Hi from Pittsburgh, PA! :)

Hi all! My name is Samantha and I'm from Pittsburgh, PA. I am engaged and getting married in 3 years so that is my main motivation for losing weight. We are currently in the process of house hunting...no luck yet. I am an elementary teacher; right now I am subbing in three different districts in my area while I search for a "real" job. I have tried dieting and exercising before-I did Weight Watchers last year- but it's just hard to keep it going on your own. Having someone there with you always works better! Good luck to everyone! :)


  • joce2487
    joce2487 Posts: 1
    Hey, How wierd is it that I click on the Pittsburgh, PA Message Board and its you! :):)
    I love my fitness pal! If you need any workout plans lets me know. Its key to mix cardio with strengthening.
    Also, if you go to sparkpeople.com they have planned out meal plans for you. Or, like me, I do my own.
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    Mechanicsburg, PA here! This thing is great and has really amped up my motivation level. Welcome and good luck!
  • kymlynn13
    kymlynn13 Posts: 28 Member
    YAY! So glad you decided to do it! Someone else to keep me motivated! WE CAN DO IT!! Teachers without a real job unite...hahaha :laugh:
  • SammyLynn13
    Thanks everyone!! :)

    Yes Kim we can motivate each other, since I have to push myself so much harder when I'm doing something alone!