calories to lose weight

Morning, Ok I've been utilizing MFP for a month. I really love it and most of all I love the support everyone shows. My question is when I burn say 500 calories working out, in order to lose weight how many calories do I make up. It seems tio me we shouldn't eat as many as we burn if the weight is to come off.. Sorry I'm just confused:embarassed: :frown:


  • Fightslikeagirl
    Fightslikeagirl Posts: 16 Member
    Morning, Ok I've been utilizing MFP for a month. I really love it and most of all I love the support everyone shows. My question is when I burn say 500 calories working out, in order to lose weight how many calories do I make up. It seems tio me we shouldn't eat as many as we burn if the weight is to come off.. Sorry I'm just confused:embarassed: :frown:
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    When you set up your goal, you set up some calorie deficit. You can check it by going to
    My Home> Goals... there you find "Daily Calorie Deficit". You can customize it too, by Clicking on Change Goals and then selecting "Custom". Hope that helps.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    MFP does the figuring, which makes things nice and easy for all of us! Please read the "newbie" info and I'm sure it'll clear up whatever questions you have. I will tell you from MY experience that you WILL NOT lose weight faster if you eat way less calories than MFP tells you to. I thought I WOULD, it just seemed like common sense, that if you eat less, you lose more. But, that's NOT how it is, your body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down, and you WON'T lose.
  • Fightslikeagirl
    Fightslikeagirl Posts: 16 Member
    ok so by eating the amount of calories burned it still shows me at 1200 calories based on my resting cals. sorry to be so slow:laugh: :embarassed:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    dont apologize lynda, we ALL asked these questions.

    there are a few good posts with good info in them.

    Here is my take. The body is like a car, it needs fuel to get around. The car may be lighter with no gas, but it wont go anywhere.

    Food is our fuel. Breakfast is important because it stokes the fires of our metabolism for the day.

    Our bodies need at LEAST 1200 cals a day to move around. If you exercise 300 away then the body only has 900 to work with.

    I dont eat all of my exercise cals because I figure I would have burned some of them just sitting there. But I have learned the hard way-by not losing any weight-that you have to feed your body, baby.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome and congratulations on your 10 lbs lost!!