falling off the wagon and getting back on it

shanalc Posts: 8 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hey all. I fell off the wagon for like two weeks. How do I get back on it? What tips can you give me


  • Alviraj
    Alviraj Posts: 9 Member
    Don't look back. Start over, and over again if you need to. You will eventually realize, what you really want; to lose weight and keep it off. Been there, done that. Good luck 2 u
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Fill out your profile page (it's all blank when I look - not sure if it's not filled out or just set to private?), I mean really think hard about the reasons why you want to be healthier and who/what your inspirations are. I have all my reasons right there on my page and when I feel like straying I can check there and remind myself why I am doing all of this. I also have a copy of the list in my wallet, so it's always with me.

    Also - I turn to my MFP friends for help and support when I am feeling weak. It's part of what we're all here for!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Nobody, in all honesty, can give you tips on how to get back onto the wagon...

    That is down to you!

    However, when you wake up in the morning, log onto the success stories in the forum, tell yourself it's a new day and get back up on that wagon. we've all fallen off, there's no shame in that...the ones who get there, are the ones who dust themselves off and get stuck into it.

    Drink plenty of water, log all your cals and get some exercise in...it releases endorphins which will make you feel amazing..

    Good Luck,
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I had a slight binge earlier this week and didn't workout for two days. I felt so sluggish. I got up this AM and did a quick 20 minute workout. I find that when you've fallen off the horse it's good to start your morning with at least a little workout to get you motivated to be healthy all day. Hope that helps :flowerforyou:
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I had a 2 month disaster, but I've been back on the wagon for about 6 weeks. What helped me:
    keeping a journal
    logging here every day
    being accountable via being measured at the gym every fortnight.

    But also, having a goal and breaking it down into activity-based goals.

    Good luck, and hop back on!

  • hwiser
    hwiser Posts: 3
    A good start is getting back in to an exercise routine. This will help increase your energy level and boost your metabolism. I am in a funk myself and the best thing I have found is staying in an exercise routine. As I am sure you know, this is much easier said than done, but put yourself first! You deserve at least 60 minutes to dedicate to yourself each day. I don't have much advice when it comes to your eating, because I struggle with this the most. I wish you all the best, and believe in yourself, because you can do this!
  • dcbird13
    dcbird13 Posts: 2 Member
    Stay focused, set short term goals, take it day by day. Don't make the mistake of saying, "I will wait until Monday to start again." Once you make the decision, there is no better time, than right now. Ask yourself, "What was the reason I fell off the wagon, and then avoid that situation if possible. Good Luck, stay strong, you are not in this alone. -D
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Put the past behind you and start over today. Commit to doing this, set reasonable goals and get moving. Log everything, and reach out to your fellow MFPers when you feel yourself starting to slip. No one can motivate you, you will have to do that yourself, but if you commit to this, you will see results!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    All good advice. I'll add my two cents about what helped me (I've lost close to 100 pounds, over 50 since joining MFP). I used to think of eating clean and healthy and in proper portions as being "on the wagon." After four plus years of keeping the weight off, my thinking/approach has changed. I now think of the wagon as the "fat wagon" which passes by often and on which I can jump any time. But ... I know where that fat wagon takes people -- back to the place where I started. Now when I'm bad, I think of it as having jumped ON the "fat wagon." That's significant because my normal is now just clean eating and the "wagon" is something that takes me somewhere I don't want to go. Do I hop on occasionally? Yep, but I know I don't want to stay long.

    Having that significant change whereby I no longer think of eating healthfully as something I did for awhile and then fell off, has been much more conducive to staying healthy long-term. Not sure if that'll make any sense to you but it was a huge "ah ha" moment/revelation for me.

    Good luck and remember that if you get it right 90% of the time and don't stay on the fat wagon too long, you'll continue to make progress. This is a real life, life-long endeavor and you'll have times when you are bad. Just don't surrender to the idea that the bad eating is the normal thing for you, and the wagon is "being good." Whatever your wagon is, it'll be the thing that you can't do forever -- make sure that wagon isn't your "diet." :)
  • shanalc
    shanalc Posts: 8 Member
    Just empty, I found it through the mobile app
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