Stomach Pain

Hey guys,
I wanted to see what you thought about this and maybe some of you have even had it happen. I have been dieting for three weeks now and I have lost 4 lbs or so which seems to be reasonable. I eat around 1200 calories a day and i also exercise but sometimes i do not eat those calories. I have been recently having some major discomfort in my stomach, I am not sure if this is a side effect of losing weight but I feel bloated and not hungry, its really weird. I am not sure what it is. Anyways, I am 130 5'2 and 20 years old. Any ideas they would truly make me feel better :D


  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    Girl, eat your exercise calories and talk to a doctor, stat.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Girl, eat your exercise calories and talk to a doctor, stat.

    I agree. The stomach pain could have nothing to do with your dieting, but I'd see a doctor to be safe.
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    I would see a doctor. It could be something as simple as your body adjusting to the new "healthy" foods your are eating or something could be majorly wrong.
  • nicolewil
    Hate to be the one to say it, but w/a diet change, it will take at least 30 to get a good adjustment. Gas is associated with ALL of it and you probably just have to poop! hahaha Yep, that word! Hang in there and research some items to relieve gas and mild constipation (if you struggle). Don't feel like you are hurting yourself by doing this, just don't abuse it!!! If it persists then check it out...for real, most "diets" screw w/your stomach! Good luck!
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you guys, I guess gas would make sense considering my bowel movements are not really normal, there daily but not normal. I wonder what causes you to have gas when you do a diet change, I figured it would make you better. I feel so bloated that I can't actually see my weight loss, haha i feel like I have put some on but I have not. Thanks again guys.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Definitely see a doctor to be safe. Additionally you might try incorporating more yogurt with active cultures (it will say on the label "active cultures") or get some bifidus supplements. Way back in the day when I started eating better (incorporating a lot more raw veggies) I had the same problem and yogurt did the trick. Though it did take awhile. I bet the bifidus supplements would be quicker!

    OH, and bifidus is basically the one of the really good bacterias that live in your gut and help you digest. Eating active cultures in yogurt or taking supplements should improve your digestion in general, even if you have some totally unrelated problem causing your bloating.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Sometimes your body needs time to adjust to working 'properly'. When I had first quit smoking a few years back (/sigh/ didn't stay quit, but have my new quit date set and am working towards it), for the first week my lungs hurt. It got kind of hard to breathe a few times and I thought I was getting sick. I mentioned it to a friend of mine who had recently quit something and he told me he went through the same thing. I guess my body thought something was lacking or whatever.

    same with the diet/exercise I've been doing. It took a while for the whole system to stable out and become 'regular' again. I still advise going to a doc if it persists, because it could be something more.