Hi I'm new


I just started this site about three days ago. I am on day 4 of the hCG diet and have lost 4lbs. I am going for 50lbs.
Is anyone else on this diet?


  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    never heared of it before what is it??

    Welcome to MFP x
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    Yeah, what is it? Im new here and never heard of it before?

  • fjohnson844
    Hi I'm new also LOL just curious what is the HCG diet ?
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I've done the HCG diet a few times, and it's a great way to lose weight fast, but the weight don't stay off. Who can really only eat 500 calories a day for the rest of their life.....? . I love the diet, in fact I found it to be really easy.... I lost 23lbs in 28 days on it so that was great, but after being off of it and slowly adding more calories the weight comes back. Everyone I know that has done it, ended up gaining more weight back than what they lost. Good Luck, it's a great diet but I don't think it gives a life long result.
  • prissylaine
    You restrict yourself to 500 calories a day and take hCg drops 3 times a day. I feel like if I can just get some of the weight off I might be able to keep it off.
  • prissylaine
    What kind of diet are you on now if you don't mind me asking?
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Not really on a diet just eating healthy foods and exercising.......it's definately more work than the HCG, and sometimes I hate exercise but everyone says doing it this way will be more healthy and the weight will stay off.
  • ixsa
    ixsa Posts: 3
    I've never done that one , but most of my co workers have. It's a great way to lose fast but if you dont change your eating habits you will gain it all back just as fast and more. Good luck