Good iron supplements

Hello all!

I'm always running low on iron, and find that I get consistently weak during certain parts of the day or when I haven't eaten in awhile. Know any good supplements that might help?

I try to consistently sneak more iron into my diet btw, with leafy greens, red meat, and legumes.


  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Iron supplements are widely available over counter (I was put on them a few times during puberty). Aside from eating iron-rich foods there are two other things that help. Use cast iron pans for cooking, as small bits of iron are absorbed by the food. Also, iron is more readily absorbed when combined with something high in vitamin C. So, a Spinach salad with grapefruit segments will net you more absorbed iron than simply eating the spinach alone. I was always advised to take my iron supplements with 8 ounces of orange juice for that reason. But having a diet high in Vitamin C, will help you absorb more iron from available sources.
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    A women's multi-vitamin with extra iron is good, or you can buy just an iron supplement. Just be careful. I used to be very anemic, so I was told by my (former) doctor to take a multi vitamin with iron & also take an iron supplement. Every week, like clockwork, I would get horrible stomach aches that were literally debilitating. I had to lay down for a few hours to let it pass. Turns out, I was getting way too much iron & it was toxic to my system. I am no longer anemic all these years later, but just watch out. The stomach aches are the main symptom of iron toxicity. If you get too much,esp in a supplement, it can be toxic to you & cause the symptoms I was having.
    I would suggest a mulit vitamin with iron for now, as you seem to be doing a pretty good job of getting it in your diet when you can. Just my two cents. Good luck!
  • kcphilly
    kcphilly Posts: 71
    I use something called Hemagenics by Metagenics brand. My doctor sells them but I think they are available without a doctor as well. It has B12 and folic acid in it as well which helps the iron to absorb. And posted earlier vitamin C helps the absorption too, so I usually take both together.

    My stomach is very sensitive to iron, and for awhile I was anemic and had to take it 3x a day, the Hemagenics does not bother my stomach at all.

    Edit to add....having your stomach upset from taking iron does NOT mean you are getting a toxic level of iron as said above, it is hard on many people's systems. There are people who are very anemic who cannot handle pills and have to get iron through IVs instead. It is true a person can get too much iron but especially for a female who's not in menopause it is less of a concern.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Oh yes, I forgot to mention that. Even at non-toxic levels, iron supplements cause pretty bad constipation. So, if you can increase you iron through your diet, it’s preferable to taking the supplement.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    Thanks for the help everyone! I'll probably up my Vitamin C intake via citrus fruits and start taking a multi daily. Thanks!