BWL Smurfettes and Papa Smurf 10/10

Doesnt look like anyone has started the thread today so I will do it. I had a really good day yesterday. I worked out for almost 2 hours and burned over 1500 calories. I did 32 minutes on the ellipitical which only 2 weeks ago I couldnt even do 5 minutes. Then I did some on thebike and then I did my Zumba class. I got up this morning and drove the kids to school and did a step class where I burned over 500 calories. I am a little sore but not bad compared to everything that I have done in the past 2 days. I have to pick my kids up from school again today. My oldest has guitar lessons. HE started last year and then we quit for the summer and today is his first day back.

Way to go Blue team on the weigh in. We are doing great and WTG JEFF on being the biggest loser.



  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Doesnt look like anyone has started the thread today so I will do it. I had a really good day yesterday. I worked out for almost 2 hours and burned over 1500 calories. I did 32 minutes on the ellipitical which only 2 weeks ago I couldnt even do 5 minutes. Then I did some on thebike and then I did my Zumba class. I got up this morning and drove the kids to school and did a step class where I burned over 500 calories. I am a little sore but not bad compared to everything that I have done in the past 2 days. I have to pick my kids up from school again today. My oldest has guitar lessons. HE started last year and then we quit for the summer and today is his first day back.

    Way to go Blue team on the weigh in. We are doing great and WTG JEFF on being the biggest loser.

  • GettingThin08
    I so can't wait till I join yall on Monday...Any tips for me?!?
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    ok,I didn't see a thread started today(10/12) so I figured I would just post in this one.

    I haven't been a very good smurf lately:ohwell: just call me lazy smurf:tongue: I do have a good excuse though,i hurt my back so i haven't been working out(except walking) But,today my back is fine and im back to those workouts. I did an 75min Circuit today and burned close to 700 cals....feels good to sweat agian! I needed it too my kids have been driving me nuts lately:grumble:

    WTG Jeff on the weightloss! AWESOME!

    Connie-you are on fire with your workouts....wtg on the weightloss so far.

    Getting Thin08- Hi,my name is Amelia....nice to meet you! As for tips .....lets see, i plan my meals the night before, pack my lunch for work, have a workout in mind the night before doing it, and i drink ALOT of water. And i have a cheat meal once a week to keep my sanity:wink::laugh: Good Luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hey Punka,
    Its good to see you around. I am sorry that you hurt your back. I know how that can be. My weigh in this week is going to suck. I have been up anywhere from 3 to 5 lbs this week because of that time of the month. I really hate this time. Last time I at least lost 1 pound. And I have been working my butt off. Oh well, there is always next week. I will not let this get me down. I know I need to lose the weight. I feel so much better after working out so even if Im not losing weight this week I know I am making myself healthier. After my workout today my kids said they were hungry so I went to Wendys. I got a spicy chicken with a baked potato so for dinner I had a salad with tuna and light ranch dressing and a nectarine. That wasnt bad but I am over my sugar for today. Most of the time I dont go over that but I had cereal for breakfast. That nectarine had 11 g of sugar in it. I was suprised but at least I know its not artificial.

  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    I feel so much better after working out so even if Im not losing weight this week I know I am making myself healthier.

    Connie,i couldn't of said it better myself! I felt like a million bucks yesterday after my workout! You will lose all that water retintion next know the deal:wink: just don't let it get you down! My scale is up 2.2lbs but thats my doing, i haven't been very consistant. Yesterday was my official back on track day. We also ate wendy's recently and I was very proud of myself.....I could of got a cheeseburger and fry(which was what I wanted) but I got a small chillie and bake potatoe. so we are making better choices:smile: Lets pat ourselves on the back:tongue::happy:

    Today is an run interval and thats it as far as workouts go! I will be cleaning up my MIL's house today,I do it once a week now since she isn't in the best of health.

    I can't believe its october....time just seems to fly by. The leaves are changing already.

    Everybody have a wonderful day!
  • ThisIsJeffHere
    Good Morning Smurfettes!

    I had a very nice weekend! I walked 10 miles through NYC on Saturday (woot for the pedometer!).

    Thanks, Punka! It felt good to see a big loss after a GAIN the week before! I am currently the thinnest that I've ever been. I going back to Penn State on Thursday, and I am about 20 pounds less than when I graduated 5 months ago. Crazy how time flies.

    Have a smurfy day!
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    Hi everyone,

    GettingThin08 - tip from me: plan out your meals and plug into the calorie counter before you eat. This has helped me from overeating.

    I was amazed at the numbers last week - great job everyone!
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Good morning fellow BWL Blue Team members!

    I , personally ,have just had a horrible weekend in regaurds to exercise and diet. I hate looking back and regretting my decisions! But today is a new day and I am going to make the most of it!

    Exercise wise I will walk a good 6 to 7 miles while the little one is at his Pre-K class. I may even head to the gym this evening?! I have been trying to talk myself into going and was almost there until the horrible cold came upon our household! No more excuses! :angry:

    :ohwell: my food intake needs some adjusting too. My goal for this week is to eat EVERY meal at home. And no Starbucks at all. I usually only have it on weekends but this week there will be none, not even this weekend! Just lots and lots of water!

    Good luck on weigh in Tues/Weds. I will be posting results Wednesday no matter what , even if I only have 15 people checked in. We will not be the last ones posting this week! :smile:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Morning everyone,
    I tried to go to the gym today but my little one was not having it. I didnt get there early when the other kids were there so they were leaving when we got there and she didnt want to stay. I was going to have tomorrow be my day off but I guess it will be today instead. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Sorry to hear yours wasnt that good Amy. Talk to you guys later.

  • Sunibc22
    Sunibc22 Posts: 330
    Well I didn't see a new thread so I'm assuming we're using this one?

    It has been a tough weekend for me. :grumble: Thanksgiving up here in Canada so that always means excess amounts of food and wine. I did endulge in both and think I'll regret it come Wednesday's weigh in!

    I think this will be the first time since I started this journey that I will have gained in a week. I broke even 1 week and didn't loose anything but haven't actually seen a bigger number come my weigh in day. Because of this I'm not going to beat myself up too bad for it and just get my butt back on track!

    Hope everyone is having a smurfy Monday!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I was just looking at my exercise log for last week. My goal was to burn 1530 calories and I burned over 5100 for the week. Yay me.... I want to work out today but I dont think I will have the time. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :sad: