Dissapointing weigh in

So last time I got weighed other than today was 2 weeks and 2 days ago 08/03/11. I weighed 9stone 10pounds 62.1kg, making my bmi 20.7. My body fat % was 17.3.

Since the start of lent I cut out on tea/coffee/sugar and the ammount of sweets and chocolate I ate, increased cardio and weight training so was feeling positive about my weigh in today even though I needed a wee, its the time of month and it was mid day. I didnt expect these factors to really affect the weigh in due to doing so well the last 2 weeks.

When I got weighed today I was 10 STONE 2:huh: !! 64.7kg, and BMI of 21.6!!! I didnt get my body fat mass done today. Im so disapointed, WHY and HOW did I gain 6pound?

Please feel free to take a look at my diary and give me tips and advice :)



  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Okay, if those pics are you, you do NOT need to lose weight!!! Just maintain and chalk it up to TOM. Mother Nature can be a "mother" sometimes!:happy:
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    All I'll say is this time last week I had TOM and I weighed in 10lbs heavier! You can retain water during TOM, maybe you're retaining water from all your exercising. Drink LOTS of water and watch your sodium levels try and keep it below 2000mg if you can. This week I was back down 10lbs after drinking lots of water and watching my food carefully. It could be water retention from TOM that is showing your weight gain. Its only temporary. Keep at it!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Okay, if those pics are you, you do NOT need to lose weight!!! Just maintain and chalk it up to TOM. Mother Nature can be a "mother" sometimes!:happy:
    It is not for us to judge whether or not she should lose or gain weight but for advice on the issue. With that said I would hone in on some key factors you said in your statement. 1) you cut out all caffeine or at least most of it. 2) you cut down on sweets. So here is what I am going to ask you in turn, did you eat back all the exercise calories for the training you did or at the very least did you get to a minimum net intake of 1200/day. From a quick flip over a weeks worth of diary I see a lack of protein especially at breakfast and that you have fallen into the misconception that you do not need to aim for a net of no lower than 1200 cal/day minimum, if you are going hard at your workouts I would be going to a minimum net of 1500. Also for workout recovery get 1-2 cups of 1% chocolate milk into your diet a great recovery drink all around. I also did not see much in the way of good healthy fats so some almonds about 5-10 a day along with some omega3 fish oil supplements would certainly not go wrong.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    You just picked the worst possible time for a weigh in - don't even bother around this time, you will just de-motivate yourself for no good reason. Carry on going, and exercise when you can - I bet in ten days the result will be totally different :flowerforyou:
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    Looks like you are not eating back enough of your calories burned to me . You should increase your water consumption too. Maybe your body has gone into "starvation mode".

    You look good tho!!:smile:
  • kt4g08
    kt4g08 Posts: 2
    i wouldn't worry about this... you increased weight training and so muscle weighs more than fat, this might have increased ur weight, and also weight does fluctuate around your time of the month... i would expect that your getting more tonned with all the excersize your doing so dont get caught up on the actual numbers from the weigh in!
    ITSSODAMNHOT Posts: 121 Member
    Ok I don't know much about the TOM, but doesn't it make you retain more water than usually? But don't know if water weight can make a huge impact (maybe it can). From your diary, I see that you do need to drink more water.. (probably are, just forgetting to log it). Sorry hun... Next week will look better.

    Good luck!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    muscle weighs more than fat,
    No muscle does not technically weigh more than fat, it does take up less volumetric space but a pound is a pound muscle or fat.
  • despoinio
    despoinio Posts: 16 Member
    do you drink water at all??i see that you don't drink.also i use to avoid potatoes 2-3 days before i weigh myself.Or maybe because of the workout you do you might build muscles so on account of the fact that muscles weigh more than fat you weigh more!
  • kt4g08
    kt4g08 Posts: 2
    oh yes, i just researched and found that it doesnt weigh more, maybe under-eating is more the problem but also TOM is deffinately a contributor here
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    do you drink water at all??i see that you don't drink.also i use to avoid potatoes 2-3 days before i weigh myself.Or maybe because of the workout you do you might build muscles so on account of the fact that muscles weigh more than fat you weigh more!

    Hey, yeah I drink alot of water, I never log it though, will start to :) I always carry around a litre bottle with me and I refil it everywhere. I get bad headaches if I dont drink alot of water and exercise so im very careful.

    Thanks everyone for your advice its really helpful! :smile:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    oh yes, i just researched and found that it doesnt weigh more, maybe under-eating is more the problem but also TOM is deffinately a contributor here
    lol its all good I just get annoyed when ppl say that.
  • leb89
    leb89 Posts: 54
    Okay, if those pics are you, you do NOT need to lose weight!!! Just maintain and chalk it up to TOM. Mother Nature can be a "mother" sometimes!:happy:
    It is not for us to judge whether or not she should lose or gain weight but for advice on the issue. With that said I would hone in on some key factors you said in your statement. 1) you cut out all caffeine or at least most of it. 2) you cut down on sweets. So here is what I am going to ask you in turn, did you eat back all the exercise calories for the training you did or at the very least did you get to a minimum net intake of 1200/day. From a quick flip over a weeks worth of diary I see a lack of protein especially at breakfast and that you have fallen into the misconception that you do not need to aim for a net of no lower than 1200 cal/day minimum, if you are going hard at your workouts I would be going to a minimum net of 1500. Also for workout recovery get 1-2 cups of 1% chocolate milk into your diet a great recovery drink all around. I also did not see much in the way of good healthy fats so some almonds about 5-10 a day along with some omega3 fish oil supplements would certainly not go wrong.

    i agree! And i would also weigh-in again after TOM
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Needing to pee = 1 or 2 extra pounds.

    TOM = 3-5 extra pounds

    Mid-day rather than first thing in the morning = 2-3 extra pounds

    so (for me) this would make a 6-10 lb difference.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    i agree! And i would also weigh-in again after TOM
    ty and, not trying to hit on you but offer a compliment, you are a very pretty girl btw, don't know if anyone has told you that or not.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    ok, now that I've looked at your diary....

    You have netted UNDER 1000 EVERY DAY.

    I hate to say it, but....
    "starvation mode"?

    When you are as lean as you are, and trying to cut the LAST few vanity pounds of fat, you absolutely need to eat as close to maintenance as possible.
    Your maintenance is probably close to 1700-1800, so you need to NET around 1600 a day, and most days it's more like 600.
    Stop starving yourself and gradually add calories to your day.
    You may actually GAIN for a little bit since it takes your body time to adjust to the changes but if you work your way UP you will start to LOSE more after a few weeks, while actually eating.

    Please please read this thread:


    It's LONG, but there is a lot of great conversation, and it all pertains to your situation.

    Also, read this one:

    and this one:

    Read them all carefully, and think about it.
    If you would like help being healthy and doing this right, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    I agree with robin52077- if you weighed everything you ate yesterday it would weigh at least two pounds and I know I can gain at least four at TOM plus needing to wee!!! Dont fret hon! Be good this week and weigh in first thing in the morning next time and I guarantee you'll see a difference xxx