Type 2 Diabetes



  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I'm a type 2 Diabetic. I didn't really experience the symptoms others typically have. I was severely cold. Everyone around me would be comfortable and I'd be bundled up and still shivering. Two doctors suspected Thyroid. After about 3 rounds of tests, Thyroid was fine but sugar levels weren't.

    I can also tell you this: a lot of the symptoms mimic other diseases, as well. Partially blind...happened to me almost 13 yrs. ago. Wasn't Diabetes...it was MS. Along with the Fatigue, numbness/tingling. Balance issues, same thing.

    To the average person, it's easy to say those are Diabetic symptoms. Sure, they are. They're also symptoms of many other diseases out there.

    Good luck and hope everything turns out right for you.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262

    Type two diabetes is not hereditary.

    It's not hereditary in the sense that your children are 100% likely to get it...but yes type 2 diabetes is influenced by genetics. Your risk factors go up if you have a parent or sibling with type 2. This really is a cruel disease and I wish there was more funding for it...

    From the mayo clinic:
    Family history. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases if a parent or sibling has type 2 diabetes.

    American Diabetes Association:
    Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes has a stronger genetic basis than type 1, yet it also depends more on environmental factors. Sound confusing? What happens is that a family history of type 2 diabetes is one of the strongest risk factors for getting the disease but it only seems to matter in people living a Western lifestyle.

    Thank you for the info!
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    I'm a type 2 Diabetic. I didn't really experience the symptoms others typically have. I was severely cold. Everyone around me would be comfortable and I'd be bundled up and still shivering. Two doctors suspected Thyroid. After about 3 rounds of tests, Thyroid was fine but sugar levels weren't.

    I can also tell you this: a lot of the symptoms mimic other diseases, as well. Partially blind...happened to me almost 13 yrs. ago. Wasn't Diabetes...it was MS. Along with the Fatigue, numbness/tingling. Balance issues, same thing.

    To the average person, it's easy to say those are Diabetic symptoms. Sure, they are. They're also symptoms of many other diseases out there.

    Good luck and hope everything turns out right for you.

    Thats a good point... I actually have PTSD, Anxiety, and Panick disorders.. I wonder if maybe that could have alot to do with the thirst and dizzyness? I'm am going to look into that and ask my counselor... I'm still going to get tested though...
  • Tcfrancois
    Hi, I have type 2 diabetes. I originally was diagnosed by my dermatologist. I went in for scalp irritations. After a few questions later he unofficilly diagnosed me with POCS (POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME). It sounds worse than what it is. Basically it was a combonation of things dealing with female issues, hormones, and type 2 diabetes. So, I went to see a endocrinologist and he confirmed prediabetes. I am being treated as aType 2 diabetic which means two pills a day. And that is to keep it under control because prediabetics are at high risk for type 2 diabetes. My symptoms are some tingling in my lower leg and foot, tired, frequent urination,thirst, and if I let myself go too long without food I tend to get shaky and dizzy. I have had some wait gain also. I hope this has helped
  • jenellechan26
    Hypoglycemics is something else that you can feel totally gross when you eat sugar, do you crave sugar cause my dad does all the time and when he eats it it messes him up for days

    Yes that sounds like me! I will look that up as well... thanks :0)

    I think that you might be getting "hyper"glycemia and "hypoglycemia. Hypo-- is when your blood sugar is too low and Hyper-- is when it is too high. But from people who I know who have hypoglycemia, eating something with a little bit of sugar usually makes them feel better because they can return their blood sugar to a normal level like that. On the other hand if you eat too much, I think that is when it may lead to the hyperglycemia and that is when you would not feel good. I hope that all goes well at your dr's appoint Ronidoll :)
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Hypoglycemics is something else that you can feel totally gross when you eat sugar, do you crave sugar cause my dad does all the time and when he eats it it messes him up for days

    Yes that sounds like me! I will look that up as well... thanks :0)

    I think that you might be getting "hyper"glycemia and "hypoglycemia. Hypo-- is when your blood sugar is too low and Hyper-- is when it is too high. But from people who I know who have hypoglycemia, eating something with a little bit of sugar usually makes them feel better because they can return their blood sugar to a normal level like that. On the other hand if you eat too much, I think that is when it may lead to the hyperglycemia and that is when you would not feel good. I hope that all goes well at your dr's appoint Ronidoll :)

    Thank you so much =]
  • MahalaDavis
    MahalaDavis Posts: 13 Member
    I was just diagnosed last month. I was really jittery first thing in the morning and HUNGRY all the time. I have the toe tingling too. Since getting things under control, I now realize how loopy headed I was when my blood sugar would spike. Good luck, I hope you don't have it. But if you do, it's not the end of the world. You can fight it :)
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    I was just diagnosed last month. I was really jittery first thing in the morning and HUNGRY all the time. I have the toe tingling too. Since getting things under control, I now realize how loopy headed I was when my blood sugar would spike. Good luck, I hope you don't have it. But if you do, it's not the end of the world. You can fight it :)

    Thank you =]