Question about 30DAY SHRED.

Hello all. Im fairly new to MFP. Ive noticed great reviews about 30 day shred so i went and purchased it yesterday. Planning on starting today. Just had a few questions....what weights has everyone been using for the dvd? Also wanted to know from those of you that have done the video did you just focus on the video or mixed it with other exercise. Thanks!


  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Glad you posted this. I'm doing my first work out of this today as well and curious about it. I plan on starting with 5 lb weights but seriously doubt I can handle that. I'm a weakling.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    When I started shredding I used 3lb weights. As the days went on, for some of the arm work I was able to use 5lb weights, but mostly still the 3lb weights! :flowerforyou: And the Shred DVD is the only DVD I'm using right now. I'm also doing C25K, and that's all I can handle right now!
  • snowflakelaia
    When I started toning videos a couple years ago, I did not do any weights at all on the first day. I learned the moves and positions first, and did them without weights.
    If you do those well, you will be sweating a lot.
    After 2 years, I'm starting with 7.5 lb weights...
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I use 5lb weights. Most people normally mix it with some other form of cardio (i.e. walking or elliptical). I did it 30 days straight 10 days of each level with no added exercise and lost 8.6 + several inches. If you are not used to working out try 30 days next round add more cardio. Good luck!

    p/s you will be sore but so worth it!
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    Welcome!!! I love her 30 day shred. I did it everyday with 3 lbs weights, I know that doesn't sound like a lot but trust me it is the best workout! I lift heavy weights when I do weight training and her workouts still kicked my butt! Now I do her ripped in 30 about three times a week( sometimes more) in combination with weight training 3 times a week. I like to do different things so thats why i do both!

    Good luck!!!
  • lissababe
    lissababe Posts: 38 Member
    Haha im pretty weak too. I have five pound weights but when i bought the video i also bought 3 pound weights. I think im gonna start off with those and maybe work up to five if i can. Thanks for the reply!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Started last week and use 3lbs weights. Plan to work my way through it and start all over again after that with 5 lbs weights, if I can handle it. Only doing it every other day, since I teach a Zumba class the other days, so it will take longer for me. But I think this way my body can handle it a bit better.
  • concealedpearl
    I started level 1 this week and use 7.5lb weights-they kill me but it gets easier everyday. I use 5lbs weights for the last strength training session where she does the arm raises...those cannot be done with 7.5lb weights. I use the higher weight so I feel the burn...others use 3lb and 5lb weights to start off. Oh I also do other workouts on top of the shred..mainly cardio and other weight training classes.
  • KatieJoMoore
    I just started the video today with 2lb weights, since I only own 2 & 5...and I'm pretty sure I'd die if I tried 5 :) It was a great workout, but I have another question. I don't own a heart rate monitor so I'm not sure how many cals I'm burning. Is there a good way to estimate this, or do I absolutely have to have a HRM? Thanks!
  • eoisom
    eoisom Posts: 14
    I've been using 2 and 3lb weights and they are working just fine. TRUST ME, as you progress on you're be happy that you use the "toning" weights. The repetitions can be killer especially once you hit level 2......OMG!!!!! Good Luck. Tonight will be day 13....lucky 13 right!!!???? LOL!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I started of bat w/ 5lb weights but it was very hard ! I've now stuck w/ it and built up strength to do it, I do not do any other cardio w/ it but sometimes take a breather from shred and do other jillian workouts-I've lost inches and 7 lbs in 1 1/2 mos
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    I just bought that video today during my lunch break after hearing very good things about it on MFP... I also plan on starting it today....Good Luck!!!!!!!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I am actually on Day 2 of the 30 Day shred...I've been using big soup cans...I don't have weights so I've just grabbed something that seems around 3lbs or maybe a bit less. it's worked so far. I'm sure as I go I'll go buy some 5lb, but right now my soup cans are working. haha!

    I do love it already though, it is a great workout. I've been using it with SOME other workouts. The first two days I've only done the shred, but I'm gonna start adding in other types of cardio as well, just as an extra. I'm hoping it works well for me!
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    The first 30 days I used 3 lb weights and did 30-60 minutes of cardio afterwards on the treadmill or bike. Lost 20 lbs and 13+ inches.
    The second 30 days I used 5 lb weights, 60 minutes of cardio and mixed in her other dvds like No More Trouble Zones and 6 week 6 pack and lost 8 more lbs and 5 more inches.

    Currently on my third go around but now I am using Ripped in 30 using 5-8 lb weights and doing 60-90 minutes of cardio. I am on Level 2 Day 6 and am down 3 more inches and not sure on the weight as I swore off the scale for a few weeks but if I had to guess I'm easily down another 5 lbs.

    G'luck to you. Stick with it!!!
  • ValMae
    ValMae Posts: 52 Member
    I started and used all I had the first time- 8 lb weights. Oh my gosh...definitely too much for me...I wasn't used to exercising regularly so I went to soup cans until I bought 3 lb weights which I still find to be plenty heavy enough even after doing soup cans for a month. It was nice to be familiar with the movements though when I did add weight so that I wasn't so focused on lifting the weight that I was not completing the movements with proper form!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Hi, I'm on D5L3 of the 30 DS. I didn't have real weights when I first started, I was using 4 1/2 lb water bottles from Trader Joes! They were really heavy so I invested in 3 lb weights. I've still been going to Curves 3 days a week, I like the variety. Good luck, I hope you like it! Challenging, but you'll see results!!
  • Mandalicious
    I use 5lb weights, but I can't get through the arm raises on the third circuit yet with them. I am on day 6 of level 2 at this point. I want to avoid buying a 3lb set, but I might just need to do break down and do it anyway! I try to get a little bit of cardio in each day, too. It's usually just a one mile walk, but it is something!
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    I started out with 2lbs and then after 10 days went to 5lbs...I have sticks for arms so it has taken ALOT of getting use tooo...when i find it hard I switch off..the chest flies i always 5lbs...I log the shred in as 20 mintues of circuit training...hope this helps
    good luck and all the best:0