Seriously I'm that big???



  • lindainak
    lindainak Posts: 101
    Best thing in the world is to have someone comment that you have lost weight! Mine was my son's best man who I saw in a store last week. I always knew he was a sweetheart.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    for a starters you are going to look amazing on your wedding day no matter what weight you are and you hubby to be is marrying you for who you are now the beautiful person on the inside where it matters most but also on the outside which I'm guessing you are not seeing you need to gain some confidence and you will the minute you see yourself on your wedding day I did and I was 230lb or there abouts on my wedding day. the point is you are doing something about it and you will get there you seem to have the determination and motivation to succeed in anything and if a complete stranger can see that just imagine what those closer to you believe you can achieve x
  • Codygirlslim
    Daisy May...
    Don't you dare get discouraged! I spent my younger years ALWAYS having tiny little friends. I was the biggest cheerleader on the squad...but hey! I was STILL on the squad right? So, girls like us...we will never be 115 lbs, and that is okay, because even Marilyn Monroe was a curvy girl and gorgeous at a size 12/14. It was her self-confidence that did it for I am not saying that we need to look at her as our role model, I am saying that it will be okay for us to reach our 165 lb goal and still have hips! It will be okay for us to slide into a dress and have boobs and hips and a butt and be svelty and sexy and beautiful! You are really a beautiful woman, an what is good for your friend is good for your friend. My best and oldest girlfriend...just got her new modeling shots back...she is stunning, but I am never going to be a size 6 like her! Not realistic, however, me, you and I are going to be Size 10's or 12's and when we slide in under 200 lbs...for us that will be a HUGE accomplishment! We will have the willpower and self-confidence to know that just being in a "L" instead of an "XL" is enough for us!! You are a ROCKSTAR! You keep going, because you have come so far! Let them be little...but give us boobs & booty! LOL!!
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Let your girlfriend's weight INSPIRE you... not DISCOURAGE you. You are most definitely beautiful, no matter what weight. You saw in your friend something that you wanted and don't tell yourself for ONE SECOND that you CAN'T do that... because you can!! Even if you had been 400 lbs! And all it takes is continual good choices for YOU (doesn't have anything to do with anybody else). A fast-paced walk here... a salad with chicken there... you WILL get there. You might be looking at your numbers all wrong too. You said she's 100 lbs. from where you started. Forget that started place. You aren't there anymore!! And think about the new you in two weeks. Let it motivate you. This is a journey. Be proud of EVERY step you make toward the healthier you!
  • danamfinn
    danamfinn Posts: 77
    I know exactly how you feel. All of my friends are in the low 100's and I never realized I was 100+ lbs bigger than them until I'd see myself in photos next to them or see their pants and realize I wouldn't be able to fit a thigh where their waist is.

    It wasn't until I watched my wedding video( I got married last February) when I was like "Holy Cow" I am a beast. I guess it means our friends love us no matter what! That really is what we should take away from that!
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    Don't go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every "body" is different!! You already look gorgeous in your profile pic, and you will no doubt make a STUNNING bride!! Do not compare yourself to you friend!! I grew up with a tiny best friend who was Asian. I was 5'8 in the 7th grade and remember sitting next to her comparing my thighs to hers! Do you know how delusional that was?? She had (and still has) a TINY FRAME!!! Me = not tiny, never will be tiny!! How unhealthy of me to compare my body to hers!! You have to find your own "healthy," and if that is 190 or 210, so be it!! The healthiest I've EVER been was one summer at a size 22 (220 lbs) working at a camp. I was running up and down hills by the end of the summer and my skinny girlfriends would have passed out trying to do that!! Find your own healthy, and give yourself a break!! :flowerforyou:
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    You can absolutely hit 150 if you want. My heaviest weight was 235 lbs about 5 years ago. Now I'm usually around 150-160. I was in a similar boat as you. I thought I was destined to always be big and never EVER thought I'd be 150. It took about two years to really lose the weight. I was stuck at 180 for the longest time. Now I'm trying to get down to my ultimate dream weight of 135.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Don’t get me wrong I have been 150lbs before, that's kind of why I know I can't get there again, it wasn't healthy for me.

    I was on Dr. Bernstein’s and literally passing out because I was so malnourished, I want to be thin but I don't want to ever be in that situation again!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Daisy May, (original poster), dont do that to yourself ........I used to, it does no good.......Listen, they are havinga 712 lb lady on Dr Oz today.........again, Im not judging that poor lady, I keep her in my thoughts, but how do you think she feels......

    she can barely move, in horrible health, near death, and in a race to save her life........Google Dr Oz, and find his show, and then find the episode of the 700 lb lady.......shes such a nice lady, just has about 3 years of work ahead of her...........You dont ,you have 6 - 8 months of staying focused, youre in decent health, you are so much ahead of her
    again, Im not trying to rag on the 700 lb lady, but sometimes when you see what challenges others have, you appreciate what you have........

    I gurantee this time next year you will look back and never return to where you were...........Stay focused..........Lloyd
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I've always known I'm bigger then my friends but usually I think of it as a size or two. This weekend I was out with a friend who has recently lost weight(she looks great!) and she informed me she is now 151lbs. OH MY GOD I weigh almost 100 lbs (actually exactly 100lbs from where I started)more then her???? This was a shocker, it's not that I don't know I'm big I just didn't think I was THAT big!
    IT makes me so sad to relaize she lost 40lbs and now is at a weight I don't even dream of hitting, yet when I've lost 40lbs I'll still be over 200lbs!!!!
    HOw did I never see how big I was? Heck I thought I'd be looking good if I'm down under 200lbs by my wedding, how did I kid myself?

    Look at it this way...clearly you have great self esteem!! We look at ourselves every day and we just don't see it. It sounds like you were comfortable in your own skin and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I was the same way. It's just time to move onto an even better you!!

    I'm kind of saddened by reading some of these responses and the reactions some of you had when you realized that you had some weight to lose. My wake up call was a picture, and my incentive was to maintain good health, but I have never, nor would I ever allow myself to feel bad about the situation!! No one should make you feel bad about yourself, least of all you!!
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    If it makes you feel any better I'm 151.8 pounds, still fat, and I don't have any friends. Ha! This journey is yours and you'll have your own struggles. This is just one of them. It'll pass and you can rock on wit yo bad self! Just don't quit! I started try to lose weight about this time last year, made it a month, lost about 8 pounds and quit. I can't help but think that if I'd just kept going I'd be where I wanted to be right now! Don't make the same mistake!
  • michelegbowman
    You have gorgeous hair? Do you realize that? And beautiful skin.

    When you DO LOSE the weight, when you get down to that 151 pounds you'll be every bit as slim as she is AND you've got the goods that money can't buy....good genes...

    SO keep on losing and think of your friend as an INSPIRATION...she is likely to help you by steering you away from the bad stuff.

    Ask for her help. She is likely willing and happy to go on a walk with you....go to a movie and bring air popped popcorn and carrot sticks...Whenever you look at how good she looks -- think to yourself "She can do it so I can do it too."

    Good luck and keep us posted.
  • nmp1994
    nmp1994 Posts: 96
    I know exactly how you feel! You are here now, making some changes for you!
    Keep it going and stay focused on what's important to YOU
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    I had a sneaky suspicion I was fatter than I thought I was when I visited my sister and my Mum and I had been shopping and bought a fitted tunic top and tried it on to show them. It was when I asked my Mum if it looked alright and said thank goodness my boobs are so big that my stomach doesnt stick out....only to be told quite reluctantly might I add by my sister that actually my stomach was out further than my breasts. I didnt believe her at the time about a week later I donned lycra pants and top and made my husband take full length photos of me from all angles. When I saw the pictures I was so shocked I cried and I cried and I cried. I felt so sad that I had failed to see what I had done to myself over a 17 year period. I couldnt believe how I had abused and resented my body to the extent that I had 'punished' it so ruthlessly. When we overeat we make our organs work overtime all the time. It puts huge amounts of stress on our systems. I was shocked that I was the perpetrator of that level of abuse to myself that I didnt care enough to take care of the the gift I had. Thats when I felt the love I love my body and I feel responsible for keeping it healthy and fit. I feel like a parent and my body is my child I look after it, nurture it and keep it safe in return it rewards me with health and happiness. Its good that you are devastated, its good that you feel sadness that is how you should feel when you are faced with the truth. Put a limit on the mourning period and then feel excited about what is about to happen because it is exciting, amazing and incredibly revealing. It will empower you and you will look great on your wedding day even if you have only lost 10, 20 or 30 pounds. It will show and it will show in your face because you will be different in a good way to who you are now. Just go for it!!!!
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    I've always known I'm bigger then my friends but usually I think of it as a size or two. This weekend I was out with a friend who has recently lost weight(she looks great!) and she informed me she is now 151lbs. OH MY GOD I weigh almost 100 lbs (actually exactly 100lbs from where I started)more then her???? This was a shocker, it's not that I don't know I'm big I just didn't think I was THAT big!
    IT makes me so sad to relaize she lost 40lbs and now is at a weight I don't even dream of hitting, yet when I've lost 40lbs I'll still be over 200lbs!!!!
    HOw did I never see how big I was? Heck I thought I'd be looking good if I'm down under 200lbs by my wedding, how did I kid myself?

    Look at it this way...clearly you have great self esteem!! We look at ourselves every day and we just don't see it. It sounds like you were comfortable in your own skin and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I was the same way. It's just time to move onto an even better you!!

    I'm kind of saddened by reading some of these responses and the reactions some of you had when you realized that you had some weight to lose. My wake up call was a picture, and my incentive was to maintain good health, but I have never, nor would I ever allow myself to feel bad about the situation!! No one should make you feel bad about yourself, least of all you!!

    there is nothing wrong with feeling bad, sad or angry they are valid emotions we cannot be happy and even all the time we are not designed that way. Sometimes we need to feel these negative emotions so we can fully appreciate the difference that one feels when glad happy and motivated.