Hi...My name is Rich...and i'm outta shape.

LOL...I'm trying to cut 30 pounds off, so my future fiancee can't keep her hands off me. Just joking babe...unless you gonna do it. :) I like being able to track what i eat, cause it makes me more aware of how reckless i have been all day s i can know whether or not dinner gets to be the fulfilling experience I try to make it or if I'll be eating something that taste like porage instead. (*Raises glass*) Here's to the success that i've already claimed over my weight!


  • tjanette1216
    tjanette1216 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Rich! I bet your future fiancee is a lucky chick! (Thats me by the way, lol) We can do this!

    Make friends, log your food, stick around a while. The accountability and the encouragement is great. Love you.
  • shannond1218
    Welcome.... This site helps me out so much!!! It keeps you on your toes and is great for monitoring BAD habits and Curbing them..... Congrats on your upcoming lean wedding!! :)
  • bradbyu
    bradbyu Posts: 14
    My wife got me into this, and I've really had some eye openers. I didn't realize how bad my snacking was for my calorie intake! Holy cow! These last few weeks have been great to make sure I know what I'm putting into my body and the pounds have been coming off! (7 with MFP and 15 since I started losing weight about 2 months ago) I've found I can eat junk as long as I exercise enough to burn it all off. (it's kind of fun!)

    This whole endeavor is definitely a lot easier with a buddy, especially a spouse, or a future one! You two will be great motivators for each other both with cooking/eating healthier and exercising.

    Good luck on your journey and congrats on finding someone to spend the rest of your life with!
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    From on Rich to another Hi mate.

    Yeah good point fitness pal shows how reckless I can be with my food. I have managed to get used to eating some bland food like weetabix.

    Here is a good healthy meal Chicken kebab: get some diced chicken breast onion, red pepper, orange pepper cut it up stick it all on a stick. Rather than marinade it or put sauce on, sprinkle with a bit of chile power, mild curry power and some crushed garlic if you want. and eat with rice. No sauce (may be a drop of soya) and no bread.

    It's really filling, low fat healthy but feels a bit like treating yourself to junk food!!!!
  • rcprince16
    Welcome Rich! I bet your future fiancee is a lucky chick! (Thats me by the way, lol) We can do this!

    Make friends, log your food, stick around a while. The accountability and the encouragement is great. Love you.

    Love you too baby! Let's do this!
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    aww get a room the two of you lol

    welcome to mfp hope you both succeed with your goals lol
  • jeaniedev
    jeaniedev Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome LOVE MFP really has helped me to shed some lbs...I have been working out for what feels like forever, but once I finally decided to religiously log my food, the weight just fell off...:smile:
  • grandmanita
    grandmanita Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Rich,
    I just started yesterday because it is time for change in my life. I have procrastinated about this long enough and have been angry alot of the time, because weight was never a problem for me until now. I want my life back...So good luck and go forward to good things...
  • dmaffy
    dmaffy Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck mate yull find a lot of help and support on here
  • marieke1979
    I agree, when I first started counting calories here I didn't realise how much cheese or nuts etc can go up, a small portion is a high amount! Portion control is the key I suppose. Bummer right ;-) It's a good help to have the food database that can be personalised!
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    Welcome to both of you! You will love this site. There is so much good information here, and I have never found a site with more complete nutrition information in one place. Makes it WAY easy to track not just calories but nutrition in general, and in a few weeks you will really start to think in a whole new way about your food! Best of luck to you both.
  • carrie_lebel
    Welcome, nothing wrong with looking so good your fiancée wants to jump you. Good goal