How do you choose your goal weight?



  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Many, many moons ago when I lost weight, I got down to 169 and I looked and felt good. But as life goes on, I gained it all and then some back. So when I lost weight again, I got down to 220 and same thing. I felt and looked good. I enjoy having curves and my husband was happy with them too. So as my first goal I would like to get down to 220 and see how I feel about being there and if the time comes where I want to lose the rest, I will go down to 160, where my BMI says is a good weight for me. Its all in how you feel.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    My goal weight is just an estimated guess of what I will weigh when I get to my goal pant size. I say 145 lbs, but it might be closer to 150. And it might even be more if I gain a bunch of muscle. But, I do get people that think I am crazy for wanting to lose that much weight. But, they think I already weigh 130...goes to show how well I carry it!
  • lphoenix129
    I chose my goal weight based on a weight I used to be. I'm 170, and my goal weight is 130. I was very happy with my body before I started putting on the pounds. Even though I have a goal weight in mind, I focus on how I ultimately want to look because I know in gaining muscle mass, I may not hit that goal weight but still be happy with the look. I hope this helps. And just remember your goal is for you. Everyone will ultimately have thir opinions, but this is for you and at what weight you'd feel more comfortable at.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I chose 120 because it's the weight I was in college and again after the birth of my son (21 years ago!). Really, my goal is just for all of my pants to fit again. My measurements matter more than what the scale says.
  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    I chose mine based on the "best" I've ever looked, then subtracted roughly 15 pounds because I know I still had some chub on me to lose even then! :laugh: I don't like BMI, either, but my current goal puts me in the healthy range. Once I get there, though, I'll see if I need to lose any more! My friends are the only ones who say I "look good the way I am," but my family agrees with my desire to lose weight... lol
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    I'm referring mine back to the time I was skinny.
    My goal weight is anywhere around 95-105 lbs.
    And just talk to your doc about it to make sure it's okay for you.

    That is just crazy, I am sorry. To each their own, I know but that is not a healthy weight for anyone unless you're 4'10".

    I respectfully beg to differ. I'm 5'1", currently at 104.5 and feel better than I have in years. Furthermore, I'm looking to maintain at 102-103. That's still within a healthy BMI, and I was told by a registered dietitian that I would be perfectly fine at 102.

  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I really don't know what my goal weight will be, I'll decide when I get to the size clothing I'm aiming for! I'm just not interested in having some cookie cutter chart tell me what I should weigh.
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    When I was my very smallest, in my 20's and pre-kids, I was 137. I'm guessing I'll hit maintenance around 145-150 this time around. I will switch to maintenance when I know it's time. My goals are more fitness-related: 5k, 10k, lower body fat percentage, etc.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member

    That! *points up* That's what I looked like 6 short years ago... or is it 7 now? Summer of 2004. I weighed 140 lbs with 20% body fat. That's how I picked my goal weight and target exercises.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I'm referring mine back to the time I was skinny.
    My goal weight is anywhere around 95-105 lbs.
    And just talk to your doc about it to make sure it's okay for you.

    That is just crazy, I am sorry. To each their own, I know but that is not a healthy weight for anyone unless you're 4'10".

    I respectfully beg to differ. I'm 5'1", currently at 104.5 and feel better than I have in years. Furthermore, I'm looking to maintain at 102-103. That's still within a healthy BMI, and I was told by a registered dietitian that I would be perfectly fine at 102.


    Yes at 5'1" you are fine at 104.5, and CAN be healthy at 102. I am 5'2" and 106 and feel better than I have ever been in my life.

    However, that other girl, at 5'3", would NOT be healthy at 95 lbs! She said 95-105 and should probably be aiming for 105 the LOWEST. Remember, its approximately 5 lbs per inch, and that girl is 2 inches taller than you so "should" be about 10 lbs MORE, not 15 lbs LESS than you.

    (not arguing what is or isn't a healthy weight, to each her own, just pointing out the difference 2 inches can make...)
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    When I was younger I met a girl about my height. She wasn't thin, but she was much thinner than I was. Before I got WLS, they asked me what my goal weight was and I just used that girl's weight.

    Still working on it.
  • april_denise
    april_denise Posts: 24 Member
    My goal is based on my height mainly. I'm 5'0" and slightly big-boned, so I'm aiming for 120 right now, then I'll see how I feel when I get there and see if I want to lose any more. I actually used MFP's BMI Tool also to help me decide my goal weight as well, and it tells me that my healthy range is 94.7-128.

    Like someone else said, now if I could only GET there. =] I've actually never been that small, always seemed to have a little more meat on me, so I'll be really excited once I reach my goal.
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    I chose 140 as my first goal, cos if i kept looking at that ticker and having it say 50+pounds to go i was gonna cry. I find setting a more reasonable goal first works best for me although ideally i would like to get to 125-130 :)