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Ok lets hear it!



  • DeeNY115
    DeeNY115 Posts: 1
    Was going out for a night on the town with my friends for the first time in awhile. Tried to put on 3 different pairs of jeans that all used to fit me perfectly. I ripped them. All three pairs.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    *I feel like I'm boring people with this story...I keep telling it. It's interesting to a point. Skip down to the "TL;DR if the length is intimidating*

    Wow! How could you ever think your story would bore anyone? This is an amazing, eye-opening, and wonderful story! Thank you for sharing.

    Well, I tend to *kitten* myself out on the boards a lot of the time retelling my story. I think it's just the redundancy of it. But, I figure if I spread it around enough, it might start giving anyone that has to deal with difficulty, some sort of positive outlook on their situation.

    It all ties in with my advocacy of owning up to the responsibility that people have for themselves and to make life decisions, wise or unwise, but to make sure they're accountable for it. And depending on the end result, to make the choice to deal with it accordingly, but to never waver in that choice. Nothing is really ever as hard as it seems if there's no personally opinionated boundary holding you back. That's just my outlook, and so far it's been working for me. :bigsmile:
  • my father and grandmother and aunt all died last year, all three to heart-related conditions. I've been heavy my whole life. It's gotten in the way of my photography, of dating, and of just about everything else. All these things have compounded into a firm commitment to change my entire lifestyle and lose it. All of it.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    The day I had to start shopping in the plus size stores. I cried and cried. I was 180 lbs when I met my ex and ballooned so quickly since I was following his food choices. He was not a skinny guy or anything. He the first bf I ever lived with. I asked for emotional support to come with me to the clothing store as it was really hard for me to walk into the plus size stores for the first time, ofcourse he wouldn't, so I cried some more and I felt so bad about myself, it spiraled down even more from there. I would ask him to do little things, like if you want to eat out, go ahead but don't bring any home for me.. but he always did. I realize it was my choice on what to put in my mouth, but that made it soo hard. We fought alot and it just wasn't a good relationship, so I called it quits. At that time I was 268. I found a plus size store with the most amazing staff. I didn't feel ugly when I went there. There was even one woman that was really slim that worked there and she would be totally honest if something didn't look right on me. So I started to love myself again.

    Then years later, I met my husband. He is not a skinny guy either. He has supported me through this whole journey. He loved me despite my weight, but was more than happy to help in any little way he could. He kept food labels for me when he cooked so I knew what I was eating, he gave up his morning cuddles for a while when I was getting up to go running in the early morning, hid the cookies in the house so I wouldn't eat them when I asked him to, he was my personal cheerleader when I would jump on the bed saturday morning waking him up so excited that I had lost another 2 lbs!! and the list goes on.

    Oh.. and those same wonderful ladies from the clothing store congratulate me on my weight loss and tell me to come visit them, even when I am too small to shop in thier store. I still bring friends in there, cause I know they are in good hands.

    Sorry... I guess that was a little long winded for the question, but it just sorta kept coming lol
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    I had been feeling uncomfortable with my weight for awhile, but what kicked me into gear was looking at pictures from Christmas. My face just looked so round, and I looked so unhealthy. I knew I'd gained weight, but I was in denial about how bad it had gotten. There weren't any pictures from Christmas that I liked of me except one group shot where I was in the back and I was looking up at the camera so you couldn't see the damage as much. And that's a bummer, because Christmas is such a happy time and it's one of the few times I get to see my whole family together now that both of my sisters live out of state.

    The fact of the matter was that between my older sister's wedding on June 10, 2010 and Christmas of 2010, I had gained 28 pounds. I joined MFP on 12/28/10 and haven't looked back!
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    Okay here is my incredibly embarrassing and TMI "story"

    It was when I used the bathroom and realized I had gotten so big I couldn't reach to properly clean myself without a major effort......
    I am shaped like an apple....all of my weight is right out in front where I and everyone else can see it.

    I went to Disney world and chose rides not based on what I wanted to do but based on whether or not I thought I would fit.
    I chose activities in life not based on what I wanted to do but on whether or not my body would be able to do it.

    No more.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I knew I was getting into trouble when I used to stand in front of the micro wave and shout " Hurry Hurry".......Hmmm, somethings not right here, lol

    I knew it was time when I went to the Big and Tall store for the first time, and saw how much more pants and shirts were for big men as opposed to smaller sizes...........hey, thats discrimination isnt it?

    Hmm,,,,that experience and a trip to my Dr office and hearing the concern in my Drs voice...............Lloyd
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    When I had to get new jeans because my old ones were getting too tight to be comfortable. And I just got new jeans about 6 months earlier for the same reason.

    Also, when I tried on my wedding dress four months after I bought it and it was a little tight. And my dress can't be altered to be bigger, the overlay makes it impossible.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    When I was bursting out of my trousers, nearly literally. I've always been "a little too big", but that was just the limit, there was NO WAY I was going to buy a bigger size.

    Those same trousers are hanging off me now and I'm very very close to a smaller size.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I always knew I was over weight, but I never truly realized how much until I lost 70 lbs and still had a stomach. I remember one day I was riding my bike home from college and this guy yells from his truck, "ride that bike, fat boy" or something similar. I had some retort, but the funny thing about the story is that I would guess the guy was close to my size (280 lbs)!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Every year since my divorce, 5 years ago, I have gained weight. For bursts of time each year I would focus and see modest improvement only to fall back off the wagon. This past Christmas I was uncomfortable in my own skin, was experiencing leg pain and fatigue and was avoiding socializing because I didn't want to be the fattest person in the room. When I finally faced the scale, I had put on 54 pounds in the last 5 years. I realized in that moment that if I didn't stop the trend, I was destined to be, not just fat, but on my way to morbidly obese and soon. I am so glad I found MFP and this community.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I'ld say an accumulation of things over the course of a year:

    Going up to 36" trousers
    Finding that my (not very old) 36" trousers were TOO TIGHT
    Having someone make (friendly) jokes about 'Moobs' (man boobs) when I was topless - especially as I used to to have a good chest.
    My Dad getting diagnosed with diabetes
    My Dad loosing a lot of weight to combat diabetes

    And last but not least
    Great support from my wife - who joined the gym with me at Christmas: its much easier doing this together.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member

    I remember not being able to buy the wedding dress I wanted cause it didn't come in my size ("sweetie, you just have too much back fat for this dress" - salesperson)
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    I don't think there was one specific "Aha!" moment. I started losing significant noticeable weight without really trying when I became a vegetarian. After that, I realized that clothes shopping was more fun with my new body and that people were responding to my new appearance with a lot of positive words. Now that I actually make a conscientious effort to take care of myself physically, I still have those two joys plus the added thrill of knowing that I have the power to do anything I set my mind to. Seeing how the daily effort I put into self control and determination pays off, when I step on the scale, inspires me to put more positive effort into every other area of my life as well.
  • I developed bad acid reflux, bad knees, and bad back. I was sick all the time with all the crap I was eating. The last straw was when I couldn't button ar zip my jeans and resorted to using a rubber band to expand my waist band to accomodate my growing fat gut.
    I have now lost 50 pounds since August of last year and feel great. 20 more to go!
  • ShelleyBowman
    ShelleyBowman Posts: 54 Member
    You know, you look down & don't like what you see.
    You look in the mirror and don't like what you see.
    The cutest clothes, in any size, look horrible on.
    (My theory for the longest time was clothes only look good on the hanger)
    You bend over and there's stuff hanging.
    (And the "stuff" not considered an appendage.)

    All of that got me thinking about it. But still, all I did was think.

    Then we went on vacation to Jamaica 2 years ago. No one knew me and my honey loves me no matter what, so I braved a two piece. I looked at pictures when we got back... it was a pose with he and I and we were facing each other. I've always known what I saw when I looked down. (I just opted to "not breathe" the whole vacation. (I sucked it in) The problem is, I NEVER knew how WIDE I looked from the side! That did it for me.