Motivational Dream

So last night was okay. Woke up again a little after 3:00 am, took a while to go back to asleep. Had a strange dream of being skinny and walking into a room and on a mannequin I saw the most beautiful dress ever and it was handmade. At the time I didn’t know I was skinny and I was about to walk away when I turned around and saw a person standing and looking at me. We just stared at each other then I was about to say something when I realized it was my reflection. She told me I was beautiful and that I could be like her again but it was going to take a lot of hard work and then she told me to go and put on the dress so I did and it FIT. That’s the kind of dreams I have. Sometimes I can remember them sometimes I can't sometimes they are so messed up I don’t want to remember them. But when I get to my goal weight I am so going to go and find that dress and buy it. I might even buy it sometime soon so that I have a motivation. What do you think?


  • ProudMomoftwo
    Great of you to post this!
    I think that is a TERRIFIC dream to motivate you and others that have the same goal.
    Personally, I have a pic (cut out of a magazine that came to me by mistake) pinned to my wall right here next to my computer of a dress that I am motivated to HAVE.
    Keep in mind that this is a BIG step for me since I am not what you would call a 'dress wearing person'.
    I am a t-shirt and capri pants/jeans person.
    I want to be fit and toned once again ( have always been skinny and super active and athletic).
    Sure I could order it now but it sure wouldn't look like I want it to on me and what a disappointment that would be!
    I want to look good IN it.
    I want to FEEL good in it.
    It is going to be my reward for getting down to a healthy weight and getting toned back up. I look at the pic every single day and think about wearing it to church or dates out with my hubby or my daughter's future dances.
    Some history: after I had my daughter I lost ALL the pregnancy weight and felt great. After a couple miscarriages, I gained some and then got pregnant with my son. After having him I had some medical issues that kept me on bed-rest for 3months.
    I gained and gained b/c I had to keep up with breastfeeding and couldn't get out of bed.
    For the first couple of yrs after that my back and leg were still an issue for me and so exercise just was too painful.
    Bad habits developed.
    So thanks for sharing you motivational dream!
    I had a dream a few nights ago that led me to start my own 30 day Tae Bo Challenge. I am on Day 3 and doing great so far and hope to really see some progress by this time in April.
    Best of luck to you!:happy:
  • hkelley2667
    I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I too had problems with my pregnancy. I only have on child a little girl. When I was around 2 months I went to the hospital and they told me I had miscarried and then come to find out I hadn’t but the end of my 3 month again they thought I had lost my daughter, neither time could they find her on ultrasound. Come to find out I hadn’t right at that time I was put on bed rest for 6 months. That caused me to gain a lot of weight. I have always tried to lose the extra weight but it never worked out. Until now, I am determined to lose the weight and get healthy again.