yoga instead of running??

So, I have decided I am going to throw away my scale because after one week of it saying that I lost 7lbs and then the next the scale saying that I gained it all back.. I'm fed up with caring about the damn scale and I care about how my body looks and feels. Ha!

On that note, upon being discouraged today after said scale trouble I asked a friend who recently lost weight why this could hae possibly happened and she replied because I have been doing so much cardio??? (note I am on a pretty lean diet..)

And also said that when you gain muscle it builds on top of fat..???

Then said I should do yoga instead of running and other cardiovascular exercises..???

I am just so confused, clearly and need to be educated about this. I love running and am planning on using 5k races around my city to motivate me to keep working out, but I mean is it going to stall progress??

Please help, and thank you!


  • coderedcoderedjkjk
    I don't see why? You're burning calories, it shouldn't make you gain weight. Adding yoga though would probably be beneficial.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I'm bumping this. It sounds completely wrong, but what do I know? (I'm hoping to learn!)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    If you love running... run! If you run and eat right, you will eventually lose weight. If you want to throw in some yoga for strength and flexibility, that's all the better, but there's no reason you can't do both! Keeping your calories in check and exercising to build muscle and burn fat is the only way to change your body. Cardio is important, as well as strength training. Yoga is amazing for the body, but running will help you burn the fat. You don't build muscle on top of fat, that's just incorrect. Just remember that when you run it doesn't give you license to eat like crazy, keep your net calories in your goal and you'll be fine! It takes time to change. Just keep running!!!!
  • lesford
    lesford Posts: 8
    Run *and* do yoga. Mix it up!
  • shockwavegirl
    Well I mean MY thinking (and what i've noticed in the past when I was much more fit) was that I would run- bulk up from the running and then if I continued to run PAST that 'akward stage' if you will then I would always LOSE the fat that I had, and my muscles would continue to develop.. Which is why I was confused about this.

    Yeah, definitely there with the calories thing. Like I said I'm pretty much a vegetarian with the exception of lean meats like turkey bacon or turkey!

    And also, yes, the impression I have always been under was that you build muscle which burns fat. So.. alright. Haha thanks guys!

    I'm new to this whole like being fit type thing INTENTIONALLY so..^^' The freshman 15 definitely got me haha.
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm fed up with caring about the damn scale and I care about how my body looks and feels. Ha!

    If you're at that point, I would suggest yoga if for no other reason than it feels damned good. There are some yoga poses that will help lengthen some of those areas that get pounded and compacted during aerobic exercise like running, and you'd be amazed how much lighter you feel after a solid hour of yoga, especially the flow/Vinyasa style where you move a lot, instead of being in static postures for longer periods of time.

    I'm all about the cardio, too, but I'm doing the cardio to get fit enough that I can manage to do power yoga (bryan kest) without falling face-first onto a sweaty mat.

    Can't hurt to try. Just listen to your body and don't do anything it doesn't want to do. Injuries suck, whether from running or from yoga. Yoga and running are very often a wonderful combination.
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I mix up the exercise. Yoga, stretching, cardio etc.
  • amazingmummy
    amazingmummy Posts: 816 Member
    Run *and* do yoga. Mix it up!

    Agree. Great combination.
  • shockwavegirl
    So for someone new to this *yoga* stuff.. what would you guys recommend I start out with?? :O
  • Papaya81
    Papaya81 Posts: 90 Member
    I would suggest finding a class locally that offers a Vinyasa style. Someone earlier in the thread pointed out that Vinyasa yoga is a fluid method and that would probably be the best way to become acquainted with yoga. I have been doing it off and on for years, but typically when I am trying to get back into it after a few week/month hiatus its easier to start with Vinyasa because it keeps your body moving and its also a great way to learn the poses.

    I have taken a few Iyengar yoga classes and they are too static for me. I am not very good at balancing but I really just don't like being in one position too long.

    If you can't find a class locally or don't have the time/$ (they can get pricey) then I would just suggest doing some research on your own, however, I firmly believe that a class or two will help you become acquainted and learn the proper posture.

    Best of Luck!!
  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    I would say don't give up running but as everyone else has said add in yoga! Yoga is great for stretching and really helps you run better, in my opinion. I do yoga at least once a week with all of my other cardio and weight training.
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    I would say don't give up running but as everyone else has said add in yoga! Yoga is great for stretching and really helps you run better, in my opinion. I do yoga at least once a week with all of my other cardio and weight training.

    I'm following her ^^^ lead.. Stick to running, and add cardio..
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I would say don't give up running but as everyone else has said add in yoga! Yoga is great for stretching and really helps you run better, in my opinion. I do yoga at least once a week with all of my other cardio and weight training.

    I agree

    if you are eating the wrong "types" of food, highly processed, out of box/bag, you can also inflame/bloat/hold water, especially if you are doing a ton of exercise.

    How much water are you drinking? That can affect your weight -- AND are you eating your exercise calories? If you aren't eating enough, your body will start holding on or keeping fat because you aren't fueling it enough.

    Fat is on top of muscle mostly - not the other way around.

    AND, are you weighing under the same circumstances every day? I wiegh every Thursday morning, naked, right after I use the bathroom and before I have a drink of water.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Then said I should do yoga instead of running and other cardiovascular exercises..???

    >> Not a doctor, nutritionist or fitness professional - but just trying to be helpful:
    I don't think it's an either/or proposition...doing the yoga or some other bodyweight resistance or weight training on your cross training days might help. I hear that when training for races, runners sometimes lose muscle mass if they don't keep up some sort of cross training.

    Losing muscle mass, of course, will slow your metabolism. (Your muscles need more energy than your fat...)
  • rockabyesarojane
    So for someone new to this *yoga* stuff.. what would you guys recommend I start out with?? :O

    i do running and yoga and think doing both will not only get you the results youre looking for, but you will also feel fantastic!

    SO to answer you question, coming from someone who doesn't hve money to throw around I would suggest going to your local library branch and renting a dvd for vinyasa yoga for beginners. there are alot of instructional videos out there that (AS LONG AS YOU PAY ATTN TO THE INSTRUCTIONS SO YOU DONT HURT YOURSELF) are a great way to get started! Also, I'm sure your friend who suggested it to you could tell you where she goes.

    Enjoy yourself!
  • rockabyesarojane
    I would say don't give up running but as everyone else has said add in yoga! Yoga is great for stretching and really helps you run better, in my opinion. I do yoga at least once a week with all of my other cardio and weight training.

    I'm following her ^^^ lead.. Stick to running, and add cardio..

    me three!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm confused. Is she telling you that cardio made you gain weight? Cause I don't think that's the case. Sure, it would be great to do some strength training along with your cardio....but I doubt you are gaining due to the fact you were running. What is your current weight and height? You say you are on a "lean" diet. What does that consist of? How many calories are you taking in per day? I will tell you, if you are eating at a good deficit it will be very hard for you to be putting on any new muscle. I would say most likely you are just dealing with a fluctuation in weight to to water (maybe that time of the month or high sodium intake this week?) ...That seems far more likely then gaining 7 pounds of fat or muscle in a weeks time.

    If the scale stresses you out, toss it. Start taking measurements (waist, hips, bust, arms, neck, thighs.) Measurements wont lie to you like the scale can sometimes. Good luck!