Ways to help hunger.

I decided to plan my meals the night before/day of..3 meals+3 snacks a day and plenty of water to help curb hunger. Does anyone else do it this way and have worked for you?


  • MrsTWard
    MrsTWard Posts: 62 Member
    Yes I have to do it this way because if not I will grab anything!! I'm just having a hard time with my weekend planning. Any advice??
  • sharper43
    sharper43 Posts: 109
    I don't plan my meals out, but after breakfast, I grab the snack that I will be eating in between breakfast and lunch. And then when it's time for lunch, I plan it right then. Then I grab the snack that I will be eating that afternoon. I guess my snacks are the only thing that is planned since I'll be taking it with me. All my meals, I eat at home, so I plan them then. Honestly, I can't plan that far ahead in my day, I'd be lost trying to do it. I also eat another snack before working out in the evening, or right after work, since my supper is usually later that evening. So I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, snack, supper. This has really helped me with hunger issues!!! And I always keep a couple of extra snacks at my work desk, because sometimes my planned snack doesn't do it. If I feel a slight hunger pain, even for a second, I'll drink some water. If it's still there, I immediately eat another snack. Going over my calories for the day is better than hitting a hunger pain. Because hunger pain means my metabolism is REALLY low and I'm in starvation mode. I want to avoid that as much as I can. Keeping the fuel burning is the most important!

    And if I'm just having a craving, not really hungry, I chew gum. I'm a serious gum chewer.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Citrus flavored gum seems to help me. Also, fiber supplements with lots of water.
  • mnkarp
    mnkarp Posts: 38 Member
    Yes, I plan my day the night before and then adjust as necessary. I'm also finding that if I have a little protein in my snacks that they hold me longer - like carrots and 2T hummus or an apple with 1T peanut butter. Plus I'm trying to fill my meals with really low calorie veggies so I feel like I'm really eating a big meal.
  • shezza737
    shezza737 Posts: 95 Member
    I plan ahead, it is the only way I can keep myself on track. I already have tomorrows and Thursdays meals planned in my food diary. Some may think I am crazy, but I have to do what works for me.
    Of course, from time to time I make changes but this way I can fit them in easily and ensure I stay with in my cals when I know what I am already having for dinner that night.

    Weekends I do find a little harder, especially if out with family or friends or visiting people etc. But I do still plan ahead as far as I can for exapmple, breakfast is normally at home, so this is planned.

    And I ensure I carry a litre sports cap bottle with me everwhere i go and i find this way, because it is tghere I drink it. And i seem to be getting through 3-4 litres a day this way ;0)
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    I think planning out your meals and snacks is the best way to have control over your 'diet" (I hate the word diet :grumble: )
    And as for the weekend planning...you can do the same thing.. I found it to be useful to have the MFP apps on my blackberry to help me make smarter choices at restaurants, if I couldn't plan out what to eat before hand. Good Luck!
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    Try to eat meals and snacks high in protein, because that will keep your blood sugar STEADY and will keep you from going nuts feeling like you are starving. So as you plan, incorporate high protein snacks - a cheese stick, handful of peanuts, greek yogurt, etc. If you eat a banana, for example, it will spike your blood sugar, then you will crash, then you will be starved again. As opposed to eating a handful of nuts which will keep you steady.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I tend to binge with nuts so i dont get them very often. As for gum, i get sugar free dessert delights...love all flavors just about..I can go up to 6-7 sticks a gum a day so i dont go for the fridge. It helped a lot.
  • sharper43
    sharper43 Posts: 109
    I tend to binge with nuts so i dont get them very often. As for gum, i get sugar free dessert delights...love all flavors just about..I can go up to 6-7 sticks a gum a day so i dont go for the fridge. It helped a lot.

    I binge on nuts too. When I look at the serving for only 10 almonds, I'm like "how in the hell is that a snack?!" I was thinking more like 50! lol
  • caat1rules
    caat1rules Posts: 25 Member
    Be very careful with nuts, they are loaded with calories. Not much bang for your buck.
  • Chyrita
    Chyrita Posts: 30 Member
    I tend to binge with nuts so i dont get them very often. As for gum, i get sugar free dessert delights...love all flavors just about..I can go up to 6-7 sticks a gum a day so i dont go for the fridge. It helped a lot.

    I binge on nuts too. When I look at the serving for only 10 almonds, I'm like "how in the hell is that a snack?!" I was thinking more like 50! lol

    I know, I love nuts, but dang I need at least 50 and that is way to much in calories..lol I chew a lot of sugarfree gum.
  • caat1rules
    caat1rules Posts: 25 Member
    Good luck! and don't quit.