Do you preplan or wing it?

I am talking about food tracking here. I pre-plan my meals. Usually the night before, but sometimes I do it that morning before a stitch of food passes my lips. Of course I adjust throughout the day if things change, but I find that having a plan organizes my day and helps to keep me on track. And I dont find an excuse NOT to log it because of no time.. etc.. its already in there...

I dont pretrack exercise though. I go by what I feel like doing that day.


  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I pre plan, I enter my calrories the day before or the morning of, that way I can make sure everything I want to eat fits into my calories for the day.
    I usually leave a hundreed or two incase I get the urge for a snack I wasn't counting on or incase I want a littel extra of somethign throughout the day.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I wing it. I just have lots of choices on hand and eat what sounds good to me and will fit into the # of cals I have left.
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    Right now I am a SAHM so I mostly wing it because I can get on MFP throughout the day . I have my go to meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner and just stick with those.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I wing it. I just have lots of choices on hand and eat what sounds good to me and will fit into the # of cals I have left.
    Same here.
  • marymoonpigUK
    I wing it too! kind of eat the same things really, i try to plan for a friday night as thats my girlie get together night!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I wing it. I just have lots of choices on hand and eat what sounds good to me and will fit into the # of cals I have left.
    Same here.
    yes me too lots and lots of good choices on hand.
  • wmubuffettfan
    wmubuffettfan Posts: 34 Member
    I pre-plan most days. If I know I am going to be eating out or having a special occasion that night I always pre-plan so I can change up breakfast/lunch/snacks accordingly. If I don't know what I am going to have for dinner, I will often add in everything up till dinner then use the remainder of my calories to determine what I am cooking for dinner that night. :)
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I wing it, to a point. I go to the grocery store on the way to work every week and have healthy snacks and lunch choices. I have MFP on my phone and access to the internet all day, so I can monitor what I'm doing.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I only pre-plan to the extent that if I know what I'm having for dinner that nite, or will be going to a restaurant, I plug that into my diary in the morning, so I can work the rest of the day around it.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I pre-plan meals because if I don't, I find myself heavy on the carbs and light on the protein, which usually leads me to eat more and feel crappier in the process. I am willing to change things throughout the day, but it's nice to have a plan so I do'nt find myself in a crunch for time and super hungry, and then I just eat toast or something. It helps to know ahead of time what I can make.

    I don't pre-plan my exercise. Sometimes I don't have the time or energy, or I do more or less than I had planned. I just add it in as I go. And then if my net cals are too low, I add in an extra snack or a glass of milk or something to make up the difference.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    I stay at home too. (can't find a damn job....) so I wing it. I leave my computer on all day and enter it after I eat. I LOVE this site! It's helping me a LOT!!
  • vitosbud
    vitosbud Posts: 54 Member
    A little from column A, a little from column B :) Mostly wing it, but last week for St. Patty's I knew I wanted fish and chips at my favourite pub so I planned all around it.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I wing it. I don't know what I will be hungry for a week from the day I plan to eat.
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    I preplan. I eat more or less the same things on the days I work. On my days off I preplan dinner with the family. If I am going out to eat I definitely prelplan so I know how much more exercise I'll have to do.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i actually do a little bit of both. i have the foods in my home but it's separated in2 snacks/breakfasts etc. i just choose what i wanna have from those sections in the mornin. i use 2 preplan the whole wk but now i do this. it's actually less stressful b/c i just choose w/e i want from the sections b/c w/e i choose is ok :smile:
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    I preplan. Any time I wing it I wind up going over/under by a ton.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I pre-plan my exercise.

    Meal- wise, I have a standard "pro-forma" of a week's worth of different breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. But I don't stick rigidly to those - it's a pick and mix out of that standard set, plus if I'm going out to lunch or dinner, I'll try to choose a healthy option and make adjustments elsewhere.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I pre-plan, just the way you described. Otherwise, I will eat more than I need to before dinner and that always makes me sad. Dinner is my favorite meal of the day.

    Another thing is that I keep it pretty standard during the week for breakfast and lunch. On my kung fu days, I have to stay away from certain foods so that I don't get sick to my stomach. Interestingly enough, salads do not digest well and make me feel like barfing when the intensity is high. Highly acidic foods do to. Surprisingly, cheese and peanut butter is okay for me and I am always told dairy is the common triggers for sickness at high intensity training. I also have to eat between one to two hours before. Too early and I don't have the energy, too late and yucky tummy. ALL of which is learned through experience, YUCK. :)

    Good luck. Planning is key.
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    I pre-plan most days. If I know I am going to be eating out or having a special occasion that night I always pre-plan so I can change up breakfast/lunch/snacks accordingly. If I don't know what I am going to have for dinner, I will often add in everything up till dinner then use the remainder of my calories to determine what I am cooking for dinner that night. :)

    Same here. And if I'm going out to a restaurant, I try to check out the menu and pre-plan a sensible meal so I'm not tempted by the smothered chicken or some other outrageous dish.

    That said, it's my life not prison so I'll adjust and delete things if plans change.
  • Wolffeathers
    Both. I plan a few meals through the day, but it really depends on when I wake up. Days like today, I woke up with enough time to shower, and head to work.