Do good all day then @ night :(

vauleese Posts: 75
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I do really good all day long sticking to my guns but then at around 8/9pm my stomach growls and no matter how much water I drink, it still growls at me. So I make some popcorn, or have 2 rice cakes and drink MORE water before it shuts up. This is AFTER I've closed out my calories for the day! I'm tired of eatting after 8pm and it's affecting my weight loss I know. Anyone have any suggestions?


  • i have exactly the same problem! in the evenings are when i get hungriest and cave in! would be really interested to hear peoples suggestions on this matter too!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Perhaps you aren't eating the right types of foods? Maybe you aren't getting enough protein, or good carbs later in the day that will help you last through the night. I know some say that your biggest meals should be earlier in the day with your smallest at night. But for me, especially because I workout later in the day. I have adjusted mine so that I eat smaller portions more frequently so that by the end of the day i am not eating 2 crackers for supper and callilng it good :happy:

    Also, perhaps you need to move your afternoon snack to after supper vs before supper. Overall I would just play around with the timing of your calorie consumption to see what works best for you, and ensure you are eating those foods that will help your body feel fuller longer. Good Luck!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    I eat alllll day long!! If you are like me and used to eating insane amounts of carbs theres no question why your tummy is growling... most carbs expand when they sit in your tummy and get wet... your stomach is used to being overextended and it's just complaining about shrinking to a normal size. I just go to bed or get myself involved with doing something. I come on here late at night and look a success stories and I don't care if my tummy growls. I know for a fact I am not starving to death so the darn tummy grumbling and begging for starch and sweets can kiss my.... well skrinking butt!
  • Paul Mckenna 'I can make you thin'...find out why your eating i.e. emotional/boredom...oh and another thing...drink water it takes the 'grumbles' away.
  • RZO42488
    RZO42488 Posts: 64
    I saw an article on here the other day.........

    A woman said if her stomach is growling and she desires a certain food or beverage she waits 20-30 minutes and if she still wants it then she consumes it. You shouldnt deny yourself if your train of though cant get it off your mind. But most of the time, she says, after 20-30 minutes she didnt want what she had desired when her stomach started growling.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Oh I know the feeling, the evenings are the worst. I'm fine all day, with just good food but at home, with all those lovely things in the cupboards calling me....
    For me it's not so much my stomach growling, because really, I'm not hungry, it's all in the head.
  • I think alot of people feel this way! I am a night owl so I have this problem to, protein really makes you feel full longer. So always have a good portion of protein at your last meal of the day. I also find that if you have a hobby or something to do with your hands it keeps your mind off of being hungry!! I knit while I watch TV but you could do anything scrapbooking, reading or anything to keep your mind and hands busy.
  • OMG !!!

    I had the same thing happen to me for as long as i could remember . It was a cycle over and over i would do great then night would come and all bets were off . It was a handfull of chips and a bite of cake and well a slice of pizza and some chocolate and on and on . So i started my weight loss in weight watchers and 25 pounds melted off!!!

    You see i was eatinall sorts of stuff so 31 points was great cutting back cals but then it stopped the weight loss after measuring
    and being hungry and using my wekly points all the time .

    if you can make it after 4 days no snacks it will pass . I compared myself to coming off a drug which is food but you know what after a while your stomach stops !!! I never believed it , i hate starving but if you ate and you need to eat try to go to bed . I know that you are going thru . I save most of my cals for night time (dinner) so that i can eat wait a lil and go to bed . Herbal tea helsp and snack portion bags are great you can make your snaks for those times and know that you were over by like 100 not 500 like i was . And bottom line do not quit !!! It will take weeks for you and your body to be friends again . We forget that we do over eat all the time and that we do not need that much food which is still a struggle . But trust me you will win and you are in charge not your stomach . Also enlist help so that people can snap you out of it becuase hunger blinds us all the time . It really is all in your mind . Good Luck !!!!!

    PS Quit WW and have been doing 1200 cals a day and quess what i was consuming too many cal on WW .I keep track here and eat what i like . It takes practice it took me over a year to really re- learn how to eat .
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    I have the same problem but it is because my schedule is odd. Breakfast is 6:30, Snack at 9:30, Lunch 11:30 then dinner at from 4:00 til bedtime is a long time to go...I usually have a small snack at 7:00 and save myself about 100cal out of my day for it so it fits my calorie alotment still. And if it gets too close to bed (11pm) I definitely go to bed hungry so it doesn't sit in my gut all night.
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    I take in a casein protein shake (with milk) @ night on the days that I worked out. That way I have a slow-digesting protein that feeds my muscles while they're recuperating during my sleep. Also fills me up pretty good so that I don't ever think about reaching for a late-night snack.
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. My situation is my family works nights except me so I'm home alone. If I don't spread out my calories out during the day smartly, then I think I'm hungry at night. I do great during the day though. I'm also anxious to hear suggestions from your post. Good luck! We've got to work through this problem!
  • vauleese
    vauleese Posts: 75
    I drink water like a MAD woman so much so that I cant even really look at coke or juice anymore. I used to be a SERIOUS coke drinker, now when I go out to eat, I get one diet coke and it lasts me through an entire I know my body is changing. I just wish it would give up the night time munchies routine lol. I'm going to switch it up tonight and about a half hour after dinner I'm going to have a hard boiled egg or something with loads of protien in it and see if that helps. Thanks for the input y'all
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I eat a late dinner (between 8 & 9 pm) and that has helped. If I still get the munchies I will snack on protien or fruit but if I want a really fully feeling, I'll make a 100 calorie bag of popcorn.
  • casdls
    casdls Posts: 8 Member
    This happens to me frequently, as well. The one thing that has helped me is my rule that if it's after 9pm and I'm still hungry after eating dinner and a snack, I go to bed. There's been too many late nights with me raiding the refrigerator and cupboards, and this has actually helped.
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