Its true what they say....

travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Weight loss is harder as you get older.
Hi everyone! I am a 38 year old mother of 2 wife of 1 :) from Wisconsin.
After the doctor scaring the bejeezus out of me I started my life style change February 9, 2011.
So far I have lost 13 lbs, but it hasnt been easy. I do need to get into exercising and I am sure it would fall off faster.
Good luck to everyone.


  • oheatheroh
    oheatheroh Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome! I just joined yesterday. I agree on the age thing. I'm turning 36 and it is sooo much harder to lose the weight. How did you lose the 13 pounds because that is awesome! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Well, girls, I am 45, and it is DEFINITELY harder the older you get! I just started ChaLEAN Extreme today; it focuses on lifting heavy weights. The funny thing is, I went from a size 16 to a 7/8 about 10 years ago, and weightlifting was a big reason why. I gained 20 lbs. back quickly when I signed up for a 100-mile bike ride and my coach told me to stop lifting weights. I was riding 50-60 miles a week, but I still gained weight. Shows you that, as Chalene Johnson says, "MUSCLE BURNS FAT!"

    Good luck to both of you, feel free to friend me. :smile:
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    I completly agree!! after baby number 3 (at age 34) I was able to keep the weight off but now that I have had baby number 4(at age 38) it doesn't seem to be happening so fast:( I am 42 now and it's even harder! Feel free to add me as a friend..we can support each other!
    Take care..
  • gdsbt1
    gdsbt1 Posts: 9 Member
    Well.....I'm 61 -- and it's never been this hard for me to lose weight before. I started mid-January - and so far I've only lost 3.6 pounds. Pretty pathetic considering how hard I'm working at the gym as well as keeping track of my calories. I'm doing a weight routine that takes about an hour 3 times a well as cardio (50 minutes 4 or 5 times a week). My calories have stayed pretty much around 1200-1400 most days. It seems like I should have lost 10 pounds by now.
  • KrystiR
    KrystiR Posts: 16
    I have heard the same thing as well. My dr also had to throw in the word degenerative. I cant even remember the context it was used in (thinking joints). I am hoping that if I keep my mind to it that i can drop some LBS, older and degenerative and anything else I may be :)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    From age 40-50 the average woman gains 10 lbs per year! This is due to muscle loss (the kind that burns calories while you watch TV sitting on the couch). This 10 lbs a year gain is from ONLY eating an extra 100 calories per year (scary). So essentially if you eat an extra 200, 400 more than you burn that's more than 1 lb a year gain.

    I was *always* warned that after age 30 it's harder (in college I did not weigh enough to donate blood--you have to be 112). I was always like sure, yeah, whatever...harder after 30. Sure enough, I'm 34 and I've packed on the pounds big time. I'm fighting to get down from my heaviest ever (152). I realized that if I don't do it now, it will get worse and worse. I go to the gym 5 days per week and I'm always outdoors and active. My downfall is the free food at work (a lot of it) and traveling for work (free food packs on the pounds!). I'm trying to be better, pack healthy food, and workout when I'm traveling. My first goal is to get back to a size 8. The sad thing is since starting this program I've only lost 3 lbs. The good news is I'm snacking less.

    It is harder after 30. They were all right...
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I meant 1 lb/year, so 10 lbs a decade that becomes permanent. Sorry. So 100 extra calories/year equals 10 lbs per decade!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Yep it is. I'm 38 soon to be 39. Working on buidling muscle right now to help improve the metabolism.
  • kristyyoung
    kristyyoung Posts: 30 Member
    I agree! I am 37, and just had my annual physical in February. I knew I had gained weight, but it slapped me in my face when my doctor pointed out that I've gained 17 lbs over the last year. I decided to take control now, lose the weight I've gained and manage my weight from here on out! It is not easy! I've been counting my calories, but exercise is the key for my weight loss. Good luck!
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome! I just joined yesterday. I agree on the age thing. I'm turning 36 and it is sooo much harder to lose the weight. How did you lose the 13 pounds because that is awesome! Feel free to add me as a friend.

    The first 10 lbs took a month and I cut down to a 1200 calorie diet. March 9th started my 2nd month and I have added walking 30 minutes three times a week and 60-80 ounces of water a day.
    I used to walk 3-5 miles a energy isnt what it used to be. :)
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    From age 40-50 the average woman gains 10 lbs per year! This is due to muscle loss (the kind that burns calories while you watch TV sitting on the couch). This 10 lbs a year gain is from ONLY eating an extra 100 calories per year (scary). So essentially if you eat an extra 200, 400 more than you burn that's more than 1 lb a year gain.

    Good God! So I should get down to like 60 lbs so all that weight I start gaining in 2 years wont matter. :)
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    I meant 1 lb/year, so 10 lbs a decade that becomes permanent. Sorry. So 100 extra calories/year equals 10 lbs per decade!

    Phew you scared me!
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