Man V. Food



  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    I love this show so much! Makes me want to visit America to visit all the yummee food places. Not so good for the diet though :wink:
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Love watching the different restaurant foods! Ever wonder if its edited, do you really think he eats all of it? He has gained some weight the last few seasons.:wink:

    i do know that he cheats a little sometimes...for example...the episode where he went to charleston sc and did the spicy sushi challenge he drank milk during it (which tones down the spicyness) Since we live in the area, my bf was interested and went and did the exact challenge and in the official rules, you are not allowed to drink milk.....

    but i still gotta give the guy props...he's like a human garbage disposal
  • primus_guy
    primus_guy Posts: 53 Member
    I love watching the show. I like to see a person throw caution to the wind and try to digest enough food to make a normal person's stomach burst. If he wasn't funny, I would have given up on the show ages ago. When he attempts the challenges, My wife will leave the room. She says it makes her sick to Adam try to eat so much food.
  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    Apparently, this is what I've heard and read but who knows what actually is true, when he's not eating on camera he is incredibly healthy and works out A LOT!!! And when he does a challenge that involves a lot of eating he fast for 24 hours prior. That makes me wonder even more because he works out and eats healthy otherwise, so really how many calories does he consume on camera because he's a pretty gerthy guy. I love watching him get chunkier through a season. He always comes back a little thinner and leaves a little bigger.

    I have hear this same exact thing, I believe it was an article I read somewhere.
    He runs A LOT is what he says. We all know that it is a great calorie burning activity!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It is edited,when he did the Big Texan in Amarillo he didnt finish the meal I know several people who were there,and one that was even on it with him from the roller derby team,and everyone tells me he actually didnt eat all the food.
    Just because they slap a reality tv lable on it dosent make it real