What does "cheating" mean to you?

fattymcgoo Posts: 14
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
In my food plan, I allow myself one "cheat day" where I am not so strict with my diet. One of my co-workers is doing the same thing...but I noticed a clear difference between the two of us as far as what our "cheat day" entails.

On my cheat day, I have a really nice meal, usually out at a restaurant. It's typically not an overly unhealthy meal, and not something I feel guilty eating, but rather something special and tasty that I wouldn't eat just any day. If anything, my cheat meal allows me to go over the amount of carbs I eat on regular days. For example, I had an amazing beef curry with rice last weekend.
On her cheat day, she basically has a 24 hour eating frenzy: no concern for the amount or quality of food being consumed. Candy, fried food, butter like it's going out of style.

So out of curiosity, do you guys allow yourself a cheat day? And what food is worth the cheat to you?


  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Well, I eat dessert and chips regularly lol. But one day a weekend, my brother comes over and has dinner. We take turns cooking and making dessert. While I try to keep mine pretty light, he makes amazing food like homemade macaroni and cheese... I still count my calories, but I usually end up a little over on those days.:)
  • choley222
    choley222 Posts: 57
    I don't allow myself a cheat day but I do allow myself to have one nice meal out a week. I plan for it in my calories for that day so I don't go over. If you allow a whole cheat day and eat crap the only thing you are cheating is yourself. I understand we all want that piece of candy or cake every once in awhile but do it in moderation and not every week.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I can't do a cheat day, free for all. My lifestyle was that every day was a free for all that's what got me to come here in the first place.

    I will have a single meal out if I've been particularly good every couple weeks, I don't mind the calorie spike from the one meal out as I'm under for most of the week anyway and it just changes things up. Speaking of changing up I need to do something different int he gym other than just another hour on the treadmill....

    That said I DO allow myself a treat, like last night I had a chocolate bar, I was still within my calories, and I actually didn't enjoy it as much as I used to so there's changes happening.
  • taraleola05
    taraleola05 Posts: 31 Member
    I usually allow myself one cheat day a week, I'd go crazy if I couldn't! I too go out to a nice place to eat and not eat necessarily "bad" foods, just eat more carbs (they are my vice!) I love a good pasta dish, so that's what I usually have, or I'll have a serving more of wheat thins and spinach dip (another one of my vices), but don't get too crazy. It helps that I have food allergies and can't indulge in a lot of the foods that I once would, and I also don't have a lot of nasty junk food in my cupboards and fridge. A cheat day shouldn't be an all day binge, just a little treat, self control is key!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I'm a free-for-all cheater :) I don't log anything on my "cheat days". I'm probably drinking my calories in alcohol sometimes!

    It's definately made this process slower for me but I'm really ok with that :) I have nothing but time and am happy with myself along the way. I'm getting in a LOT of maintenance practice :D
  • On my cheat day ( i usually use my weekend) I try to stick to the usual stuff, but will tend to go over on the booze. I just use it to remind myself that its not the end of the world to go over my 1800 calorie limit. I also use it to spur myself into being better at the gym the next time.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    To me, "cheating" means hiding an ace in your sleeve, or having sex with a person who's not your spouse. I don't see food as "cheating." The only person it affects is the person doing the eating.

    That said, I don't have free days planned into my schedule. I occasionally go over my cals, and I'm ok with that. I don't plan them because I like having the freedom of knowing that if my husband is bringing home donuts for breakfast, I can have a couple even if it's not my "scheduled" free day. But if I were to plan a day to go over, I'd get pizza. Piled high with meat. :-P And eat half of it. In fact, sometimes I do it even though I don't plan it ahead of time. :laugh:
  • I usually allow myself one cheat day a week, I'd go crazy if I couldn't! I too go out to a nice place to eat and not eat necessarily "bad" foods, just eat more carbs (they are my vice!) I love a good pasta dish, so that's what I usually have, or I'll have a serving more of wheat thins and spinach dip (another one of my vices), but don't get too crazy. It helps that I have food allergies and can't indulge in a lot of the foods that I once would, and I also don't have a lot of nasty junk food in my cupboards and fridge. A cheat day shouldn't be an all day binge, just a little treat, self control is key!

    I know what you mean! I think a little treat once a week keeps you more honest than trying to say "NO TREATS EVER"!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    It sounds like you are cheating in a very healthy way... way to go :)
  • my boyfriend and I go see his parents every weekend and his mom CAN COOK. she cooks 3 meals a day, usually belgian waffles or homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and lunch and dinner both have dessert. (somehow shes not fat either!) I cheat on WHAT i eat, obviously, but I eat small portions to make sure I'm staying under my calorie goal. I also know that I cant snack between meals like this without ruining my whole week.
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    The REAL question is whether or not she is still able to lose weight that way and at what rate. The reason for "cheat" days is so that your "diet" is more sustainable and therefore a lifestyle change. I think it's a "to each his own" thing as far as this goes. My boyfriend and I are both trying to lose 30 pounds and we've basically been able to do it at about the same rate (we're 10 pounds in), but he's more strict with himself than I am. I sometimes feel like he judges me for not being as strict with myself (which is probably totally a self-conscious thing because he's never ONCE verbalized anything of the sort) but in the end, if the scale is going down, what does it matter?
  • formytwins
    formytwins Posts: 106
    I don't allow myself a cheat day but I do allow myself to have one nice meal out a week. I plan for it in my calories for that day so I don't go over. If you allow a whole cheat day and eat crap the only thing you are cheating is yourself. I understand we all want that piece of candy or cake every once in awhile but do it in moderation and not every week.

    I feel the same way!!! :) Once I got going and noticed results I did not want a cheat meal anymore. I still have some but not like I did before. Good Luck!!
  • Funny that you posted this because my husband and I were just talking about this. I usally have a extra treat and a yummy dinner. Not a calorie or fat overload, but my husband packs so many crappy foods into his day that he usually gains 5-6 lbs in that 1 day and then feels aweful. He then spens the next week trying to lose those pounds again. I feel realy yucky if I eat like that. So I will stick to adding a special treat and a yummy dinner.
  • Yes, I allow one cheat day. But its not an excuse to consume 2000 extra calories. Like you I eat something that I normally wouldn't eat during the week. For example, maybe a good quality steak. I might even treat myself to a pizza, but limit myself to just a couple of slices. It worked for me because I lost weight doing this, a total of 30 pounds.
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I always try to have one day that I say I can eat what I want. So all week when I think I want a piece of chocolate or a cookie, I say I can eat it Saturday. This way it is easier to be good all week. When Saturday gets here I don't even remember all of the "treats" I wanted throughout the week. So I might have a cookie or a piece of chocolate, but it is better than having it every day.
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    I dont plan for cheat days...but if there is a day that I go over I guess you could say I consider it a "cheat"day and make sure that any other days in the week are right on point..but I try my best just to stick within my cals...my cheat vice is a dark chocolate Dove candy bar...which I havent had in over a month...I bouth one Sunday and only ate 2 of the squares...so this has become an accountability of a lifestlye that I am learning to deal with...Sometimes at work when we have in-services and the reps bring chocolate I also have a few pieces...and I log them and they usually make me go over by cal and fat grams..but its only once in a while...so I deal with it but dont necessarily look at it as cheating...so I guess I can say I dont plan for cheat days but I do have days when I go over...Thats life!!!
  • Mo120
    Mo120 Posts: 20
    I would be far more comfortable with your kind of "cheat day". I wouldn't want to eat so many extra calories that whatever effort I put in during the week would be erased with one day! It's like taking 2 steps forward and one step back. Maybe you still lose weight, but if you're looking for a lifestyle change, it's gonna be hard having one day where you can eat uncontrollably and not affecting the rest of your week. And that's probably how you fall off the wagon too.

    With your way, even if you go over your calories for one day, you still have some sort of control, it's not a binge, and that is a lifestyle change that you can easily maintain my friend! :-)
  • Blondie1984
    Blondie1984 Posts: 75 Member
    I believe a cheat day is fine as long as you can get back into the routine. I use to allow myself a cheat day - on the body for life program they allow you one cheat day per week and I was like your friend I would eat mcdonalds for breakfast haha and I dont think it gets any worse then that, then uin the same day I would have cchips. This time around I am not doing that. But I will say that I lolst 15 pounds even with my one cheat day per week. I am this time trying a different approach and I will have a cheat meal once per week and thats about it.

    Its actually good for your body to have a cheat day but not a binge day.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I try not to label it 'cheat' days. I'm trying to create a lifestyle and some days that may mean chocolate and other days it may not. I think labeling it can give it a negative connotation. As long as you are honest with yourself then you aren't 'cheating'.

    I'm trying to create a habit I can live with for a lifetime. I hope your friend understands she's causing more detriment than not by overeating.
  • wildsun
    wildsun Posts: 24
    I do have a cheat day, once a month. I have no intention on limiting myself on these days, but I have no urge to go savage or anything. Last time what really added to my calories was the Kahlua, but I did have a nice lunch out with a friend that was over the calories that I would have normally eaten as well. Originally, the idea is to just let myself go wild like the old days, but (luckily) I'm smart enough not to.
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