How do you stay motivated everyday??

emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I've been on MFP for about 20 weeks now, and most of the time I've been here I've set my goal to be 2lbs lost per week. I've managed to lose 11.5 lbs. While I'm happy about that loss, I can't help but do the math and see that I could have lost almost 40lbs by now if I had put in the effort.

I've been struggling to be able to stick with the diet and exercise for more than a few days at a time. I have a better handle on the exercise than I do the food. So often I find myself giving up because at the time that I'm about to eat I would rather enjoy a cookie, or a chicken burger or a beer or 8 with my friends rather than stick to my diet.

How do you motivate each decision you make? How do you keep motivated to keep this up? I've tried lowering my goal, I've burned an extra 1000 exercise calories, and I just seem to want more than I'm "allowed" most days.

Any suggestions?

TL;DR Version

I CANT STOP EATING!! What should I do?


  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member

    If nothing else, It's nice to know I'm not alone! :P
  • tknuzum
    tknuzum Posts: 52
    I am in the same boat, and every one just says tomorrow is a new day jump back on its hard. And I am also ok with the excersise but the diet is killer. I try and try and try to stay under calories and haven't been able to do it for a while. And stress eating is my thing. And stressfull here lately yes! I am want to follow this just to see what people say. I am tempted myself to go buy an adorable outfit, in a few sizes smaller that I know I can't fit in, and hang it where I alwasy see it just for motivation. See if that helps. Been here Since November, and just started seriously into it in February ? So yeah, definatly feel your pain.
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    I have the same problem!!
  • ahkunkel
    ahkunkel Posts: 68
    I have a magnet on my fridge that says "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" and that gives me my motivation for the day. It is a constant reminder that my life is going to be about what I want it to be or think that it will be. It is ALL about your mentality. For me personally, I constantly struggle with saying to myself, "I just can't lose the weight" and with that mindset, I will never lose the weight that I want to lose. So every time I go to open up my fridge and I see that saying, I am reminded that losing weight is all about what mindset I am going to have that day. And just remember, it is ok if you want a cookie or to drink beers with your friends. Everybody deserves a cheat day! Mark on your calendar your cheat day for each week and when that day comes, have at it! Losing weight and maintaing a healthy lifestyle is not about being perfect all the time and never eating the foods that you want. But just remember, the only person who can decide how you are going to eat, exercise, and live on a daily basis is YOU.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    One thing you can do to stay motivated is to stop thinking about what you "could have" done, and instead focus on what you HAVE done. You have made good progress!

    It helps me to pre-plan my food diary. I don't deprive myself of things I love, as long as I have them in moderation. And even though I pre-plan, I do allow myself the flexibility to change my diary as circumstances arise, provided I can still stay in my calorie range. I keep small treats on-hand like dark chocolate Hershey's kisses, and when I need a sugar fix, I'll pop one in my mouth and let it dissolve slowly. It takes a couple of minutes to dissolve, and it satisfies that craving for only 20 calories. Find something that you can treat yourself with, without sacrificing a lot of calories, and go to it when you need to. I think of my calorie goal as a bank account -- I have 1390 calories in my bank. That's all I have to spend on food. I can earn more if I work out, but either way, I dont' want to go in debt on my calories. It makes it easier to stay within my goals if I think of it in terms of "cost."

    As far as exercise, I keep myself motivated because I have specific goals in mind, and I don't do any workout unless it's FUN! My goal is to have abs for my birthday. I've always wanted abs, so it's easy to push toward that goal. Maybe you don't want abs. Maybe you think it would be fun to do 20 pushups in a row. Maybe you would like to be able to run a mile without stopping. Come up with a fun fitness-related goal that you've always wanted or envied in other people, and slowly start making progress toward that goal. And find ways to make exercise fun. I like doing the workout games on the Wii because I feel like I can reach for a "high score." I'm very competitive in that way, and I like to win at games, so that works for me. Maybe you've seen a fun workout DVD, or you like to do the workouts on Exercise TV. Or maybe you don't like to do structured stuff, but you like to dance. Crank up the tunes, set your timer for 15 minutes or so, and dance your face off! Do something you enjoy doing, and it won't seem like work.

    When you miss a day or go over your cals for a day, don't allow yourself to feel guilt. Just chalk it up to experience, remind yourself that everyone needs a rest day now and then, and keep pushing forward. My motivation comes from the knowledge that every moment is a fresh start. I can't change what I did yesterday, or even 5 minutes ago. But I can make a good choice RIGHT NOW. Guilt has no place in this journey. What do you have to feel guilty about? It doesn't affect anybody but you. There's nobody to apologize to. So just accept what happens, and keep moving forward.
  • I'm motivated just logging on to this site....I see all the other people who are just like me....trying to get better and more healthier! My MFP family keeps me motivated and when I have a down day....I think of this....DO I REALLY WANNA GO BACK TO THE WAY I USED TO BE??? the answer is HELL NO! So that too helps to keep me going in the down direction...which is why we are all on here anyway!!!! If you want to add me as a friend on here feel free!!! I'm always open to making new friends and I try to be as upbeat as I possibly can! This is not a's a lifestyle change....and it works so much more when you have friends along the way!

    Love and Luck to all of you on your personal health journeys!!!
  • deal4321
    deal4321 Posts: 25 Member
    Each day I try to eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch and the change dinner every nite and that works for me plus the exercising. Look back to those days/week were you lost and try to eat the same and exercise to see if that helps.

    I agree every once in while you need a cheat day & I do plan my cheat days. But I try not to cheat too bad so that I don't feel guilty the next day or I eat less for breakfast & lunch if I know my dinner is gonna be my cheat meal so I can still eat but not go over my calories too much. Some times it works and some times it doesn't but then I just remind myself my weight didn't just appear overnight and it's not gonna disappear overnight I'm gonna hafta work at it and not give up. :-)
  • stevo1078
    stevo1078 Posts: 26
    It's all about the portions that i found/find difficult. It doesn't take much motivation for me to excercise music energizes me enough to do that. But eating is my downfall. I wanted to get a set of scales and weigh the things i eat before i eat them (as i don't eat out often/ever really) but people thought that idea was stupid lol
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    Truly, it has to come from within you. You have to want to lose weight/ look better/ be healthier-whatever your reason for doing this lifestyle change is more than you want that cookie (or whatever). There is no secret. For me, a few things help. One, I go back and look at the picture that started this all-I don't want to look like that again. Two, I know what my trigger foods are-cookies and chocolate. I do not let cookies in my house anymore. I can't. I have zero willpower when it comes to them. I still eat them, but I get 1 cookie from the bakery when I go grocery shopping or I seriously budget them into my calorie allotment for the day. I don't eat milk chocolate anymore. I can't stop. I can stop with dark chocolate so I eat a few dark chocolate chips every day and it keeps the chocolate monster at bay. Three-I eat every few hours so I am never ravenous. I plan my meals and my snacks. Four-if I eat something "bad" I log it (usually-I'm not as good at this anymore now that I've hit my goal weight) and I don't let it derail me for the rest of the day. Move on and eat healthy the rest of the day and the next day. You are accountable to yourself and nobody else can change you. Good luck!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't, really. I just take each day as it comes, and I prefer to exercise every day. I don't feel like I am motivated or on a roll. I just pootle along, really.
  • It's all about the portions that i found/find difficult. It doesn't take much motivation for me to excercise music energizes me enough to do that. But eating is my downfall. I wanted to get a set of scales and weigh the things i eat before i eat them (as i don't eat out often/ever really) but people thought that idea was stupid lol

    scales are a GREAT idea! It will take time doing that to really be good about knowing portion size...that and measuring cups are my best friend :)
  • RichB77
    RichB77 Posts: 88
    You have to really WANT to do it!

    If your mind-set is not right, then nothing will happen. Logging all your food is one part, exercising is another. Surely seeing the calorie content of 8 beers is enough to make you think "do I need to drink that many" ??

    I've lost 29 lbs since being on this site in january this year. I know i still have some way to go, but the motivation of people on here is brilliant, but if you don't want to do it, you really won't get anywhere!

    I still have the occasional KFC, i still drink vodka and go out boozing with my friends, but if i know i'm having those treats, i will exercise more than usual to accommodate those calories. And by entering the drinks and food etc.. on to my daily planner is enough to ensure that i don't over-indulge too much!

    Maybe you're trying to lose too much? Drop your goal to 1lb a week maybe and see how you go?

    However, regular cookies and beers are going to not help your cause i'm afraid! (and i'm not sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear !!!) :drinker:

    But i wish you well on your journey
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Well you have a loss and you've gotten back into exercise. That could be considered a victory.

    You know what they say you get out of it what you put into it. I'd say you're proof positive about that. There is no magic cure you just have to do what you want to do. If you know you need to eat better along with your workouts then you just have to do it.

    You know this. :) So it's up to you and your inner self to determine what you want and how you're going to get it.

    Good luck.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    It's all about the portions that i found/find difficult. It doesn't take much motivation for me to excercise music energizes me enough to do that. But eating is my downfall. I wanted to get a set of scales and weigh the things i eat before i eat them (as i don't eat out often/ever really) but people thought that idea was stupid lol

    food scale rocks! do it if you wanna and screw the nay-sayers! :tongue:
  • I visualize myself every morning and everyday and repeat to myself my goal weight.

    I also have friends here who want to reach the same goal as me, and we log together everyday. We cheer each other and I stay motivated. Getting a bit "competitive" with exercise and in reaching the goal helps a LOT.

    If I have to cheat, I rather do it with something I know what it has in it...
    Today I had two portions of the Spanish Cream Cheese pie I made last night -right before going to bed, so I would not feel tempted. Two portions of the pie are 90kcal and 3gr of protein.
  • JudoJones
    JudoJones Posts: 54
    1st to say, over time i've learned that the diet/eating habits is the MOST important part of a healthy life style. For several years I focused on workig out. Not getting the results and increasing my intensity and the frequency. I got very strong & very athletic but still carried a lot of extra weight. To the point where i was even competing internationaly at 20 lbs over my ideal weight class.

    I say this to point show how important the diet is, it was a hard lesson for me to learn. I eventually got it down but have since put back on 30 lbs due to injuries & time off and bad habits, beer, bad food etc..

    Now i'm back at it, no longer a competitor and have the time to do it right. Finally, this is what has made easier for me. I'm constantly eating. That's it. I'm not tempted to eat bad, 'for the most part :)', because i've usually just got done eating or about to.

    Of course this means 'eating clean', you can do some searches on what this means if you need to.

    Got to go, hope this helps,
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    This is why I love this site so much! The responses are motivating and make sense and you get a feel for what other people are going through on their own journey. :flowerforyou:

    I personally started with the food I ate and then slowly added exercise to my routine. I was afraid if I did it all at once that I'd go back to my old ways. Maybe it's time to take a serious look at what you're eating and research some healthier alternatives/recipies or limit how often you eat certain things. What's your biggest food weakness? Mine is chinese. I allow myself to have it twice a month. I plan for it, and if I go over, then I go over. I don't beat myself up for it, and I just make sure I'm being good to myself the rest of the time. My lifestyle change would never have worked if I didn't allow myself Chinese ever again. I also eat a fudgicle instead of 2 cups of ice cream, and I just don't buy snack foods that I would "lose control" over anymore. (Smartfood - I do miss you!) :wink:

    Everyone is different. What works for one may not work for another. Just keep at it, go at your own pace, and remember you have to do it for you or it won't stick.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    Same here doll! I've been on the weight loss path since Sept 2010, and I've lost 15 lbs. Of course I want to see a lower number on the scale, an in my clothes, but the truth is that I would rather lose 15 lbs then gain 15 lbs. Every change I make is progress, not matter if the scale reflects it or not. Every day I drive past CVS without buying candy is a victory. Every day I wake up and work out instead of snoozing for an hour is a victory. In time, those victories will add up, and the number on the scale won't compare to the empowerment you will feel just by making seemingly small choices every day.

    My trick to staying motivated is to celebrate what I HAVE accomplished. Like Tony Horton of P90X says "do your best and forget the rest"... as long as you keep pushing yourself to eat better and exercise, that's all that really matters. Losing weight and getting is shape is 85% mental in my eyes. When I think positive, my actions follow suit. Even if I don't see the results I want, I FAKE IT! LOL. I sashay in my heels like I'm 20 lbs lighter, I smile and flirt like I'm 20 lbs lighter...

    You hear about women who, after weight loss surgery, still think they're obese, when in fact they've lost significant weight. Their body changed, but their mindset didn't. I'm not going to tell you what to change, because you know you. But for me, I focus on my accomplishments... no matter how small and no matter how long it took me to get it. I don't have a weight loss deadline either. I'll get there when I get there, and it's about the journey for me, not the destination.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I weigh and measure everything, that way I can eat what I want but only the portion thast fits into my cals per day.
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