I can't eat enough!

I know this is an odd topic to post, but I am having trouble getting up to the calorie levels that I am supposed to be achieving. I work out 3 times per week and I do yoga every day, which adds a lot of extra calories I am supposed to be making up. Even on days I don't excercise at all, I can't even get within 400 calories of my goal. MFP says that if I don't eat more, my metabolism will actually lower, making weight loss harder.
Does anyone have any suggestions for good ways to get up to the calorie count I need? I am already eating crap like grilled cheese sandwiches, pasta, rice, and beans, but I am finding it really hard.

If anyone has any good recipes, also, I wouldn't mind hearing about them... I know there is another topic forum for recipes but hey, this post is like two birds with one stone. Thanks!!



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Sometimes getting my 1850-over 2000 cals a day can be tough, especially when I get a late start to the day.

    I shoot for small meals with high but healthy calories. For instance, breakfast is a slice of all natural whole wheat toast with all natural peanut butter, topped with a banana and washed down with a glass of milk, About 400 calories. Sometimes if I really need the cals I'll add a tablespoon of olive oil to my protein shake (you don't taste it at all). One tablespoon is 120 calories and it's good fat. My protein shake alone is 260, add milk there's another 90.
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    I can't see your diary, but you can feel free to look at mine for some ideas. I have my up and down days like everyone else, but I try to eat pretty clean.
  • Mellissande
    another tip, Try a tablespoon of peanut butter or two on whole wheat toast, that's 200-300 calories of good protein and fiber. I have the same problem not eating enough calories and my Dietitian gave me that tip
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    Two hours after every meal I have a snack. I usually grab some cheese and wheat thins, or an apple and a protein bar. After dinner I go for a bigger snack so I dont feel as hungry in the morning. Its also an easy way to get a piece of fruit in.
  • LittleMissVintage
    Your not alone, I have a hard time eating enough calories especially because I swim and have infact ended the day in negative calories more than once. Also eating to few calories will eventually impact your metabolism, i found that out the hard way, currently I'm trying to rebuild mine after undereating for a while. I am building extra calories and nutrients by eating fruit with every meal and adding more protiens in. You could try this, just steer clear of empty calories, even if you have calories to fill these don't give any nutritional value. Eating crap will make you feel like crap and you probably won't want to eat all the calories you should.
  • AmberMcAmberlee
    Thanks, all great suggestions! I'll definitely take all of your advice, I think I need to expand my daily menu. =]