Did you tell anyone about this?

kpopluvr392 Posts: 7
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Idk but for me, i just want to keep it a secret because people always joke about me being 'anorexic' or whatever when I don't eat as much as they are sometimes...kinda annoying :/
is it just me?


  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I got two of the girls at work to join this site.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I tell people about the site when I talk about topics discussed on the boards, but I don't really elaborate in every day conversation.
    I did share it with my close friends and family hoping they would join and be my "friends" but only one friend joined. I am glad for her, though!
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I tell everyone about this site. I'm like a walking commercial.
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I've posted it on my Facebook page, on my blog and told people that I'm losing weight. But since I'm at nearly 300lbs people aren't suggesting I'm anorexic, they've been telling me for years that I could stand to lose some. And I've agreed with them then done nothing much about it.
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 165 Member
    ME, TOO!!! :) I tell EVERYONE about it! And it is NOT likely I will EVER be mistaken for an anorexic or bulemic...
  • i have a few friends who wanted to lose weight and have tried it, but we're not friends on here because we feel like that crosses a kind of personal line for both of us. but my roommate knows i use the site (and she's like model gorgeous, thin, whatever) and she's totally supportive of me and is like my personal cheerleader. so that's nice to have her, but i don't go around broadcasting it. it's all a personal choice :)
  • 702Dude
    702Dude Posts: 5
    After my parents told me and my wife about this site, and us putting it to work, i personally have found this site to be a great way to get people who you care about to manage what they eat, if for no other reason but to open there eyes to how much they consume in terms of calories... i have told several people within my family about this and since doing so 5 people have signed up and are using it.....
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    A little of both. I've spread my love for this site to quite a few people but there's a few where I've held back. I kind of know what you mean when you don't want to *share*.

    I don't really know why, just want to keep it *my* thing, my secret weapon when it comes to certain people.
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