
Hi all,

I am new to this "working out" and eating right thing. My suggested calorie intake is 1200 per day, and 3I am always
under the suggested intake. I have 800 calories remaing for today and thats after the day is done!

I am working out 4 days a week, treadmill 45 minutes and weight training 15 minutes. 3 machines -12 reps 5 x each.

I am gaining weight instead of losing! I sometimes dont have time to eat a proper lunch as my dad is in poor health
and I am usually running back and forth to hospt for him. Any suggestions would be helpful as this weight gain
has really got me confused!



  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    there are so many threads regarding this topic! you need to do a search about eating enough and eating your exercise calories, and starvation mode.

    in short, you are not eating enough! 1200 calories is not a lot, you really shouldn't go below it, when you exercise you are burning even more calories which means you need to eat more. Your body knows it is not getting enough to eat, so it will hold on to everything it can -known as "starvation mode".

    read up :)
  • KellyEsparza
    Sounds like your metabolism is getting messed up. If your inputs were all accurate, you should really stick to eating the calorie goals for each day. If you are way under then your body kicks into "starvation mode" and your metabolism goes way down.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    If your eating 1200 Calories but working out 800 then you need to eat more
    1200 - 800 = 400 calories THAT IS not enough for your body to live on.
    ITS NET Calories 1200 NET so if you are under 1200 then your not eating enough
    Make smoothies for when you cant eat but put some healthy things into your body.
    Eat Nuts, peanut butter, cottage cheese, fruit bring up your calories if Im understanding correctly.
    Your body will store instead of lose if your not eating enough and go into starvation mode.
    My sister in law has had this happen to her, she figured out what was going on gaining weight but working out like crazy. Now she is retraining/triggering her body to stop the starvation mode by only eating protein and veggies.
    Hope that helps
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    So are you saying you eat 400 calories a day?

    How about a protein bar, protein shake, apple, handful of almonds, brown rice and tuna, oatmeal, egg whites, etc.
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    Are you doing anything as far as an outlet for the stress in your life? I am a firm believer that anxiety/stress can keep the lbs on or add.
  • nanna1958
    As silly as it might really do need to get as close to 1200 calories (or your goal) for the day, or else your body thinks it is starving and actually sends messages to your body to keep some fat in reserve,so you actually lose weight slower.If you keep your calories up to the recommended limit and still exercise the weight will come off quicker.
  • jessieard
    Here ya go love! This link below will explain it all! It's a MUST that you find a way to get in your calorie intake..including the extra you get awarded back to you from your exercise! Do some research on some meals you can maybe prepare the night before you busy day that you can take on the go! Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!
  • bINcontrolAC
    I am on the exactly same boat as you! My trainer told me that is because you are gaining muscles that you've never had before (@ earlier stage). Since you do a lot of cardio, you are burning fat as well and you will see the weigh dropping soon.
    To be exact, I have gained 4 lbs. from 3 times a week for 2 months of work out (eating light and healthy started just 4 days ago). This is my 9th week and I finally dropped 1 pound today! I would have seen the result faster if I kept the good diet.
    Don't be discouraged! It means you are gaining muscle+getting stronger+burning fat. But try to keep the average intake to get your energy going for the day. Good luck to you!
  • bevbouras
    Thanks to all who responded!! I will make the effort to reach that 1200 calorie intake. Have never had to deal with such
    issues before, as I was always at a good weight. Gained 20 lbs over last few years. Never worked out in my life before now!

    I am determined to get into shape!! I feel better after the workouts too.

    Thanks for the link too. Going to it now!