how do i break the cycle of fasting and binging?

i am having the hardest time. i know it should be easy to just eat normally, but i just feel like i can't do it. i've had a horrible week - i keep overeating, and then feeling guilty and eating nothing the next day, and then being so faint and hungry on the third day that i give in and eat a ton. it's the guilt, really, that keeps me bouncing back and forth between extremes, and i feel horrible physically and emotionally. i know all the health risks, and i know that ultimately starving myself slows down my metabolism and doesn't get me any closer to my goal weight. but i have been trying to lose the same 20 pounds for five years now, and it's really starting to feel hopeless.

i probably deserve criticism for this, but i would really appreciate gentle responses. i haven't told anyone in real life, and i even feel a little iffy about posting it anonymously on the internet. thank you guys for being there!


  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    that my dear is an eating disorder. im not a professional, nor have i been there so i can offer no advice but to seek professional help.
  • BillieDeacon
    Oh my god i'm exactly the same!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Eat six meals a day within your calorie allowance - very low salt and bad fats. Try doing some exercise every day, even a 20 minute walk helps...


  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    that my dear is an eating disorder. im not a professional, nor have i been there so i can offer no advice but to seek professional help.
    and if im wrong and its not and ED, then its definitely in the works of becoming one
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    that my dear is an eating disorder. im not a professional, nor have i been there so i can offer no advice but to seek professional help.

    what this says
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Instead of being REACTIVE about your diet, try to be PROACTIVE. Try to plan everything you eat for every single day to meet all your nutritional goals (this is actually way fun) and then stick to the plan to the letter! As a matter of fact, plan for the whole week!
  • JuneGem6471
    JuneGem6471 Posts: 1,001 Member
    if you happen to overeat one day, just get back on plan the next. Starving yourself slows the metabolism and will do you no good, not to mention it causes you to overeat again and its a cycle. Just get back on plan the next day, and try to stay within your limits. Its the only way to break the cycle. NO FASTING!! Lol. Tske care of yourself!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Its not always easy to eat the right things. Even after my losses, I still fall off the wagon sometimes, but I ALWAYS get back on. And even when I am making some crappy choices, I am pushing myself to make some good ones too. Don't let a bad day put you through such a vicious cycle, just try to make better choices for the rest of the day even though you may go over and try again the next day. Each day, things will get better and better. Have faith in yourself and above all else, love yourself enough to keep going cause you are doing this for you!!
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    My approach to my weight loss began on January 1st and instead of the ever popular "I'm gonna lose weight this year" I made the following promises to myself:

    1. I'm going to drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of water a day. (Hard to drink anything else, it's a LOT of water!)
    2. I'm going to eat at least the minimum recommended servings of fruits and veggies a day. (again, hard to get in junk, it's a LOT of food!
    3. I'm going to exercise daily (so even the days I go over in calories, my metabolism stays high and I recoup quickly even if I do gain a tad)
    4. Get 8-9 hours of sleep a night on a "sleep schedule" (sleeping 10-6 feels WAY different than sleeping the same 8 hours from 2am - 10am!)

    It's ALL POSITIVE!! I never deny myself anything, but when I have something that is 'processed' I only have one serving of it. (except for sugar, but it's only 15 calories a pop!) Just every day start out with a healthy breakfast and go from there, one meal at a time. I agree with Jennwoodley though, if you physically can't stop doing what you're doing, seek professional help. Even if you are of healthy weight, binging and starving yourself is extremely unhealthy and can lead to very serious complications.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    this is my strictly unprofessional opinion.

    first i want you to know you're not alone. guilt is a huge problem for all kinds of issues associated with food, food addiction, eating disorders and so on. binge eating is dangerous as i'm sure you know.

    So yeah, first, pro help. talk to someone in real life. tell them whats up because you don't want to wait and suddenly realize you're starving yourself. or worse. trust me, its good that you are recognizing something is up with you now. kudos to you for that.

    second, consider light snacking. if your mind knows that you are eating healthy food it might not feel so bad about the content. even if you feel guilty, you have to intake something. raw fruits veggies nuts yogurts with no aspartame this way your body will function healthy. try to ween yourself off of the binge eating while trying to force yourself to eat healthy light meals on fasting days. this is really good if you plan your meals snacks and so on. i have everything in containers and baggies so i don't eat like crazy and feel horrible about it later. planning is key. take control.

    you can do this. and its important that you do. :) we are here for you and please consider talking to a pro :)
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    You really have to make yourself eat, set up a plan for the next day, if you go over your limit there is always exercise. Try and eat healthy, lots of fiber and whole grains. Will keep you full. Also, don't deprive yourself of anything. It's the "diet-mindset" that is getting you in trouble. But lots of healthy foods and keep them around, don't buy junk.
    Learn to listen to your body, eat when you're hungry. But keep the portions a good size. Most people eat 2 or 3 times a portion size. Work out b/c the 1200 calories a day is hard to do. The more you exercise, the more you can eat
  • Foxerlina
    Foxerlina Posts: 51
    Hey hun,

    I guess you could say I also do the same as you...I go through different eating phases and this happens to be one of my many phases. I actually hate the way I obsess over food, and joining on here is really making me realise that there are people out there in the same boat but are working towards a healthier lifestyle AND succeeding. For me, tracking everything is a way to make sure I don't overeat and then under eat the next day to compensate. If you do binge, just exercise. A binge every now and again isn't going to kill you, but it won't help long term if you wish to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

    Take small steps. The fact you've posted this comment is the biggest step of all, and you have all the support and advice you need right here :)

    Hope it all works out for you! xx
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    It sounds like you are heading down a path to full-blown say you feel guilty for the binging part but not so much for the starving it *sounds* (internet interpretations are always shaky) like you would prefer at this point to be able to starve more successfully, and that for sure is a disease. Think about matter how good you get at not eating, eventually you will have to either eat normally or die. So better to do it now than later when you have really gotten sick, right? Starving can NEVER be a permanent solution to weight loss.

    I think it's awesome that you posted...I gently but emphatically recommend that you look for a good therapist to help you. You deserve good health! Do whatever it takes to get it.

    all the best to you!
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I'm saying this with love and sympathy because Lord knows I've been there and done that. You need to forgive yourself. In order to to that you need to accept forgiveness. Accept the love that's being offered you by your friends, by the MFP community, by God.
    The bingeing and fasting are symptoms. Like you said, it's the guilt that keeps you on this self-destructive spiral. Are you eating and starving to punish yourself? Are you driven by some unfulfilled need that food sedates?

    While you're working on the emotional issues, try what an earlier poster suggested. Eat at clearly set times during the day and eat healthy foods that you have planned to eat. Have an eating plan rather than eating impulses. When ever you sit down to eat a meal allow yourself to be grateful for food, for enough. Know that the food is planned and healthy - therefore it's okay to eat. And it's also okay to stop eating.

    And do talk to a therapist or doctor about this.
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    I agree that it might be an eating disorder, or it can lead to being one...

    I think if you over eat one day, say "What the hey!" the next day and just eat normally that day. Because otherwise you're just going to keep jumping back and forth =/
    This same exact thing happened to my sister and she gained weight because 1.) starving yourself for that ONE day messes up your metabolism so 2.) when you binge, all that fat just stores in your body!

    As much as counting your calories SUCK, it really does help and I've just barely learned that. So I really wish you the best of luck!!!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Instead of being REACTIVE about your diet, try to be PROACTIVE. Try to plan everything you eat for every single day to meet all your nutritional goals (this is actually way fun) and then stick to the plan to the letter! As a matter of fact, plan for the whole week!

    THIS! And something that helps me a lot is having breakfast. Even if it's something small like an egg and yogurt, it's a must.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    My approach to my weight loss began on January 1st and instead of the ever popular "I'm gonna lose weight this year" I made the following promises to myself:

    1. I'm going to drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of water a day. (Hard to drink anything else, it's a LOT of water!)
    2. I'm going to eat at least the minimum recommended servings of fruits and veggies a day. (again, hard to get in junk, it's a LOT of food!
    3. I'm going to exercise daily (so even the days I go over in calories, my metabolism stays high and I recoup quickly even if I do gain a tad)
    4. Get 8-9 hours of sleep a night on a "sleep schedule" (sleeping 10-6 feels WAY different than sleeping the same 8 hours from 2am - 10am!)

    It's ALL POSITIVE!! I never deny myself anything, but when I have something that is 'processed' I only have one serving of it. (except for sugar, but it's only 15 calories a pop!) Just every day start out with a healthy breakfast and go from there, one meal at a time. I agree with Jennwoodley though, if you physically can't stop doing what you're doing, seek professional help. Even if you are of healthy weight, binging and starving yourself is extremely unhealthy and can lead to very serious complications.

    Mexiana - I LOVE your resolutions and your idea of keeping it all positive instead of focused on the loss.
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    ooh also, binge on celery!!! xD Its soooo low in calories and very very feeling =)

    grapes too!
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    @Levedi Thanks! I've been down this road many many times. NEVER has it been so simple and never have I had so much success and NEVER have I stuck with it for so long. It's really gonna happen this time and it feels like heaven!
  • halfashadow
    you guys are so awesome! i've never posted anything here before, i was so pleasantly surprised by all the support and good advice :) all the actual diet tips are super helpful, and i do agree with what a lot of you said - an attitude adjustment is definitely in order. talking to someone might help. it sounds cheesy, but logging back on to all of your responses really made my day, i feel a lot better just knowing i'm not alone. thank you SO much, good luck and best wishes <3