My first blog

4Shellie Posts: 9 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all! New here, glad to find this site. Been dieting and working out since December and I think this site could really boost the effects. I have lost 9 pounds since then. Not great but hey nine pounds is nine pounds right?:wink:


  • =]
    9 lbs is good!! :) a loss is better than no loss :)
  • Any loss is a good loss. Im trying a new diet which I completely love. Basically all raw fruits and vegetables, for protein Im eating peanut butter, tuna, and other meat in 4 oz portions with no breading. Nuts, yogurt. No Coffee, No Chocolate, No Breads. I feel like Im eating all day and still losing!
  • ebillie4
    ebillie4 Posts: 2
    Hi Shellie, You're doing great!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    9lbs is GOOD>keep going!!:wink:
  • 4Shellie
    4Shellie Posts: 9 Member
    Well, today is day 30 of MFP for me and I hit the ten pound mark! People, don't give up! If I can do this so can you! I had a week at a time where the scale didn't move, and then two days in a row it dropped a pound. You will hit those plateau (sp) points but if you just stick with it you will see a difference! Of all the different diet programs, this is the first I was able to stick with. It is very doable!
  • 4Shellie
    4Shellie Posts: 9 Member
    Thank You!
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