How do you choose your goal weight?

I am curious; How you chose your goal weight. When I tell people I want to loose X amount of pounds they look at me like I am crazy. Most are like why do you want to loose that much weight. My goal is a healthy weight, but does anyone have like a BMI they just want to be at or what is your story?


  • vegetarian92
    Just take it 5-10 pounds at a time. If you think like, "I want to lose 50 pounds" you'll never achieve your goal because you'll get frustrated and give up. Don't think of a definite numerical goal, just keep losing weight until you're happy. :)
  • KaleighL
    KaleighL Posts: 159
    I've always wanted to be in the 120 range and its been my goal since I've gained weight. People always say thats too much weight to lose but my doctor said its healthy for my height so I'm sticking to it. As long as your goal weight is in the healthy range for your height and age then go for it!
  • roadbiscuit2000
    I choose my goal weight based on what I used to weigh when I was fit and in shape, thats what I want to get back down to.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I wanted to get back to the weight at which I felt more confident and happy, and it happened to be my pre-baby weight. That's how I picked mine. In reality, I'd be happy within 5-10lbs of my "goal."
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I researched my BMI range. For me at 5'4" my BMI range is 117 to 145 pounds. To figure out where in that range I wanted to be I considered my age (as Im in my 40's) and my bone structure.

    Bone structure guideline: wrap your index finger and thumb around your other wrist
    if it does not touch you are big boned
    if it "just" touches you are medium boned
    if it overlaps you are small boned

    Now since Im not in my 20's any longer I decided to go with 140 pounds for now even though I am quite petite and small boned. I will reevaluate this when I get there, but figured it was a good start for now.
  • malissaperkins
    When I tell people I wanna lose 100 pounds, they also look at me like i'm crazy!!! But really, it's to be a healthy weight that I want! I disagree with the other user, making an ultimate goal is a GOOD thing. Something to shoot for. :)
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I chose 150 as my goal weight based on what I remember myself looking at 160 when I was in my teens. At the same time, if I get to a body shape I am comfortable with before getting there, I will stop. Its just an idea for me really.
  • clar1984
    clar1984 Posts: 5 Member
    My goal weight is the maximum weight I can be for my height and have a healthy BMI. Once I get there, after celebrating, I think I'll assess if its a good end weight and start maintaining, or set another goal a little lower. I didn't want to get too carried away when I started, and even a BMI of 25 still seemed impossible at the beginning
  • southern04
    Thanks! Sometimes people make me second guess my self when I get those crazed looks. I will make a goal and just reevaluate as time and weight go by.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Well last year I was around 9.7-9.10st, and I still wanted to lose weight. I've always wanted to be 9st, so that's what I'm aiming for. If I get there and want to lose another 7lb, so be it.
  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115
    I think some folks are conditioned to being fat or conditioned to seeing a lot of fat people. Some folks also just think losing lots of weight is for the lucky few who get to go on TV Shows like The Biggest Loser...

    I know someone who wore a size 32 before gastric bypass surgery. She is know a size 20 ( with no exercise or dietary restrictions). I mentioned to her that imagine what she could be if she was careful about what she ate or if she exercised. She told me that she looks good "thick" and not everyone is built to be skinny... WTH???? She was a size 20 in 6th grade so she has no idea what is would be like to be any smaller. When I mentioned my goal weight, she said that's too much to lose... I reminded her that my goal weight is simply my pre-pregnancy weight and I was certainly not too skinny then.....
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    I understand how you feel. For me it has been one of those things where I set a goal but not in stone. When I tell people that I have 20 more pounds to go they think I am crazy. if I get to a certain point where I am happy with the way I look and the way my clothes fit, I will stop :)
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I get crazy looks too, and I get told I'm wasting away, and I'll blow away in a windstorm... blah, blah, blah... I chose my goal based on what I weighed when I graduated high school, before hubby and babies were even a thought. I cleared it with my nutritionist and my dr and both think it's a good place for me to be. And I really want my former 21% body fat. I've got it down to 25% and I have 8 or 9 lbs to go... slowly but surely I will get there :)
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I started out with the mindset of wanting to be at the lower end of my healthy BMI range but eventually opted for the more realistic higher end range....which is about 20 pounds heavier. I have gotten to this weight once before back in college. I wish I was as "fat" as I thought I was back then.
  • apetty21
    apetty21 Posts: 137
    Bone structure guideline: wrap your index finger and thumb around your other wrist
    if it does not touch you are big boned
    if it "just" touches you are medium boned
    if it overlaps you are small boned

    If that's true then I'm big boned :ohwell:

    I chose my original goal weight based on a healthy BMI and I wanted to have my actual weight match my driver's license. I weighed that at 16. I reached that in December. Now my new goal weight just reflects a BMI in the middle of the healthy range.
  • WeatherGurl1129
    WeatherGurl1129 Posts: 36 Member
    When I was in high school playing softball at 18-years-old (all this to say at what I consider to be my "peak" physical condition), I was around 130-135 lbs. And since I'm never going to be working out 2 hours everyday and being active like I was back then, I've always set my goal to be 140 lbs. That's what I was when I left for college, too. I really think I could maintain that weight with a moderate workout plan and healthy diet with some excusable cheat days.

    Now, if I could just get there . . . LOL! :grumble:
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I don't have a goal weight... I have a goal pair of pants :laugh:
  • FozzyUK
    FozzyUK Posts: 21 Member
    Personally, I didnt set a goal straight off - I just saw how it went - eventually, to keep motivated I set a first goal to have something to aim for - I havent considered where I want to end up too much yet, but somewhere in the healthy range for my height will probably be about right (Not that I've EVER been there).

    This is a very personal thing, psychology is a funny thing and each to their own - whatever motivates you is the right answer - when I first told people that I wanted to lose 60lbs as my first goal they laughed etc, now I'm within 6lbs of that they have re-evaluated lol...
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    I'm referring mine back to the time I was skinny.
    My goal weight is anywhere around 95-105 lbs.
    And just talk to your doc about it to make sure it's okay for you.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I researched my BMI range. For me at 5'4" my BMI range is 117 to 145 pounds. To figure out where in that range I wanted to be I considered my age (as Im in my 40's) and my bone structure.

    Bone structure guideline: wrap your index finger and thumb around your other wrist
    if it does not touch you are big boned
    if it "just" touches you are medium boned
    if it overlaps you are small boned

    Now since Im not in my 20's any longer I decided to go with 140 pounds for now even though I am quite petite and small boned. I will reevaluate this when I get there, but figured it was a good start for now.

    First, thanks for the easy small, med, and big boned test! I'm a medium, too and I figured as you did. I am 5'6" and 54. I did weigh 135 when I was 40 as I dieted my way there, but didn't exersize and wore size 8 jeans. But I had no bulging below or above my belt when I sat. When I get back down to 155 - 7 pounds or so to go, I should be able to fit my exercising body comfortably into a size 8 jeans, but I will still have a stomach pooch issuewhen I sit, so while size 8 is good, still too much fat. Plus 154.something is the tip top of my healthy BMI. So I picked 135 but may decide 140 is good enough as that is right in the middle of healthy BMI for me and I'll have loose skin issues. I checked my measurements today and lost an inch off of my arm, my thigh, waist and hips so I am stoked!! Exercise is the key for me!

    I personally believe it is very important to have a goal, with a set date for meeting reasonable mini goals along the way. Keep your mind focused on that goal and it will take your body there! I am hoping for 1 pound a week but probably won't make my first goal because I snuck 3 extra pounds to lose into it thinking I would do better in the beginning. I am hoping for 156 on April 22, but won't be too mad at myself if I am a couple of pounds over by then. I am on track so far at 1 pound a week and will consider myelf lucky if I make it to 159 by then.