained more muscle while losing fat (thats why measurement is less, but weight is the same). More muscle helps burn more fat.
    Helps this helps keep you going!
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    An inch in a month (judging by your pictures) is actually pretty good. Like everyone has said: your body is changing. The weight will either come off soon or be transformed into lean muscle. Never done P90X but I hear a lot of "lean muscle" results.

    And God bless bford64. That's the gold nugget of this thread.
  • At your current height and weight - you're smack dab in the middle of where you should be for BMI so don't panic. :) I would look at the P90 as something to tone up with based on your current "set-up".

    As you continue with the workout and the right eating, the "extra" pounds will just naturally come off. But like a ton have said, you won't see a huge amount real quick.
  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your encouraging words and support. I really appreciate it. Hearing that the last 10 are the hardest, will take the longest, etc.. is not exactly what I wanted to hear :smile: However, just reading it helps me to know that this is the way it is and I need to keep going and not give up.

    I do not have a heart rate I'm basically making a guess as to how many calories I'm burning a day in exercise. Do I really need one? Any recommendations on which one to buy?

    I'm just counting calories on MFP...I don't pay too close attention to how much protein or sodium...I will have to go back and check on that. Is it really possible that I'm not eating enough calories?? MFP has me eating 1260 a day...without the exercise calories.

    Thanks again for the support! Good luck to everyone!!
  • RitaPrior
    RitaPrior Posts: 39 Member
    Hey. It's really easy to count calories with a heart monitor. You can get them free at most doctor offices. They also sell them at Wal-Mart. Another thing to consider is using this website to count your fitness and stuff. When you put in what you did and how long, it calculates your calories for you. My husband is really into video games so he does Xbox fitness stuff and it records everything. There is even one that has a personal trainer. You are on the right track. Dont fall off now. We are all counting on your success!
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