Lack of family support...

My family has hurt my weight loss goals so much that now I don't even share with them what I'm doing. Whether they're fat and enabling, or skinny and condescending, my family drives me nuts and I knew I would have to confront this sooner or later. My little brother (6 pack) has a completely different view of life. His priorities in life are: penis, self, mirror, and Tony Robbins. Even though I've lost 23 pounds on my own, I'm doing it all wrong. "What's your anchor? What's your leverage?" I told him I'm not talking about my goals because I want to surprise family this summer when I see them. Whoops! I walked into that one. "That's not a good reason. You shouldn't do it for other people. Do it for yourself (penis, mirror, Tony Robbins). We've had this exact same conversation 3 years ago (remember, when you failed?). Now share your goals with me (so I can pick them apart)." SHUT UP!!!! God, make it stop!
Weight loss is fun. It's challenging. I've never been so curious about glycogen, lipids and omega 3 fatty acids in my life. But I'm doing it my way. My family can seriously kiss my *kitten* if they don't like my method or goals. Maybe it works for other people to "do it for yourself" but I'm just not that shallow. I don't want to lose weight just to look better and get girls. There is more to life than that.

Does anyone hear me on this?
Do you struggle with family?
Do you have a parent that you can't visit for more than one day or you'll fall into old patterns with them?
Do you have a sibling, who has never been fat, who's armed with a history of your false starts, preaching at you?

I get way more motivation from the girls at It's a Grind than my own family.


  • missygail
    missygail Posts: 30 Member
    I understand, though my very skinny (never had an ounce of fat on her body) navy sister is a bit more supportive than your brother. Though when she comes to town to visit I may sing a different story because she's currently in nursing school and plans to do a work up on our parents and myself and I'm sure she'll tell me everything I'm doing wrong.

    I look at the phrase "do it for yourself" differently. To me it's not shallow. I'm not doing this to get a guy or to impress family or friends or anyone. I'm doing this for myself to feel better about me. I'm doing this for myself to become healthier so that I can stick around for my children.

    I'm doing this for myself so I can find my self confidence. I had self confidence and self esteem once upon a time. I want it back...

    Whatever works for you is the right way to do things. You've lost 23 lbs and that's awesome.... your way seems to working so far, which is super.

    Do it your way and don't listen to anyone else. Tell them thanks for your concern but my way is working so far and guess what is my flipping body, so ya know thanks but no thanks.

    My mother can be a naysayer as well. I complained at my father and so she's eased up a bit, but she was pretty bad. If I was going to the kitchen multiple times she'd be like "You're eating again?" Or if my plate seemed too big to her she sit there and tell me that a meat portion was only supposed to be so big.

    There for awhile before I joined here and really wanted to truly give this weight loss thing a try I was working out. I went occasionally at night to a 24 hr gym and occasionally during the day to the YMCA. I'm doing all this working out and mom tells me that exercising is all fine and good but if I don't learn portion control then I won't lose anything. My mother is smaller than me but she's also a lot shorter. She's got some extra weight on herself, so truthfully she's not one to be handing advice.

    Even now I get the feeling from my mom when I say I've lost 12 lbs that she rolls her eyes as if it's not true....

    I won't even get into the troubles of cooking family meals for myself, my parents and my children. Talk about frustration.
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Congrats on your awesome loss so far Steve.

    I have a mother who was very large when I was growing up. She ended up having Gastric Bypass Surgery about 15 years ago and then had it reversed 3 years later (but has managed to keep the weight off).

    She tells me how easy it is to lose weight and that I shouldn't find it so hard. Also its like its a competition, where she will say "oh I don't need to shop there" or similar.

    I try to use her negitivity as even more incentive to lose weight! I've only been on this journey for a short time, but I picture in my mind her face when I have lost the weight. Its a great motivator when I want an extra cookie!

    Good luck
  • hamsmash
    hamsmash Posts: 41 Member
    Missy spoke well,

    Take the Do it for yourself not with vanity in mind. Think of it like you would putting on a seat belt in your car, the actions you take today will return dividends down the road. And I think wanting to surprise your family come summer is an acceptable motivator, who wouldn't enjoy seeing your family's faces light up with surprise.

    As for the naysayers just ignore em, do what you gotta do. Keep your chin up and keep on truckin and don't get down because your not doing it "the right way".

    And GOOD JOB with the 23 pounds gone!!
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    Both my brothers used to be very fit, and now it seems like they get angry that I'm working out. They ask me "how long is it going to last now" and criticize my salad for not having enough protein whilst their munching on Pizza. I've lost 10lbs and they have yet to comment on my weight loss. It's weird really, whenever they ask what I've done and for.ex I told them, I ran 5k in 25min the other morning, my other brother goes "hey I'll race u any day, and besides i bet u ran on a treadmill right? That doesn't count, treadmills are for p*****"
    Right, thanks for the support!
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    Missy spoke well,

    Take the Do it for yourself not with vanity in mind. Think of it like you would putting on a seat belt in your car, the actions you take today will return dividends down the road. And I think wanting to surprise your family come summer is an acceptable motivator, who wouldn't enjoy seeing your family's faces light up with surprise.

    As for the naysayers just ignore em, do what you gotta do. Keep your chin up and keep on truckin and don't get down because your not doing it "the right way".

    And GOOD JOB with the 23 pounds gone!!

    I see your point but at the same time I have to say that losing weight to look better, weather u say it is because u want to look good in a bikini, or because u want more confidence, really goes hand in hand doesn't it? I mean, u feel more confident when u look good.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Both my brothers used to be very fit, and now it seems like they get angry that I'm working out. They ask me "how long is it going to last now" and criticize my salad for not having enough protein whilst their munching on Pizza. I've lost 10lbs and they have yet to comment on my weight loss. It's weird really, whenever they ask what I've done and for.ex I told them, I ran 5k in 25min the other morning, my other brother goes "hey I'll race u any day, and besides i bet u ran on a treadmill right? That doesn't count, treadmills are for p*****"
    Right, thanks for the support!

    I know what all of you mean but I have gotten to the stage of life where I feel free to tell the negative types to mind their own business and will ask "what the F is it to you, anyway?" :explode:

    @Mac- so I take it that your brothers aren't so fit now? if so race him- why Not-? if you don't beat his a-- into submission you can have it as a training goal- and if you do beat him you can tell him that he should consider using MFP bevause he is clearly out of shape :laugh:
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    Both my brothers used to be very fit, and now it seems like they get angry that I'm working out. They ask me "how long is it going to last now" and criticize my salad for not having enough protein whilst their munching on Pizza. I've lost 10lbs and they have yet to comment on my weight loss. It's weird really, whenever they ask what I've done and for.ex I told them, I ran 5k in 25min the other morning, my other brother goes "hey I'll race u any day, and besides i bet u ran on a treadmill right? That doesn't count, treadmills are for p*****"
    Right, thanks for the support!

    I know what all of you mean but I have gotten to the stage of life where I feel free to tell the negative types to mind their own business and will ask "what the F is it to you, anyway?" :explode:

    @Mac- so I take it that your brothers aren't so fit now? if so race him- why Not-? if you don't beat his a-- into submission you can have it as a training goal- and if you do beat him you can tell him that he should consider using MFP bevause he is clearly out of shape :laugh:

    Lol! haha you are right! it's more of bullying, in my fam the guys have always been very macho, so when I step up they feel a need to push me down. I'm doing it for me though so the only thing they are doing is unknowingly motivating me more :P There are always going to be people around that react negatively. That's life! Maybe me racing him would motivate him enough to start working out again lol :P
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    Family members and friends do have great difficulty when we step out of our role for any reason. Change is very scary to people. Especially if they feel you are somehow leaving them behind. Trying to improve your health, attitude , and self image can be very intimidating. If you fail then you stay the "same " comfortable person they are accustomed to. Hang in there! Change is good! I do it for me because I won't succeed any other way. I take responsibility for me. I can't control what other people think, say or do. You are probably looking for some positive support from the people you love but, you may not get it. Stay confident and calm about where you are going and what you are doing. Be a rock! They'll come around or not but ,you'll be stronger and feel better if you succeed.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Both my brothers used to be very fit, and now it seems like they get angry that I'm working out. They ask me "how long is it going to last now" and criticize my salad for not having enough protein whilst their munching on Pizza. I've lost 10lbs and they have yet to comment on my weight loss. It's weird really, whenever they ask what I've done and for.ex I told them, I ran 5k in 25min the other morning, my other brother goes "hey I'll race u any day, and besides i bet u ran on a treadmill right? That doesn't count, treadmills are for p*****"
    Right, thanks for the support!

    I know what all of you mean but I have gotten to the stage of life where I feel free to tell the negative types to mind their own business and will ask "what the F is it to you, anyway?" :explode:

    My little brother doesn't think he's being negative. He's been to so many Tony Robbin's seminars (some at $6K) and has been completely brainwashed on how to think, and how to reply to those who disagree. He won't accept that there's any other way than his, and won't accept that what he's paid thousands of dollars for a little pop-psychology, some recycled behaviorism and genius marketing. A big part of Tony's program is making sure those who were dumb enough to pay for this seminar come to the next one, and the next one, and so on. Both of my brothers have way more confidence and self-importance than me, more than is healthy, I think. I don't want to be ANYTHING like them. Ever. Except for health wise. Why can't it be simple? I get way more motivation from the girls who make my coffee.
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    oh i can feel u..i have a brother who is not so fit n criticize me all the time...and then i have my mom who encourages me even after .5lb loss... i have just strtd n im gonna do it for my self....dnt listen to wht others say..sometimes its just because u r doing something they shld've been doing:P
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    oh i can feel u..i have a brother who is not so fit n criticize me all the time...and then i have my mom who encourages me even after .5lb loss... i have just strtd n im gonna do it for my self....dnt listen to wht others say..sometimes its just because u r doing something they shld've been doing:P
  • lmk224
    lmk224 Posts: 41 Member
    I have a lot of jealously around me. My mum is very supportive luckily, I think because she had a 26" waist at 31 after she had me (her third child)! She's happy when I have more energy, feel better, and smacks down comments from other, larger family members who make catty remarks. A certain friend HATES me anything less than a size 12 and tells me I looked ill skinnier! It was the first time in my life (a lot of) people were saying what great shape I was in... oddly enough now she's started dieting now I'm getting slimmer again...
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member
    Family members and friends do have great difficulty when we step out of our role for any reason. Change is very scary to people. Especially if they feel you are somehow leaving them behind. Trying to improve your health, attitude , and self image can be very intimidating. If you fail then you stay the "same " comfortable person they are accustomed to. Hang in there! Change is good! I do it for me because I won't succeed any other way. I take responsibility for me. I can't control what other people think, say or do. You are probably looking for some positive support from the people you love but, you may not get it. Stay confident and calm about where you are going and what you are doing. Be a rock! They'll come around or not but ,you'll be stronger and feel better if you succeed.
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member
    Well said! I am referring to the post I tried to quote above.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    hey Steve,

    it seems like you're in it for the right reasons.....for YOU and for your HEALTH! you don't need to justify it to anyone else (nor do they need to defend their choices to you....ahem).

    learning about diet and nutrition and how your body uses what you feed it is a fascinating journey. I'm sure you have plenty of information to digest to keep your mind occupied. Don't let others get under your skin.

    Someone in my life won't even eat food I make lest she come to look like me (she hasn't noticed that I've lost 45 lbs, LOL). I try to limit my exposure to her and in the end, I'm not doing this so she'll eat the food I make. I'm doing this for my good health and state of mind.

    good luck and happy eating Steve!
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    My mom is heavier than me I believe, or were close to the same weight and she is always telling me how I need to get healthy. With the new healthcare plan in effect where you can put your kids on your health insurance until they're 26, said the only reason she was putting me on it was so I can get the surgery. Well I don't want tthe surgery, nor do I think I need it. I have been meeting with my doctor and she even told me that she doesn't think I need the surgery, because for the short little time she knew me she thinks my real issue is portion control,and figuring out how to do it in a sensible manner. Which I must say I'm learning slowly! We decided that if I lost the weight in a healthy way, my dr would help me in getting a breast reduction Hey I figure that is a better trade than having surgery! Also I think a lot of my friends/family feel that I will fail at this again, but I know that I will get there...I've been doing this on/off since November and I have fallen a lot but here I am picking myswelf back up and moving forward. I look forward to my lifestyle changes, and becoming healthier than these people in my life ever will.
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    If your brother wants to spend his time and money listening to Tony Robbins and going to seminars, so what? What does that have to do with YOU or your goals? If that is his path, that he has chosen for himself, then accept it and move on. If he has his way of thing things and they work for him, then why should it bother you? Why should it affect you and the way you want to do things?

    I'm not trying to be harsh here, but to me it sounds like you're doing yourself a disservice by letting other people, even if they are family, affect your mindset when it comes to achieving your goals.
  • MommyPower
    My family would call me fat and lazy and i weighed 120 , 2 jobs and went to school. I just had big hips and an *kitten*! People like that are upset with themselves and think that if they put someone down to make themselves look better. Its soo sad.
  • MommyPower
    Oh ya good job on your weight loss! Keep it up!:happy:
  • missygail
    missygail Posts: 30 Member
    Missy spoke well,

    Take the Do it for yourself not with vanity in mind. Think of it like you would putting on a seat belt in your car, the actions you take today will return dividends down the road. And I think wanting to surprise your family come summer is an acceptable motivator, who wouldn't enjoy seeing your family's faces light up with surprise.

    As for the naysayers just ignore em, do what you gotta do. Keep your chin up and keep on truckin and don't get down because your not doing it "the right way".

    And GOOD JOB with the 23 pounds gone!!

    I see your point but at the same time I have to say that losing weight to look better, weather u say it is because u want to look good in a bikini, or because u want more confidence, really goes hand in hand doesn't it? I mean, u feel more confident when u look good.

    I always think of the looking good part as the bonus round. I've had some weight loss before and I was high on pride and confidence and yes suddenly the fitting room didn't seem so daunting as it is now.

    I won't ever be able to do the bikini because of three c-sections, but the skinnier jeans are just a nice bonus to the overall plan of getting healthier and changing my eating habits. Whatever your motivation, go with it....