need friends

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
hey! im looking for more friends for this site to support me and i will help to suppport you aswell :) if you wanna add me feel free :D. Its always nice to get to know new people and that x


  • jodik11
    jodik11 Posts: 64 Member
    Me too! Thanks!
  • melissamauney
    You can add me I need all the support i can get.
  • Miyna
    Miyna Posts: 2
    Hi Soph,

    Welcome to the Site! i definitely need all the support i can get at the minute. FP is great - its a great discipline, but i have had my down moments and stopped loggin in altogether! try not to make that mistake (blocking out, in self denial, brushing it under the carpet kinda thing)! - you catch my
    Best thing to do is log on everyday, no matter what and that should help you stay on track and focused.
    Good luck! x
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Added you! Anyone else please feel free to add me too.