Why have I gained on here instead of lost?!

Hi guys. I'm 5'3 and 132 lbs (60 kg). I am feeling extremely frustrated of late, because instead of losing weight on MFP I have gained some. I know recently there are definitely some reasons why there may have been a little bit of a gain. We had a massive earthquake here a month ago, and with the stress of all that, and staying at other people's places it's hardly surprising. I've also been doing a bunch of baking to help out, give away and also because I'm bored. But my trouble when I bake is that I eat the mixture. (Yes I know!)
So I'm also starting to train for a full marathon, and you'd think that with all the crazy amounts I'm burning through running that I wouldn't have any trouble...WRONG!!!
I do try to eat very healthily, trying to eat every 3 hours or so, with carbs, protein and fat every time. I log my food, and although recently I changed my activity level so that it's lower I don't know why I've been going up instead of down. I can be crazy hungry with all this running, maybe I'm over-compensating.
Should I get a food scale? I know I probably under-estimate what I'm eating, but I don't always eat back all of my exercise calories. Please can you help me change the direction on my scales?


  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Do you log all that tasting of the baking mix! Recheck, measure, etc. I suspect you are over you calorie allocation.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    Do you log the remnants of batter that you eat? :) Either only eat portions that are measurable, or find a way to measure the raw batter you eat in a measuring cup...
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Could be a number of things. If you're undereating your body could be holding on to that cookie dough when you go high. You're training for a marathon so you might just be gaining muscle mass. Could be water weight or bloating from hormones too.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    Did you measure yourself and did that show an increase in size as well?
    Because if you´ve been exercising more, you might gain a pound or so of muscle, too.
  • mottles
    mottles Posts: 12 Member
    You've got to be a Christchurch girl, me too!
  • cjmariani
    cjmariani Posts: 12
    What are you using to calculate the calories burned during exercise? I find the estimates on MFP to be high (sometimes very high) and if you are using the machines, forget it cause they are too high.

    Unless you are using a Heart Rate Monitor, you are probably over-estimating the calories burned, and it sounds like you are underestimating the calories in...not a good combo.

    Baked goods are VERY high in calories, what with all the flour, sugar and eggs. My wife is a baker of cakes and I often eat the "scraps" from shaving off the top of the cakes. Boy was I SHOCKED when I started adding that up. Didn't seem like much at first, until I started logging it here.

    Have you also taken into account water weight? Women's weight fluctuates big time during the month, water being the culprit there. I'm a guy, and I've had days/weeks where the scale told me I gained 5 lbs, and it turned out to be mostly water weight. The reverse has also been true.

    Finally, don't put too much "weight" on weight. How do you feel? How do you look? How to your pants fit? If those things are improving, your scale may be deceiving...

    Good luck and keep at it!!
  • danyelle67
    danyelle67 Posts: 115 Member
    Nita I hear ya....I workout 3x a week do zumba for 1hr 2x a week and now been doing MFP and staying under my calories and carbs and my clothes are tighter and the scale did not move!!!! Very frustrating I would love to lose this 15 lbs I put on in the last year. I am now 140lbs and never had a belly even after my 3 c-sections, I feel so round anymore and I have been trying so hard. Keep me posted how you make out...Hopefully we will see results soon!!!Take care, Danyelle
  • swrightqh
    be careful what you eat post run. Try greek yogurt, it's got extra protein and low in calories. Protein can help curb your hunger some. Remember, you are going to be hungry sometimes...a lot of the time with all the running. Just try and accept it! lol, easier said than done. I feel hungry a lot, but i try to eat little things to take the edge off.
  • danyelle67
    danyelle67 Posts: 115 Member
    I love Greek yogurt but I cant believe how many carbs are in it!!!! Do you have any other healthy snack ideas,? I'm always hungry too..
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Make sure you are logging EVERYTHING you eat. Every dab of ketchup, mustard, splash of creamer, dollop of sour cream, salad dressing...it all adds up and fast! Log in that batter you are eating too. Yes, you should measure your food. I have 2 sets of measuring cups, a set of measuring spoons, and a food scale in my kitchen. Everything that goes in my mouth gets measured. If I eat chips or crackers and a serving is 15 chips....I count them out. Also, if you aren't eating your exercise calories back and are netting below your suggested calorie amount your metabolism is going to slow down to conserve what you do eat. That in itself will slow or stop your losing. Try upping your calories. When I wasn't eating my exercise calories and I was netting less than1200 calories a day my weight loss stopped. Once I upped my calories to 1400 and started eating my exercise calories I lost 6 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Also, make sure you are getting enough water, watch your carbohydrates and sodium. Do you avoid the white foods like pasta, rice, refined sugar, flour, and white bread? Just some things that popped into my head. I hope maybe this gives you some ideas.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Thanks for the advice...I do think that the baking is a big part of the problem. I just have to stop baking!!

    No my pants feel tighter and it's all just making me feel pretty miserable and unhappy. Some of it could well be muscle, but I know it's more than that.

    I think in the US you have a much bigger range of greek yoghurt available, which is low in fat and high in protein. We're a lot more limited in terms of that availability here, most of the Greek yoghurt here is just the really rich creamy stuff.

    I think I need to become super strict and really log every single thing that goes into my mouth. Easier said than done. Maybe then I can start to actually feel like I'm starting to head in the right direction.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? Also could it be water weight..I gained 5 lbs in one day from eating to much chicken broth. Well if anything dont give up because I imagine that you are eating healthier and in the long run better for you. Get a scale and measure. Some underestimate but others over..good luck