New~ I need help and support

Hello my name is Crystal,

I am so glad that someone told me about this site, it is alot easier than writting my own diary and calculating the percentages! I feel like this will really keep me least I hope.
I had a baby 2 years ago...did great only gained 22lbs. Once I had her my horamones were crazy like everyone elses. But mine got deep, so I was put on like 3-4 types of depression meds and my thyroid meds nearly double (which if you have any knowledge about hypothyroidism you know that is huge). So now i way 20lbs more than I did when I was pregp....I know right, not suppose to happen!
My biggest problem is food ideas! I know alot exercise so I do that 5-6 days a week! Im horrible when it comes to portion control...I think I snack faily decent but when it comes to dinner I blow it!
So I guess my question it can anyone give me advice and tell me Im not the only one strugling!!!

Thank You so much for taking the time to read this long letter

P.S Im married of 5 years and I have two girls 7 and 2!


  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    You are not alone, my kids are 17 and 14 and I have been carrying this weight around since before I had them. I have struggled for a long time. I think it is awesome that you have not given up and are still pushing forward. As far as portions, I measure everything. I picked up a small food scale on-line and weigh my meats. I plan my meals early in the day so I know what I have to do for dinner and I stick with it. I used to snack on popcorn and fruit after dinner but very quickly found out that does not work for me so I keep that for special treats now. Just remember to log everything you eat and be true to yourself. If you cheat you cheat yourself and you are worth this, not to mention you are taking care of your children's mother. You can do it.
  • AlisonE76
    AlisonE76 Posts: 12
    Hi Crystal

    how are you? i just wanted to say welcome and well done for making the commitment to get started to getting fit and healthy. it sounds like you have had a tough couple of years so don't be too hard on yourself for gaining the weight. You have had a huge battle on your hands dealing with the Post natel depression, never mind your thyroid problem. All i can really say is that to keep your portions under control for your main meal aim for each to be no bigger than the size of your fist. it might also help to switch to a smaller plate as you might feel the need to go for seconds if your large / normal dinner plate looks half empty. its a physchological thing really. If you switch to smaller plates, it looks fuller with less on it and you won't feel like you are depriving yourself.

    Its better to eat little and often too rather than to have one or two big meals with long gaps in between. if you go longer than 5 hours between meals / food your body thinks its starving and your metabolism will slow right down, which is not something you want to happen as you will start to store fat instead of burn it. Healthy low fat, low salt, low sugar snacks are the key. Sugar is really something to be avoived as much as possible.

    If you can incorporate some exercise into your routine it will really speed things up for you too, do a mix of cardio and strenght training and together once you stick to a healthy balanced diet, you should start to see results,

    The best of luck with your journey
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    Welcome! There is lots of support here. Add me if you would like!
  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    Hi, firstly good luck and you have done the right thing by joining, secondly you will find by learning about your food, that will be in fact eating more than you are now, especially if your working out with exercises, i found this site the best one ever as it helps me plan what i have, what i can account for, and what i want to avoid, we are all on the same boat here, there's various other websites with healthy ideas too, so you can do it, and plus we are all here for you......:happy:

    On a bit of a side not, i was alot like yourself, but i found purchasing a cheap and cheerful blender was the key, whenever i felt peckish i blitzed a whole load of fruit with either fat free yoghurt or fresh juice, almost no calories, lots of nutrients, high in take of water and was perfect when i needed a snack.......try it,

    feel free to add me too if you want some support, and good luck
  • MeredithLee11
    MeredithLee11 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome! There is so much great support here. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck:smile:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Hey search Chicken Steak Nachos on here in the message board someone put a pic and they are so YUMMY for dinner!! Also I love to do stir fry I use pam or Olive oil depending on how I ate the rest of the day and some frozen Chinese stir fry vegis. Another thing we like to do is the crab cake muffins- they are delish with hardly any calories! Let's see.... turkey burgers If you haven't tried ground turkey yet I highly recommend it. Also check out her recipes are so good and her books are the best investment I ever made!! If you want more ideas friend me and let me know. You can do this in no time- I promise and the good thing is if you do it right it will stay off forever!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: