newbie here hi to all

Hi to you all ,very happy to have found this site ,myfitnesspal looks inspiring & helpfull , so my name is mechelle im 37 ,my story is my weight ! my biggest was end of 2010 when at a guess i was maybe 81kg ,looking at the photos maybe more ,1 month ago (due to my weight ) my husband left me after 19 years together ,has hit me very bad & the emotional stress & not eating made me lose some weight ,however did not weigh myself so cannot for sure know what i was ,monday 14th march i made a decision to lose the weight & put some time in for me & to stop being miserable ,i weighed in at 78.5 kg ,i am 163 inches height ,after 1 week of intense exercise which was tough going & struggled with keeping up ,alongside a healthy eating plan ,on monday 21st march weighed in at 76.6 so is working well & allthough the exercise & eating plan is a constant battle to keep up i have forced myself to carry on &i am determined to continue this my goal is to get to 60kg so a way to go ,i am feeling confident in myself ,the tears & the dislike of myself is getting less & less ,i hope with my goal weight my husband will see me again as the slim teenager he first met & i hope that will rekindle something in him to consider family life again ,i wish myself & you all luck ,we can all do it if we keep getting over the hurdle of slacking off on the sofa & allways thinking ,ill start tomorrow ,i have said that so many times that all my previous planned tomorrows are now all my todays ,its time to do it ,stick to it & get happy & fit


  • ingy1990
    ingy1990 Posts: 22
    It's wonderful that you are on your way! But I have to say that you need to do this for yourself and not your husband. I don't know your whole story and it's none of my business. Your husband should love you for who you are and not what you look like. I'm pretty new to this site also and it is inspiring and helpful. Welcome and we all can do this together!!!
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    I´m sorry for everything you´ve gone through, and I know that sticking to your goals on MFP will give you a lot of satisfaction, and help you with other goals you have...Plus, the exercise will physically and psychologically make you feel better, much like you say you´ve already been feeling...
    Try to do it only for yourself, (and not for anybody else unless you want to give a good example to kids or things like that) though, whether it be for your health or other reasons. I think you can be assured of excellent results that way...
    I would say, you can do it, but...You ARE doing it already!! Hooray for today!
  • susancelli928
    I am sorry, but your husband is a total JERK if he is going to destroy a 19 year marriage over some weight. I have been with my boyfriend for over 17 years and he has seen me at my thinnest which was 185 all the way up to 320 and has loved me no matter what I looked like. Its not what you look like on the outside but what you are about on the inside. You have to lose weight for you and only you and NOT for anyone else.

    I am sure you are a wonderful person and in my opinion its his loss and you WIN!!!! Good luck on your quest for weight loss and I am sure you will find this site and all the people on here a great help.
  • robinmath
    robinmath Posts: 59
    Best of luck to you. I know what you are going through. I myself am going through separation and divorce. I have totally committed myself to this site and loosing weight. I want to feel good again and love myself. You will find much love on this site. :wink:

    Keep up the good work you are doing and be sure to share your success!
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    thankyou for your kind words ,the exercise has helped so much ,i struggle each day to make myself do it as im sure does everyone else ,but after i feel great ,i feel strong & refreshed ,i tutt just before but smile for the whole day after .
    I am doing it for myself ,but yes i hope that my husband will like the end result ,i do love him dearly & he has put me to hell & back ,didnt realise how low a person could feel ,but i am now very focused on me ,i have had enough of the kids having to watch me crumble ,he is still hanging in the wings saying maybe one day ,keeping me hanging on ,i am finding now that i am feeling happy with myself who knows maybe after this journey the new me will not want him back ,maybe i am fat because i was unhappy !
    I never knew exercise could make you feel so good , struggling a bit with the eating ,having chilli con carne tonight aaahhh , but on a positive note it does not take long to need less food ,1 month ago i was eating huge platefulls ,no breakfast ,what ever i could pick at for lunch & the huge dinner at night ,now i eat breakfast ,a very light small lunch & need 1/4 of what i used to eat & im full up ,its the picking i struggle with ,the key is to drink a glass of water just before you start food prep ,it stops you picking & at home get the kids or someone else to clear the table & scrape the plates into bin so you dont pick at the left overs ,i have also stuck a big note on the wall telling me 1 hour out of my life on this day is all it will take to make you smile & it kick starts my brain to remember how good i will feel after the exercise .
    brain training at its best !!!
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    you all have pics on here ,dont have any recent pictures of me shall take one after dinner tonight with the webcam , its nice to see faces to the names so guess should get in the spirit of mfb
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    Best of luck to you. I know what you are going through. I myself am going through separation and divorce. I have totally committed myself to this site and loosing weight. I want to feel good again and love myself. You will find much love on this site. :wink:

    Keep up the good work you are doing and be sure to share your success!
    sorry to hear you know how i feel ,its a very dark lonely place huh , i am so happy to at last see some light ,i wish you also love luck & happiness
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    thankyou so much ,you have made me laugh with "your husband is a jerk " was a kick in the teeth for me to hear you know what type of woman i like & your not it ,you do nothing to make yourself look nice for me !
    that choked me along with the many other comments but has also kicked my butt to look at myself honestly in the mirror & decide i do not like what i see & that i can change it ,best of luck to you on your journey .