Too Thin?



  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Sometimes I think people say it like that because they are jealous. Others may do it to try to boost your confidence or because they don't know(or think of) another way to compliment you.
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    People always used to tell me that I was too thin until I pointed out that it is rude to comment on people's weight at all.

    People take offence when you call them "too fat" but people don't seem to realise that the reverse is also true.

    I will be as thin as *I* want to be.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I don't think it's about jealousy. My grandma said this to me before and I'm pretty sure she wasn't jealous of me at that time. It's all about preference. Just like a guy may prefer a skinny girl over one with meat on her bones. I'm glad my boyfriend prefers the latter!
  • I don't think that it is up to them. If you feel great and you are healthy then that is all that matters. Keep up the good work :)
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Dude, its a personal victory. Just for you.

    You will likely never get any positive feed back from any one to lazy to appreciate how hard you have worked.

    People just don't like to see other people succeed.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    When older people i.e. 40-60's lose weight 90% of the time (depending on the amount of weight) their face does look more 'sickly' and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

    At 29 that really should be a problem for you especially since you may have been overweight but not morbidly obese therefore it's not like you lost 10lbs from your face.

    Without photos I really can’t tell you. Be confidant about your weight loss, that’s the most important part. A lot of people get comments no matter what the truth is b/c others are jealous and don’t have the same will power or dedication as you. As to looking too thin or sickly in the face, let us tell you that is false - but put a photo up to prove it ;)

    well I hope I'm not part of that 90%

    As to the OP don't listen to them. There are always those that want to bring you down. You've done a great job!!
  • Jhethro
    Jhethro Posts: 25
    Alright so I think I am up to throwing a picture or two up on here. Someone wanna let me know how?
  • I got that too a few years ago when I had lost weight. once I gained it back some people said "oh well, you looked too skinny at that weight anyway". I don't think that is really true at all. I was at 140 and 5'9", which is completely in the range of a healthy body mass. That is what i'm going for again. It's a good weight for me, and I think it's partially just that people are used to be with a little more meat on me. That's too bad for them!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I lost 53 pounds since last March, my goal was to first of all lose 40 pounds by my 40th birthday, but beyond that get to a healthier weight. I began just shy of being "obese" based on my BMI, and quickly lost 10 pounds before hitting a wall. After losing about another 10 pounds (still only half way to my original goal) I began having little old ladies in the church I pastor tell me I've lost enough weight and I don't need to lose anymore. Given, my BMI was still in the "overweight" stage and I hadn't even reached my goal. I kept going though, and kept losing, still hearing "You don't need to lose anymore" on a regular basis and even now after hitting a healthy BMI, I still hear that.
    I know that people mean well, and I attribute it to them just caring for me and about me. Although I did have one guy who can always find the dark cloud in the silver lining tell me I looked unhealthy to him a couple of weeks ago..personally, I think not. And what they don't see is the fact that I still have a layer of flab over my midsection that has been there as long as I can remember, and I want it gone! So, while not trying to actively lose weight I simply inform them that I will continue running and will continue trying to tone up, which may mean losing very little weight...but I'm not actively trying to lose any more. Hopefully that will keep them off my case.
    Thanks for posting this because this topic has been on my mind for a while now!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member

    People take offence when you call them "too fat" but people don't seem to realise that the reverse is also true.

    This is so true. I struggled a lot with this in Highschool. The group I hung with, were mostly overweight and they often gave me a lot of crap for being skinny. I felt like the odd girl out being skinny.

    A few months ago I was in the line at the grocery store, the clerk was chattin up a storm with the lady she was helping, and she was going on and on about people who watch what they eat. And other things about skinny people. I really took offense to it and had to say something. I told her that it can be just as hurtful for people to say things about those of us who are skinny, as those who are fat, (having been both I know this). It's a lot of work to keep the weight off, and having a cow because I want to watch what I eat is ridiculous. I mean she made fun of people eating half an order of food at the restaurant and all. Just going on and on about it.
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    When older people i.e. 40-60's lose weight 90% of the time (depending on the amount of weight) their face does look more 'sickly' and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

    At 29 that really should be a problem for you especially since you may have been overweight but not morbidly obese therefore it's not like you lost 10lbs from your face.

    Without photos I really can’t tell you. Be confidant about your weight loss, that’s the most important part. A lot of people get comments no matter what the truth is b/c others are jealous and don’t have the same will power or dedication as you. As to looking too thin or sickly in the face, let us tell you that is false - but put a photo up to prove it ;)

    Sickly! :(

    Even if that were a real statistic, you definitely wouldn't be a part of it. :flowerforyou:
  • Its all about how you feel. I know that when I lost almost 40lbs (got down to 135lbs) during army training I felt great but got several comments about how I looked hollowed out. I think it was because I have very pronouced cheek bones and when I loss weight they aren't covered in fat anymore.

    Like I said before as long as you are healthy go with how you feel.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    Too funny...last night at the end of church a lady made a bee line to me to inform me that I have lost enough weight and even questioned my eating habits, thinking I must be starving myself. Thankfully someone reminded her that I had just run a 3 mile race on Saturday and ran this week, I wouldn't be able to do that if I wasn't eating. She also assumed I was eating only salads, to which I told her my food diary was open for anyone to see, and that I was getting adequate nourishment. Apparently this will be the norm for me. Oh well.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I think sometimes people get uncomfortable around a friend or family member who is losing weight. It makes them think, "If he can do it why can't I?" or "I'm supposed to be the skinny one, who does he think he is?" People don't like to confront uncomfortable thoughts so they say the first thing that pops in the head - you're too skinny!

    Other people really believe they are complimenting you by those statements. I waited patiently for the comment about looking sick and I savored it for days!!!! I've had a set back weight-wise, but am working towards hearing it again. ;->
  • First off, congrats on your success! I think there are just so many over weight and obese people in the world now that people forget what healthy looks like. Good for you on what you've accomplished!! It took you a lot of hard work to get to where you are and you should be proud of yourself.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member

    The easiest place to upload a picture is in your profile.

    As for the topic of this thread, I do think someone can be TOO skinny. For example, Lindsay Lohan was much hotter before she got crazy skinny. I do think some people get addicted to losing weight and being skinny and get obsessive to the point where their returns on their "attractiveness" are diminishing or negative. BUT, I'm not saying that's the case with you.

    Also I would say that there is a term on this website called skinny-fat. Where someone loses a bunch of weight, but since they don't keep up with a strength training routine they end up just looking flabby skinny at their goal weight instead of what they had in mind. I don't think this is the case for you either, because you've been doing the P90X.

    I think in your case, people just probably aren't used to seeing you so skinny so it looks weird to them.
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    Of course, it is hard say for sure without a pic buy my question is this: Who is telling you that you are too thin? People who have known you a long time or people you recently met and now know you well enough to share their feelings? My guess it is people who are use to the old you.
  • starace
    starace Posts: 11
    Nah, you are doing well. :) This has happened to me and a friend of mine, and I am sure to many, many others! As some of you mentioned, people just don't get used to our new self.

    Today, I am 131.5 from probably 210 pounds two and a half years ago. On the lower side of my BMI, but still not underweight. I left my family behind to pursue my dreams in NYC, and they see me but once a year. They really think I am starving myself! I am so happy with myself, though, and that's what matters. Plus I look and feel good and healthy. And certainly, I am not anorexic as some in my family think. :P All my work has paid off, and am now working to be fitter, and gain muscle weight.

    People will always have something bad to say, but often, they do mean well if they were used to you being bigger. Don't let it get to you, and keep working towards your goal, as long as you are having a healthy lifestyle. :)
  • Thats why i lost my 60 lbs over a 9 month time frame so it wouldnt look like i was sick ( and Still on the way down)
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I think 77 pounds in 90 days is way more then most people can possibly accomplish regarding weightloss. In general, its recommended to lose 1-2 pounds a week, so your average is triple the norm. That being said, I don't know what weight you started at, what you did to lose it, so I can't possibly comment on any of that. Plus I don't even know you, so I can't say whether you look any worse or not.

    But I did have some thoughts I wanted to share...

    So my first thought is that since skin takes longer to tighten up perhaps your skin is sagging a bit and may make you look more unhealthy then before? If this is the case, drinking lots of water and using lotions will help the skin to tighten up again. I've been told it can take a long time, but if that's what's going on, then it should just keep improving.

    My second thougth I wanted to share...
    I've known 2 people who lost weight super fast, and yes they both looked sick. But to be fair -they were sick. They were both doing the Dr. Bernstein's diet and were starving themselves. They both had significant hair loss due to a lack of nutrition, and their skin was dull and had a sickly pallour in colour. Both had dizzy spells and fainting spells, trouble concentrating, and were perpetually in a bad mood the smaller they got. One even loss feeling in patches of her skin due to nutrition defiencies.

    In general I believe that what you do is your own business and not anyone else's place to comment., but I believe that close loved ones having heart-to-heart talks with this women about their concerns helped the women to realize that they were slowly killing themselves. (they both previously believed since its a "doctor's" clinic that it was safe)

    That was many years ago. Both have gained the weight back and then some. Both look healthier then they did although the hairloss and lack of feeling in the skin patches turned out to be permenant.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that in general people should mind their own business, but if you are finding that people who truly love you keep expressing concern for your health, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to re-evaluate what you are doing.
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