Hi :)

I'm kinda new, I added this app on my iPhone a few months ago, then deleted it, but I'm back on again!
I'm 20 years old, I'm 5'7" and I weigh 120 pounds today. I've previously never had to watch my weight and averaged around 105 pounds, I found it to be perfect. I've realized that I can no longer eat whatever I want, and I'm having trouble fitting into a lot of my clothes (jeans especially), so I figured this would help me monitor my caloric intake and exercise. I'd like to ultimately weigh about 110 pounds, so I can fit back into my jeans again without having love handles =\
My weakness is ice cream. I can literally eat a whole tub in one sitting, and this was never a problem before I turned 20. So I'm trying to eliminate my addiction to sugar and replace it with healthier choices, because I know continuing to do this will not be beneficial to my health.
I was going through posts on here and you all seem really supportive and helpful, sooo here I am =] I'm still getting used to the whole profile thing! I wish you all the best of luck in your goals!
