How did you set your.....

How did you set your activity level? I am a stay at home mom to a three and four year old. I wouldnt say I am running around all day but I am playing, cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. Should I move myself up to lighly active? I dont think I am moving anywhere near as much as a nurse, which is MFP's example of lightly active. But I also dont sit around all day. And I'm also not sure I want the extra calories it will allow me. Any opinions? Thanks!


  • Maurey
    Maurey Posts: 44
    I am a stay at home mom to 3 little children and I set my activity level to lightly active. Like you said we are chasing kids around, doing chores, etc. non-stop all day.
  • Patecakers
    You're chasing around a 3 and 4 yr me that's active!! I walk around alot (living where i do it's the only way to get places without a car) and I do massage therapy (which requires alot of strength) so I put myself as light active....I think you can get by with definitely aren't sedentary!!!!! especially with kids!!!!!! furthermore you can go in and set your calories at a lower caloric count started at 1975....which I NEVER eat that much! so I lowered mine to 1750...still not hitting that amount all the time but it is definitely more do-able than the first figure!! You'll play with the system and eventually you'll get where you need to really does work....the numbers I use have helped me in losing weight!!
  • TeraMarieD
    I am a mom to a nearly 2 year old. I don't sit all day, but I am not super active like you said. I left mine at sedentary(sp). That way I know that I will lose weight. I do not get upset with myself if I go over by 50-100 calories some days. I am exercising and watching what I eat and I AM losing weight. That is what is important. :happy:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I would say lightly active. Otherwise, if you use sedentary you'll want to log all of the reasonably active time (ie time you aren't sitting at the computer or watching tv, etc). And being a mom myself, I think we tend to underestimate the activity we have with the kids. Anyway, try it one way for a few weeks and if you find it isn't working then change it.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I'm a SAHM of an 18 month & 3 year old. I've got mine set as lightly active and my goal is 1lb a week and I've lost 13 lbs in 8 weeks.