Looking for new friends!

ryoko728 Posts: 1
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Evening all - been on here for nearly a month now, but I could really use some friends to motivate me. Switched over from Lose It, so I'm hoping that the forums are a bit more active over here. :)

A little about me: trying to lose 25 lbs that crept back on after a 60lb weight loss last year. I am dealing with hypothyroidism, as well, so losing is doubly hard for me. But, I've done it once, right?



  • Hi Jackie,

    I will be your friend. My name is Kaseem. A little about me is that I am trying to lose my belly. I am doing P90X and I am what to be in top shape for the summer. No other reason than I am 35 and it is about time. The more people to motivate each other the better!
  • Hey Jackie. I was on fitness pal earlier this fall after having a baby and had lost 12 pbs. Now Im back on working off the rest. So far I have 8 off, I have been doing this for like 16 days. I have a ways to go. I have had hyperthyriodism with each of my pregnancies. The first child weight just melted off. This one has done nothing to my weight but just made me anxious, high strung, etc.. so I had to take a break and try to get better. I am finally starting to feel back to normal. My husband just joined a couple of days ago, he also gained some pregnancy/winter weight. I also have a couple of friends on here too that are just starting at. So good luck! You can do it :)

  • ang888
    ang888 Posts: 12
    Hi Jackie ... i just joined this week and need friends too .. Motivation is key :) I have 50 pounds to lose..... I have lost 41 in the past year, but my weightloss has been a slow go recently! Time to get motivated and moving .. :)

    We will do this,
    Angie :)
  • I JUST joined and am really excited about this, good luck to us all!

  • kmcoulon
    kmcoulon Posts: 70 Member
    Feel free to add me all! =D WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Cymberli
    Cymberli Posts: 8 Member
    Feel Free to add my too group. Motivation is key to all of this.
  • looking for motivation and support, too...so I'll add you!! good luck!!!
  • lisa_ace
    lisa_ace Posts: 4
    Hi everyone! Feel free to add me as a friend as well. this is my 2nd day on the site and would love to read everyone's updates, motivation and success stories. I'm turning 30 in September and it's time that I REALLY do something about my weight. I'm determined and hopeful. Good Luck to everyone!
  • mayree1979
    mayree1979 Posts: 15 Member
    I just started this two weeks ago and would love to have friends. I love this site and it is keeping me very motived I have lost 8 lbs and have many more to go.
  • Im just getting started also. I am always in need of motivation too! Feel free to add me :) hope we can help eachother
  • Cymberli
    Cymberli Posts: 8 Member
    What was wrong with lose it? I never heard of it but did you just need a change of sites or did you prefer this site? Im torn between this one and fatsecret so I am keeping both for now.
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