SEXY Man needs help

Hey I got the love handle thing and I also have a stomach that I am trying to shrink. I also think that over all I just have a lot of fat on me that I am trying to get rid of. What is the best exercises I should focus on?


Weight Training



Any insight will help me out. Thank you all who post or read my post. Thanks

God Speed!
Gerret Swearingen


  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    :drinker: All of the above BUT go ahead and get your Cardio on first thing & ASAP!! :drinker:
  • jenhasit
    jenhasit Posts: 83 Member
    Cardio first. Find core-strengthening exercises, as they will focus on your mid-section too. Good luck!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Cardio is great for shrinking/burning the covering layer, but muscle burns more calories than fat. So I'd recommend both. They you are that much further ahead as the fat shrinks away.
  • shumatet1982
    I just started P90x. But the best thing I know, to get weightloss going are HIIT (high intensity interval trainings)
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    P90X will do them all!
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    Find out whether your and endo, ecto or mesomorph and find exercises that will help you loose weight based on your body type. What works for me is HIIT followed by steady cardio (walking or stationary bike). As far as stomach work goes, planks will wip that mid section into serious shape. Start out on elbows and knees for 90 seconds and on each side for 45 seconds. Then as this becomes easy get off of knees and you'll be on elbows and toes. After a couple weeks of this you'll notice a difference.

    But that's only 15% of getting rid of the gut. The other 85% is what you eat.

    Good luck and stay focused on the objective!!!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I do a mix of cardio most days and some strength training 3 times per week. The most important part is to tweak your food intake though as any slip ups in this area will show up.
    LDRAE Posts: 8
    Cardio - Cardio - Cardio and a clean diet.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    If you have to choose just one to resistance training using a Metabolic Resistance Training approach. It will give you both cardio and strength training. If I knew about it when I started I would have been my primary form of exercise. It is like HIIT and in many ways even better.
  • rainsjm
    rainsjm Posts: 2
    Todays workout: Ab Shred!

    15 minute warm up- running in place, burpies, sun gods, jumping jacks, squat thrusts, hops, and anything else that keeps you moving, spikes the heart rate, and gets blood into all your muscles.

    Grab a mat and a medicine ball. Partner up if you can.

    The conduct of this course is one minute of an ab or core exercise followed by one minute of cardio. Alternate for 6 one minute sets of each, back to back, then rest one minute. Repeat. Continue for 45 minutes.

    During the exercise, execute as many reps as possible during that minute. Exercise to muscle failure. There is no reason to save any energy for the next exercise. Abs are huge and will recover during the minute of cardio to follow.

    During the cardio, again, stay moving, keep it simple, and keep the heart rate up.

    Do these ab exercises:
    flutter kicks, leg raises, pikes, vees, long sit ups, crunches while sitting on the ball, wood choppers with the medicine ball, leg raises with the ball held between your ankles, planks- front, back and side planks. Also get creative with the ball, hold it over your head while you crunch. Just remain concentrated on keeping your core tight and extending all the way through every exercise.

    Do these cardio in between the exercises:
    steam engines, mountain climbers, high knees, squats, star jumps, burpies, run in place, jumping jacks. Just keep your heart rate up.

    Finish with a mad minute, actually two minutes. Max reps of leg raises or similar exercise until you just cannot get your feet off of the ground.

    If you can keep this up with only short breaks every 6 exercises or 12 minutes you will shred your abs. More importantly you will burn lots of calories which equal pounds and inches just melting off. If you put out and don't give yourself breaks that you don't really need you should burn between 600 and 900 calories during the hour it takes for this course! No fancy equipment needed, just a medicine ball and a mat.
  • gswear81
    gswear81 Posts: 3
    Thank you to all who posted on here for me. I will take the time to try each one and see which one works the best for me. You all have given me something to shoot for. It is my number one goal to have a 6 pack for the first time. :-)

    Thank you to all.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    Thank you to all who posted on here for me. I will take the time to try each one and see which one works the best for me. You all have given me something to shoot for. It is my number one goal to have a 6 pack for the first time. :-)

    Thank you to all.

    That is my goal as well. Now that I have gotten rid of most of the fat, I am shooting for one by this summer.