new and ready :)

Hi guys, I'm Angie , a stay at home mom who does cakes on the side ... I am really good at what i do or i would never do it again!! the will power it takes is hard to find, but i am doing ok. I have 50 pounds to lose and have joined curves to help ... I have lost 41 pounds in the past year :) I know that i can do this and keep it off!! Motivation is key :happy: and i would love as many friends as possible to encourage me on my journey, and i promise to do the same for you ...


  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Welome!! Feel free to friend me of yyou would like. You have come to a great site. You sill have a great support system here. There is lots of info and just great all around fun. Hope you have a great success on your weight loss journey.
  • sarah6423
    sarah6423 Posts: 10
    Hi! I'm Sarah and new as well. I'm a sahm too :) which unfortunately for me means no time to go to the gym. I'm trying to lose weight at home with my Wii Fit and exercise DVDs. Adding you :)