Water weight and weigh ins

mike1081 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Sooooo...I have gotten into this bad habit of weighing myself everyday.
Weighed in last sunday and since then i have eaten around my net calories but seem to be like 3 pounds heavier. I did work harder at the gym earlier in the week and swam laps the day after that.
I was extremely sore for two days and a little sore today.

thanks :)


  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    When working out, (more so for strength training), your muscle gets micro tears. Your body will retain water in the muscle in order to protect the muscle and help it recover. When your body gets used to this type of vigorous workout, the water will be expelled and the scale will move. : ) I hope this helps!
  • audbbgirl
    audbbgirl Posts: 83
    Could be muscle, could be water weight...if you took in too much sugar.
    I suggest you keep it to once a week at the most.
    Any more than that and you will just frustrate yourself.
  • audbbgirl
    audbbgirl Posts: 83
    meant to much salt...sorry
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    First piece of advice is to not weight yourself every day :). That being said, take a look at your salt intake. Salt is bad for making you hold on to extra weight, some of which could be water.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Looks like you already know the answer (from the title of the topic). Your muscles are likely holding onto extra water weight from the heavier workouts (sodium isn't the only cause of water retention!!). Drink some extra water today and make sure your body is well hydrated.

    If normal fluxuations are going to cause you grief, you really should get out of the habit of weighing daily. There are a million things that can cause day-to-day (or hour-to-hour) fluxuations, and it's just impossible to avoid. The only people who should weigh daily are the ones who accept that fluxuations happen and who aren't stressed out by them.
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Don't take stock in your daily weight. I ALWAYS weigh more after I work out. This morning before boot camp, I weighed 170 flat. When I got home, I weighed 170.7. And yesterday, I weighed 169.7.

    I actually find that it takes a day or two for the effects of working out hard to wear off. So I weigh in on Sunday and then actually weigh LESS on Monday morning before I start my routine over again for the week.

    Don't take stock in it. And if you're really concerned about it, get one of those scales that measures everything...visceral fat, body fat %, muscle mass and bone mass. And then you'll really be able to get a good reading.

    Normally I would say "don't weigh yourself everyday" but seriously...I think we all sneak a peek every once in a while. Sometimes we get what we want and sometimes we get a firm slap in the face!
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    Ya... Im not sure weighing in everyday is a good idea, but I do it too. And like you I worked my butt off and last week when I did that I was down, lost weight finally, but yesterday I did that and this am Im back up to where I was working so hard to come down from 2 wks ago! Im usually sore, except maybe one day a week too. I know water weight and muscle gain will change my weigh ins which is party why I think we should avoid weighing in everyday. I too would like feedback on this:)
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    People will yell at me for this advice, but I always weigh in on Fridays. Thursday night, I almost always have a glass of wine (or 2 :)) to celebrate the end of my work week, which helps my body get rid of the water weight for my weigh in. I know it's cheating, but if it's consistent, it's consistent, right? lol
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
    Don't weigh in every day. You set yourself up for disappointment! I only weigh every 10 days. You're being disciplined in your eating and exercise, be disciplined in your weighing. You're working too hard to be disappointed everyday! Only weigh every now and then and you'll really enjoy your reward! Good luck! :wink:
  • it's not a bad thing to weigh yourself everyday but you are going to see daily changes that aren't always going to be on the downward path. if you understand that, you'll not be unmotivated. everything that i've read says to check in weekly and to also take measurements on: neck, waist, hips, both thighs and/or both arms. seven points...that'll show you changes that aren't always reflected by your weight. take a look at both and record it only one time a week :) bet you see some happy results in one or both methods.

  • BoxLady
    BoxLady Posts: 2
    I LOVE the advice about the wine! Wish I'd have thought of that!:laugh:
  • People will yell at me for this advice, but I always weigh in on Fridays. Thursday night, I almost always have a glass of wine (or 2 :)) to celebrate the end of my work week, which helps my body get rid of the water weight for my weigh in. I know it's cheating, but if it's consistent, it's consistent, right? lol

    HAHA! oh merrill!
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