what diet/eating plan

cleolaine Posts: 6
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
,,,,,,, is everybody doing? just curious :smile:


  • Counting calories and watching sodium. Seems to work best for me. Although I LOVE my Pho!!!! I'm also forcing myself to eat fruit, don't get me wrong I love fruit but as a snack I'd rather have SALT! I have started craving apples rather than chips and haven't had Pho in eons.... Oh Pho I miss you so. Really just snacking better. Snacking is my major downfall.
  • melischemitz
    melischemitz Posts: 46 Member
    Counting calories and watching sodium. Seems to work best for me. Although I LOVE my Pho!!!! I'm also forcing myself to eat fruit, don't get me wrong I love fruit but as a snack I'd rather have SALT! I have started craving apples rather than chips and haven't had Pho in eons.... Oh Pho I miss you so. Really just snacking better. Snacking is my major downfall.

    Oh, I miss pho, too!!!!! I made an "easy" version at home, just used box beef broth and simmered w/ some ginger, cardomom pod, star anise, cinnamon, fennel seed and onion, bought the rice noodles (although the actual serving size and the amount you get at a restaurant are SOOOOO different!) and sliced some tenderloin thin, added the sprouts, lime, jalapenos, basil, cilantro and a bit of sriracha and it was pretty close, and about 400 calories for a bowl, with a LOT less sodium! Not too shabby, but I still wish I could slurp down some real stuff!
  • finallylean
    finallylean Posts: 553 Member
    Exercising and just eating healthy. Diets are just short term goals, I'm in this for the long run. I am planning to permanently change my lifestyle and just be healthy for once in my life.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    just trying to eat normal food and cut out snacks, also making sure i keep within calories etc, lots of water and plenty of exercise:smile:
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I try to eat clean 90% of the time. I do a mix of yoga, P90X, and marathon training for my exercise plan, 6 days a week. I eat small meals during the day to keep me full and I've seen very steady weight loss since joining in April 2010 and getting "serious" in October 2010. My diary is public if you want food suggestions, and I'm always happy to talk about running.

    Good Luck!
  • mapinkerton
    mapinkerton Posts: 147
    Making a LIFESTYLE change by eating healthier and exercising. I am SO tired of people asking me what diet I am on. Diets only work while you are on them. Once you go off of them (and you will) you will gain weight back. I am only losing 1-2 lbs. a week and that is perfect. BUT I have also gotten my blood sugar back in the normal range, lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol, and the doctor has reduced my BP and cholesterol meds.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    weight watchers:huh: ooooooooh i love salt too better than fruit
  • bryals
    bryals Posts: 6
    I hate the word diet because most peeps thing it means I'll do this for a time and then go back to my regular eating habits.
    Nuff Said!

    I've simply changed the amount I eat to match the number of calories allowed per day and yes I have started watching my sodium (very important IMO). I too have started eating more fruits for snacks and apples why apples I love them.... Every now and again I'll get a piece of candy last night I had one Reese’s cup 80 calories. Was sure I would gain weight for just that one indulgence but surprisingly enough I lost a pound. I also watch my sugars, if I get to many from fruit I don't worry so much but if it isn't from fruits or healthy foods I get concerned.
  • curvykent
    curvykent Posts: 140 Member
    I watch my carbs, calories, and sugar. I try to eat only healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, fish, etc). I eat veggies with lunch and dinner, eat fruit in moderation (mostly low carb fruits) and I mostly eat whole grains that are low glycemic index. This is a food plan that I have found my body needs for a variety of reasons. Last year I started exercising regularly by doing (3) 4 mile walks and yoga once a week. Then I added a second yoga class. After sometime my weight plateued and now I'm finding that I have to really push myself and do vigorous cardio and weight training. I'm losing inches more than pounds right now but I trust that eventually the numbers on the scale will follow.

    Oh and just recently I started trying to eat smaller portions, and eating something every 3 hours to avoid waiting until I was starving to eat. This has helped me get my portions under control.

    As I'm writing this I'm realizing, I"ve come a long way. This is so different from the way I functioned 3 years ago!
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    I am not on a diet, but rather am changing my habits one by one for the better. Honestly, I refuse to diet any longer: Atkins X2, Carb Addicts, Weight Watcher X many times, Deal a Meal :blushing:, Slim Fast, 3 Day Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet:sick:, Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover, Volumetrics, not mention taking Alli, trying Full Bars:huh:, Ripped Fuel, Hydroxycut, Xenadrine... to little or no help- I'm D.O.N.E.with dieting.

    But this-- what I am doing on MFP-- is a lifestyle change. I am logging in everyday, good or "bad", what I eat, learning how to eat real foods (not just things that come prepackaged), being aware of my portions, controlling my impulses, upping my intake of vegetables, experimenting more with cooking, getting exercise and drinking more water. As a result in 6 weeks I have lost over 17lbs. That is WAY better than any 6 week period I've had at Weight Watchers or any extreme diet I've tried. More importantly I feel I CAN and WILL meet my goals because I am loving myself in every stage of this, doing nothing out of extreme, and replacing old habits with new ones to promote a long lifetime of good health

    Best wishes to you in this journey.:flowerforyou:
  • deerussell
    deerussell Posts: 9 Member
    So, lots of talk about salt. (My love). Why does salt make us hold onto fat? Can some one answer. I am exercising really well & eating really well, but the pounds are not dropping off.
  • It's funny when I am craving something I know I should not eat it is usually salt I often wonder why.. I love fruit and yogurt but sometimes crave chips and anything with salt LOL I am doing calorie control and EA Active 2 on my Wii for exercise..I think I eat more now that I eat healthy than I did when I ate horribly.
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    I am a primal eater, and no I am not on a diet it is my life style, so I eat lean meats, healthy fats, nuts and nut butters, vegtables and fruit in moderation, no grains at all, no corn( it is a grain not a veg) no peanuts( it is legume not a nut) I also do not eat tubers white, red, or sweet potatoes. Eating this way just makes my body feel and work better. Need more info go to marks daily apple or check out his book the primal blueprint.

    Otherwise I am at the gym 3x a week for cardio and weight training and the I do zumba and gold gym dance on the Wii, so much fun.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    a clean eating lifestyle change and using common bloody sense.
  • I LOVE everyone's response. No diet here. Changing my lifestyle. I eat low carbs but i don't count the carbs in fruit and veggies. You can eat plenty of them. .I focus counting carbs on the breads, pasta, meat and potatoes. When i was counting all my carbs i thought i was eating too many carbs but then my calories were really low and i barely ate. This way i can lots of yummy healthy foods. I know it seem confusing but in my mind it works. I have proof it works i lost 16 pounds in January. 178-162.

    NO SODA!
    NO DEEP FRIED FOODS ( a lil pan fried with olive oil)
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Eating 5 - 6 smaller, balanced meals a day.

    I always try to have protein and complex carbs; and try to get in healthy fats every day.

    Drinking water to thirst (which usually is tonnes of water since I BF.)
  • Deb4224
    Deb4224 Posts: 15 Member
    Feel like I could have wrote this post... I refuse to diet too... struggling a little with using MFP regularlay, because the logging everything I eat reminds me of some diets a little too much - even though, I realize logically that it helps to track.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Eating healthy non processed or fast foods(Most of the time). Portion control. Drinking lots of water.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I mix between Chalean extreme and p90x
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