INSANITY workout with ShaunT

I'm starting the second training block of INSANITY today, and was wondering if anyone has completed it, or is doing it presently. Sure could use some backup. I love the program, but it really is appropriately named!



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I'm starting April 4th, I still have ChaLean Extreme to finish. But, you're right, it definitely lives up to its name
  • nbcram
    nbcram Posts: 2 Member
    I finished in june, 2 weeks later had to have my appendix out, so just getting back with chalean extreme. The second half was definately the hardest for me, just when i was able to do the first half it got harder. Just hang in there you can do it! It definately is INSANE, you'll be so proud of yourself when you finish it :)