
realia Posts: 169 Member
I'm Mahalia and I'm new here. I'm 17 years old and I need to lose about 60 lbs. As you can tell, I have a long way to go. It's been a struggle for me, especially this past year because my father had recently passed away. I had lost 21 lbs prior to that but gained it all due to eating so much comfort food. I really want to get out of this rut that I've been in most of my life. I have always been overweight and I want to know how skinny (and healthy) feels like.
I used to be on a site identical to this but I realized my mistake was not making friends with others and I quickly lost the motivation. I'm trying not to make the same mistake, so if anyone wants to add me as a friend or talk, I'm always here. :)


  • Itisabouttime
    I'm 17 too, and have nearly same goals. I'm kinda new here too, and don't have anyone to motivate me or anything. Add me if you'd like, and we'll keep each other going ;p