Is counting the sugar in fruit a mistake in mfp?

Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
I've notice that if I eat like 2 or more fruits in a day my recomended sugar in my diary goes over. I know that the sugar in fruits is not the same as eating refined sugar. I thought its recomended to eat 5 fruits and vegetables everyday... seems more like according to mfp I should just have veggies. ( I know even some veggies have sugar too) Does it make sense? Should I just ignore the recomendation and eat my fruit or go according to the recomendation on the site and just have like one or no fruit a day.


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    I'm all for eating fruit, just ignore the sugar coming from fruit unless you have a health reason to be tracking all your sugar.

    If your sugars coming from fruits you're getting all kinds of micronutrients and other good stuff as opposed to how we get refined sugar.
  • jbobs6
    jbobs6 Posts: 1
    5 fruits and veggies= 3 veggies and 2 fruits.....i wouldnt worry about it unless you're eating 5 servings of fruit a day and youre not exercising.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about sugar from fruits. I get 24 for my day, and fruits contain sugars.
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    i don't think it's a mistake, fruit has a lot of sugar.......but it's natural sugar and it's not gonna stop me from eating 2-3 pieces of fruit a day :-)
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    Fruit does have a lot of sugar but its processed by the body in a different way from refined sugar. If you are going to excercise that day then there is no harm in eating whatever fruits take your fancy. Your body will use that fruit sugar as energy, where as with refined sugar, your body does use it for energy but it can also be converted to fat easier.

    Im sure lots of people will argue this with me but i find it to be true. :)