so im guessing breakfast is a no go for me now

so i decided to eat breakfast everyday for the past two months with a bit of carbs protein and such. all it has done for me is make me hungrier thur out the day. what gives??? so today i skipped breakfast ate my old routine and im not starving today???? so breakfast maybe the most important for some. but not for this chicka. any thoughts why that maybe?? come to think of it when i was fat i was always hungry after i ate breakfast too and snacked all day. it like sweets if i dont eat it i dont crave i eat it and the monster awakes ugh losing weight is hard but keeping it off sometimes feel like one of those puzzles noone actually can guess the answer to.................:indifferent:


  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    you are hungrier because you have raised your metabolic rate, this is a good thing and should be taken as such. Just plan a small protein/carb meal and anticipate it or snack on a few almonds to satiate it. The breakfasts were not the enemy the snacking was in your case poor choices.
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Newfiedan is correct. Your metabolism is up, and the faster your metabolism, the more calories and fat you're burning, and the more weight you will lose. Eating protein is one of the best things you can do first thing in the morning. You don't have to eat a lot, just get something in your stomach to get your metabolism going.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    you are hungrier because you have raised your metabolic rate, this is a good thing and should be taken as such. Just plan a small protein/carb meal and anticipate it or snack on a few almonds to satiate it. The breakfasts were not the enemy the snacking was in your case poor choices.

    Shamrock is right!! Maybe try a smaller breakfast and a small snack a couple hours later...
  • kellybelly113
    kellybelly113 Posts: 60 Member
    so i decided to eat breakfast everyday for the past two months with a bit of carbs protein and such. all it has done for me is make me hungrier thur out the day. what gives??? so today i skipped breakfast ate my old routine and im not starving today???? so breakfast maybe the most important for some. but not for this chicka. any thoughts why that maybe?? come to think of it when i was fat i was always hungry after i ate breakfast too and snacked all day. it like sweets if i dont eat it i dont crave i eat it and the monster awakes ugh losing weight is hard but keeping it off sometimes feel like one of those puzzles noone actually can guess the answer to.................:indifferent:

    I have the same problem. If I eat breakfast, I'm hungry all day. If I don't eat breakfast, I can maintain my intake better.
  • I agree, it's a good thing to be hungry......that means your metabolism is working the way it should. I was like you and never ate breakfast and then I wasn't hungry and I thought...great....I'm going to lose alot of weight....but....NO.....that did not happen.......stuck for 2 weeks with no weight loss at all...and still exercising my butt off........EAT SOMETHING FOR BREAKFAST.....even if it is a small amount.......good luck...........
  • Agree breakfast is good, have smaller meals and snacks in between to keep you going. You know the rest, you've been through it, good luck.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Same here. Breakfast makes me sooooo hungry throughout the rest of the day. I have no idea why, but I can't stop eating breakfast because I've gotten in a cycle of... Eating most of my calories for breakfast, leaving very little for dinner because I can't stop snacking, going to bed a little hungry, and waking up starved! Ugh, that's annoying.
  • yes i know the snacking was my fault so to speak. im a food addict as i have mention many times on this board so i have to eat different then those who are not ME changing my habits is why i lost 188 pounds if you haven't notice. what im stating is maybe this is another thing i can not do adding to my rehab with my food........................but thank you anyway and i agree funkyS it is very hard. i always thought my runs was a good rev for the metbo at 6 in the am but at the end im just going to stick with what working im dumping breakfast and drinking my green tea till snack or lunch time.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I didn't have breakfast for years, and never got hungry before about 3pm, so I thought not having breakfast made me eat less. It was only when I joined here and started tracking exactly what I ate that I realised on the days I skipped breakfast I might not eat until later, but I consumed on average 400 cals MORE per day overall, as I tended to eat more in the evenings, or have a high carb snack at 4pm.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Breakfast is a good thing, listen to what all of these ladies are saying. What are you eating for breakfast? I've found that I have to have a breakfast that is very heavy on the protein, then I'm good all day. I either go with some steel cut oats, hardboiled eggs, or a protein shake.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    yes i know the snacking was my fault so to speak. im a food addict as i have mention many times on this board so i have to eat different then those who are not ME changing my habits is why i lost 188 pounds if you haven't notice. what im stating is maybe this is another thing i can not do adding to my rehab with my food........................but thank you anyway and i agree funkyS it is very hard. i always thought my runs was a good rev for the metbo at 6 in the am but at the end im just going to stick with what working im dumping breakfast and drinking my green tea till snack or lunch time.
    congrats on the loss by the way that is utterly fantastic and takes a tremendous work ethic, smart snacking has always been the way to go for me. I went from medium breakfasts to large ones now and yes I run into that issue as well but I plan ahead and keep a bag of mixed unsalted nuts and healthy snacks in my office for when the hunger bug hits.
  • i love protein shakes. jay robb is my fav i use to be able to do low carb but it backfire on me so low carb no longer works and the reason i save most of my calories in the evening is because i eat more so it like a mind thing im able to eat more after 5 pm and therefore im not eating late at night because i so call at my full so to speak
  • yes i know the snacking was my fault so to speak. im a food addict as i have mention many times on this board so i have to eat different then those who are not ME changing my habits is why i lost 188 pounds if you haven't notice. what im stating is maybe this is another thing i can not do adding to my rehab with my food........................but thank you anyway and i agree funkyS it is very hard. i always thought my runs was a good rev for the metbo at 6 in the am but at the end im just going to stick with what working im dumping breakfast and drinking my green tea till snack or lunch time.
    congrats on the loss by the way that is utterly fantastic and takes a tremendous work ethic, smart snacking has always been the way to go for me. I went from medium breakfasts to large ones now and yes I run into that issue as well but I plan ahead and keep a bag of mixed unsalted nuts and healthy snacks in my office for when the hunger bug hits.

    i want to try the snacking thing but im worry i might not know my limit but i have thought about that i really have....................
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    i actually detest eating breakfast. but i found i do get hungry so as im on a schedule i found that doing a fiber bar and water for breakfast actually satisfys me till lunch..then i have an afternoon snack dinner then a snack about an hour or so later. ive been doing better on this than i have done on all the diets out there. the one thing i have learned everyone is diffrent everyone handles food diffrently you have to work with what works for you. im actually combining all the stuff i have learned with 4 diets and using this site to do what i have never been able to do and that is lose the weight. im in it for the long haul and commend you for your loss!! if it works for you do it.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    i preportion out the snacks with small ziplocs that way I know exactly what I am eating and how many cals it accounts for.
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    Breakfast is so very important. It's recommended to eat every 3-4 hours. So I eat breakfast, then make sure my lunch is either 3-4 hours later or plan a snack. You need to keep your body fueled, regularly.
  • tlschlp
    tlschlp Posts: 54
    I'm the same way; as soon as I start eating, I can't stop. However, after a little experimentation, I found foods I *could* eat that would not make me want to continue.

    For example, I have oatmeal every morning for breakfast. Plain oatmeal with protein powder. When I ate cottage cheese with berries, I was very hungry an hour or so later, and kept eating through lunchtime. With the oatmeal, I last a good portion of the morning without feeling the need to *graze*. Same with protein shakes ... they don't fill me up enough or last long enough in my system.

    Maybe you just need something more substantial like oatmeal. And, I just have 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1/2-3/4 scoop of protein powder ... it really isn't much at all. But, it makes me feel unhungry for longer.

    Good luck!
  • globe_trekker
    globe_trekker Posts: 20 Member
    I totally agree about the being hungrier after a low calorie, healthy breakfast, and it is nice to feel like my metabolism is kicking in gear. I was determined to have a quick, high protein breakfast and am definitely even more hungry with the higher protein, but again, I see that as a good thing.

    What I have been eating lately is an Icelandic style skyr yogurt, 14g protein and only 11g carbs, 0g fat, and 100 calories. It is a bit pricey (a bit over twice as much as regular non-fat yogurt), even though it is made in New York state, and so far only available at organic type of groceries (including a national chain store). The high protein yogurt brand that is easy to find is Siggi's, and it takes a bit to get used to the consistency and flavor (super thick, and not sweet at all, even though they add a tiny bit of agave sweetner), it's actually grown on me.

    The best flavor in my opinion is the orange and ginger, and what I do is add fresh berries (whatever is on sale that week) to it, to sweeten up the flavor a bit, and make the yogurt more like a "carrier" as the berries provide anti-oxidants and fiber, and are low in calories themselves. So far it's one of the lowest calories, quick breakfasts that I have found.
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I like to eat a small breakfast and then a fiber bar at around 10am. It does not seem to matter what I eat or don't eat for breakfast, I get hungry around 10. Then I eat a later lunch. It helps me balance out my day.
  • I have the exact same problem with breakfast....and here is what my Dr. explained to me and it actually makes sense. The reason we are more hungry is because it helps to raise your metabolism....for 8 hours, or however long you sleep, you dont put anything in your mouth and your metabolism drops. So when we eat breakfast its gets all that going and in turn you are more hungry because your metabolism is up and using that food as energy. Hope this helps :)