My Current "Healthy Grocery List"

I recently asked for your help on making me a grocery list for me and my mom when we go grocery shopping to get some healthy food in this house. This is what I have so far...what do you think...feel free to tell me what to add and remove. :wink:
Healthy Grocery List!!!:happy:
Snacks and stuff:
• Luna Mini nutrition bars
• Greek yogurt (…not sure what it is…but LOTS of people recommended it)
• Yoplait Yogurt- Strawberry and Mixed berry are my faves
• Almonds- and other mixed nuts
• laughing cow light Swiss cheese
• fiber one bars (and other granola bars- Kudos Bars)
• sugar free jello cups
• sugar free pudding cups
• light string cheese
• sugar free diced del monte peaches
• Nabisco 100cal snack packs – LOVE these! I like the cookie ones :)
• Special K bar

• Lots of red apples (pink ladies)
• strawberries
• any berries
• bananas
• Cucumbers
• Peaches
• Mandarin oranges
• Clementines
• red and green bell peppers
• Celery
• Lettuce
• Cantaloupe
• Snap Peas
• Carrots
• Broccoli…hehe
• tomatoes
• Any canned fruit/veggies

Other/meal stuff:
• Boneless chicken
• Light Progresso Soup
• Quakers Oatmeal- Apple cinnamon and brown sugar are the ONLY ones I like
• Lunch meat
• Low fat cheeses
• Fiber One cereal
• Cheerios
• Whole Grain white bread
• Crystal Light Packets! (Pink Lemonade)
• Peach and peach melba Sparkling Water

I know I need to add a lot...but I can't think of anything else and this is what I got from my recent post. Oh and ignore my little comments after some of them...


  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    bump to read later (may give me some new ideas)
  • tinalina81
    Thanks for sharing this, gave me some ideas, as a matter of fact I am going to get a pen and paper and copy some of it.
    I just started out and realized the other day that my next grocery shop will be a lot different. I think it will take me 4 hours instead of 2 ( I shop for the whole month at once).
    But I think I have to write a list so I don't go overboard with the low calorie snacks and such.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    You can add whole wheat tortillas,salsa,hummus,granola,granola bars,protein bars, and whatever looks good (:
  • LuvLeigh42
    LuvLeigh42 Posts: 47 Member
    creme brulee rice cakes snacks are really good...oh and keebler honey wheatables are great...just try to get gluten free too :smile:
  • raelynnjordan
    raelynnjordan Posts: 135 Member
    I love egg whites and the Morning Star sausage crumbles (its vegetarian...), lots of protein, low calorie. I cook it with pico and its so delicious! So those might be 2 things you'd wanna try... Um, I also like brown rice, and you can get whole wheat pasta and make your own sauce using crushed tomatoes and some spices. Green giant steamers are good and fast but I see you have a lot of fresh veggies on your list so even better... Hmmm. Just some ideas! Good luck girl and good for you!!!! =)
  • nseuell
    nseuell Posts: 110
    I second the hummus! Salsa, as well, is yummy to put on things instead of lots of fatty dressings :)
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member

    Here is a site from another post this evening that says if you eat 80% from the top two tiers you will be doing great! A lot of your list is on there, but you might find more. Hope this helps.
  • daphne_gets_fit
    daphne_gets_fit Posts: 73 Member
    bump, to read again later
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    bump- going to read later. I love this! I need ideas!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    make sure that any of your canned fruits and veggies are canned in their own juices or in water and totally unsweetened. (they taste better that way anyways!)
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Edamame is good, too... they are DELICIOUS... had them for the first time tonight and I'm in love... They're soybeans still in the pod, so all you do is stem them, then pop them open and eat the beans. They make an awesome side or snack. :) I found them with the frozen veggies in a steamer bag.
  • mikegohl
    mikegohl Posts: 68 Member
    I eat brown rice to get more good carbs. I would add eggs to the list. I eat them boiled most of the time. I like Wasa Crisp bread and lowfat cream cheese as a snack. Natural peanut butter is also good on bread.
  • Yatashie
    Yatashie Posts: 61 Member
    The only thing I would suggest is to watch out for the sodium content of packaged food. Ideally if you cut out most of the processed stuff (not that there is a lot :) ) you would be best off. Be especially careful of things like crystal light that contain fake sugars. Ask any personal trainer and they will tell you that although they are low calorie your body has difficulty processing them and ends up storing it like sugar.

    Otherwise great job! I got a few ideas from your list too. Bravo for planning in advance, it really helps to avoid impulse buying and will be a great asset :D

  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    greek yogurt is strianed regular yogurt, it is twice as concentrated because the water (and some of the carbs) are drianed out, this makes a thicker creamer yogurt with 2x the protien

    i thinkyou should add sardines to your list...why? becuase they are amazing...high in omega's,calium, and protien!!!and only about 150 a can if packed in water (about 200 in oil)- they are also very very low in mercury, unlike tuna which is very high..
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    How about some greens for a salad?Do you like any fish?Sounds like a good list!!
    good luck!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    light butter popcorn, water packed canned tuna, black beans, hummus, salsa,salad (caesar lite kit), carmel corn mini rice cakes,
  • DST513
    DST513 Posts: 140 Member
  • iknowicaniknowican
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    For oatmeal I buy the good old fashion stuff. You get a lot more then you do with the little packets. I eat one cup of that in the morning, a few packets of like sweet n low and mix in some berries. Taste great imo! You probably don't want to eat it plain though.

    EDIT: Maybe I missed it.. But Non fat cottage cheese is good item to have also.