Motivation needed..

katrinadizzle Posts: 16
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I finally got down to a healthy BMI (barely), but I can't seem to make myself see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm trying to get to a midway healthy-BMI point. I've got 4 more months until my husband returns from deployment and to meet my goal, which leaves me a little slack. However, I don't want to procrastinate losing the weight. I keep eating more and more, and, because of this, I've actually gained 4 pounds back. Exercise hasn't stopped, in fact, I've become MORE active. I guess I just... eat more. Lol, I'm just not sure what to do to motivate myself. Any suggestions?


  • xmelanieg
    xmelanieg Posts: 4 Member
    The easiest thing you can do is switch your liquids to water or diet drinks (if you haven't already), don't drink your calories! And if you can, replace as much food with a lower fat substitution. For example, I have a heart for ice I switched over to frozen yogurt so I'm not denying myself a snack that fills me up... almost as much. You don't have to deny yourself food, just try to keep reaching for the healthier things and allow yourself a day every week or so where you can go out to eat or have a meal that you wouldn't want to eat every day. Keep working out as well because that's wonderful!!
  • precioustypeoflove
    precioustypeoflove Posts: 197 Member
    u just gotta keep pushing ur self and doing this for u know body else !!! u can do this if u went that far what stopping u now ?
  • TubOlard
    TubOlard Posts: 43 Member
    Concentrate on the things that got you to where you are now. Realize what you have already accomplished and know that you don't want to backtrack to where you were.

    Do it for your husband and know how proud he will be of you for your accomplishment and even more than that, do it for yourself!

    I still have about 10 lbs. to go to get to my final goal weight but I have been maintaining at the same weight for about 3 months now. I know what you mean by lack of motivation because I have spells of it myself. At this point I just don't want to go backwards but it will take a little more effort from me.

    Congratulations for getting this far and good luck with your continued success!
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    First of all...kudo's on the weight you have lost!! You will have some natural fluctuations due to water am not sure the time frames . Feel free to add me as a friend and several others so we can help out. The cool thing about excercise is that it does allow you to eat more...I personally excercise atleast an hour so that I can eat a couple hundred more calories a That said...with the right foods and the right spacing between will do just fine. Let's see how we can help ya!
  • Sedonafan
    Sedonafan Posts: 26 Member
    I am in the same boat. I just can't get motivated. However, in your case, just think of how great the moment when he returns, takes one look at you, and drops his jaw with an awed "WOW!" That will make eating a little better all worth it! You can do it!!!
  • Nic_b14
    Nic_b14 Posts: 2
    Hang in there girl!!! Just take one day at a time. If you start feeling like you want to munch try and wait 5 min and see if the craving stops. Also if your good at drink all your water threw the day it will help you from eating when you dont need too. You should be drinking half your bodyweight in oz in a day. hold your head up, we all go threw set backs. You just need to focus on your goal and push threw it.
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