


  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    if i am going to eat it at home, then I'll ask for it without, they should be happy to supply it in a box on its own.

    then I'll either use a fork or my fingers, I do put it on a napkin to absorb any fat/jucie that might have come out of it.

    If I am in the store then I order it in the bun and then just take it out with my fingers, the bun absorbs any grease, although if
    the grill person is any good it shouldn't be too bad in the first place!

    I used to work at MCD's as a teenager and worked my way up to floor manager (part time) whilst at school. So I know what I should be getting, and I will send it back if I am not happy.
    Certainly their burgers used to be the only one's listed by the coeliac society as safe for people to eat as they do not contain any bulking agents (eg wheat)
    I still remember we used to have a little girl come in with her dad every saturday for a hamburger no bun, because she had coeliac disease.
  • 5248
    5248 Posts: 8
    eatting smaller portions is good. :smile:
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